Mr. A had a dream seeing himself going on honeymoon with Miss B. So Mr. A is convince Miss B is God’s mind for him but unknown to him Miss B wedding date has been secret set, to wed Mr. C.

Though Miss B loves Mr. C but no dream or vision to back her claim. While Mr. C love for Miss B was love on first sight. He sometimes has his doubt but something within him seem convince, he’s on the right path.

Miss D recently told the church counsellor her positive feelings for Mr. A but she’s still praying for direction on how to go about it. Upon findings, the church counsellor discovered Mr. A is waiting and hoping Miss B will changed her mind, having rejected his proposal.

All the four matured singles are in the same church.

Can all of these four singles be right?

If No, who is wrong?

– Coordinator.

Admin Response:

First, let’s start with the lessons from this web of romance.

1. It’s important every matured singles have a fair idea of how God speaks. I have spoken extensively on this, you can check the “Youth and Young Adult” category of 3pG website for a comprehensive read. If you want to learn or identify ways God speak (to you) please visit…

2. All ways stated in the discourse are viable means God leads His children.

**Dream like A saw about B.

**Strong feeling of love like B had for C.

**Inner conviction like C for B, and,

**Positive feelings like D had for A.

However, all methods can also be hijacked by self, demonic influence etc. So the need to prayerfully confirm and seek for third party involvement….like a counselor, pastors, matured believers etc.

Here, I commend the effort of D who got the church counsellor involved. Most singled today are like A, B and C who do things their ways. Even when they are in the right, the possibility of making foolish decisions is high.

None of these methods are error proof, so the need for prayers, comparing the validity of your means of being led with the Word…..that’s another problem. Only very few physically matured adults are matured with the Word and walk with the Holy Spirit.

3. Whichever way God is leading you, it must conform with the written Word and *God must have been leading you that way before. God don’t just start speaking to people because they want to marry, when he has not been speaking to them on other matters of life before.*

4. Please note that you are convinced God is leading you do not mean you will have an automatic Yes answer when you go to the other person you felt you are being led to.

5. Allow the other person to pray and get convinced as well. Please don’t push or cajole anyone to give you a Yes answer. Love is patience. Your future happiness depend on that patience.

6. If you get a No answer, please don’t panic, go back to God. And if you are like Mr. A… may prayerfully wait for Miss B but the day Miss B dowry is paid your waiting should end, go back to God, He has many beautiful “Miss” in His hands. He can reassign another to you.

Nobody is worth “killing” yourself emotionally for, because you are rejected despite prayer and fasting. If its God, you should have peace.

Now to the question, “Can all these four people be right?”

My answer is YES.

Also please note, all can also be wrong especially if Miss B and C are beautiful and in the choir or in some other obvious departments, not forgetting the fact that Mr. A and C may also have well paid jobs and obviously active in the church as well.

The way out: Get familiar with the Word and prayers as a way of walking with the Holy Spirit. And don’t ignore counselling.

7. Reads books and articles listen to audios and watch videos on relationships and on how God speaks to His children.

The 3pG website hand many others like it online can be of immense help aside Christian literatures available in bookshop. Attend seminar when you have the opportunity. When was the last time you visit a bookshop or attend a seminar on relationship?

8. Finally, in all the ways God leads, none of them is error free,  that’s why Mr C sometimes have his doubts. All married children of God went through that stage until they are fully assured God is in it. That is the point the advice of matured believers cant be overemphasized. Never walk through love matters secretly and all alone. You need men and women who are experienced to guide you through all the way.

If any other things, I will add to this as the Lord help me.

+23480392759..: But some minister do say once we miss someone God speak with us about that no other option.

Admin Response:

That’s human’s way of thinking.

God is NEVER exhausted of options, especially if the original miss is none of the person’s fault.

And even when the person is the reason for the miss, may be due to pride, confusion, lack of wisdom etc… that such has realized his/her error, prayer to God in repentance is expected, after which, with proper counselling, one can start all over again.

God is a Life Coach. Always have a reliable substitutes….the journey might be delay but the goal is still attainable with God, determination and wise counsels from matured and experienced children of God.

This discussion took place on the 22nd October 2022 on the WhatsApp page of the 3pG School for the Singles.