BY OLUMOFIN Kehinde Benjamin


I must state at this point again that spiritual gifts are for believers only. They are benefits of grace to as many who have experienced salvation from darkness and sin into the light and the grace of Jesus Christ. Spiritual gifts are not given to compensate our belief in one God, as the Only Potentate Ruler and Judge of the universe but are given in response to our faith and confidence in atoning Work of Jesus Christ on Calvary. Spiritual gifts are reward of faith to those who believes in the saving power of Jesus Christ. It is the death and resurrection of Jesus Chest that guaranteed for a believer the endowment of spiritual gifts. We are believers because we believe that Jesus is the Son of God.

Spiritual gifts are given to encourage the believer and allow for his spiritual growth. Spiritual growth is synonymous to walking with God, both are same thing. And the “walk with God” begins at salvation. It’s also the starting point for all meaningful spiritual growth. The more you walk with God, the deeper your relationship with Him and the more you grow in Him spiritually.  Working for God is not the same as walking with Him. It is walking with God that bring about spiritual growth, beginning with the experience of being born again. This experience is accompanied by spiritual gifts, so the believer can grow spiritually in his walk with God and also serves as his instruments of service as he journeys with God.

It is therefore important to know that spiritual gifts are given at salvation and for the purpose spiritual growth and as instrument for spiritual services. Last week we began explaining spiritual gifts with Word of Wisdom, 1 Corinthians 12:8. Being armed with this understanding, today we will be treating the Word of Knowledge as a spiritual gift, as mentioned in the same reference from first Corinthians. Then it is safe to ask, what is the Word of knowledge and how does it differ from word of wisdom and prophecy?


Knowledge is what one knows either by reading, or by experience or through formal and informal education and training. Knowledge are information you have and have retain for present and future used. Therefore, if knowledge is what you know, then Word of Knowledge are words (verbal pronouncements) of facts you know and are privy to because they are revealed to you by the Holy Spirit. Here is the major difference between the word of knowledge and the word of wisdom. Both are verbal expressions of revelation from the Holy Spirit, one is revelation or supernatural knowledge about situations and happenings that are contemporary, and it is called word of knowledge, while the other, is revelation or supernatural knowledge or understanding about the written Word, that is a supernatural insight and ability to explain scriptural truths and mysteries of the scriptures.

Literarily, knowledge are information gotten from different sources, but word of knowledge are true information about a particular situation gotten as a revelation from The Holy Ghost and verbally expressed for the benefit of the hearer (which may include the person speaking). A very good example is found in Matthew chapter 16, verses 15 to 17, Jesus asked the disciples “whom say ye that I am?” and Simon Peter answered Him, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Then said Jesus unto him, “flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee,” in other word, you didn’t get to know this by experience or training, “but my Father which is in heaven.” That was the word of knowledge in action, beneficial for the hearers, and for Peter, who was God mouthpiece at that moment.

Another example, was Jesus Christ speaking with the Samaritan woman at the Jacob’s well in John chapter 4, verses 5 to 42. She went home screaming “come, see a man which told me all things that ever I did”, Jesus revealed all those things to her by the word of knowledge. He said Peter will deny Him thrice before daybreak, having had a complete knowledge of facts of those situations as at the time He was speaking. Judas, was speaking in favor of the poor when the woman with the expensive oil pour same on the feet of Jesus Christ, the writer of that gospel account, then quickly added, by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, “This he (referring to Judas Iscariot) said, not that he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief” who is only interested in the purse he kept for personal selfish reasons (John 12:6). While confronting Gehazi, who for personal gains secretly met the healed Naaman who his master, Isaiah has let go without any financial cost on him or his nation, the prophet was able to revealed the details to Gehazi, by the Word of Knowledge (2 kings 5:21-27).

I was in a meeting lately where an officiating minister described the dream somebody had, and the person concerned responded and was prayed for. Such revelation are possible via the spiritual gift of the word of knowledge. No college or training can teach one on how to do that.  Just as Daniel was able to revealed the dream the king had forgotten and even interpreted the same. Word of knowledge reveal hidden and secret events. Samuel told Saul his father animals he was looking for has been found, even though the two men were far from the place where the event were taking place as at that time but Samuel was privy to the information via the gift of the word of knowledge. Word of knowledge, Word of Wisdom and Prophecy are interwoven and may look alike but each is distinctly different from the others, though all are from the same Holy Spirit.

Words of Wisdom reveals deep expository understanding of Bible truths when teaching a particular topic of the Bible. While words of knowledge reveals facts about a situation or circumstances affecting someone or the church, mostly during preaching or gospel related ministrations. While prophecy explain major events long before they happened. Words of wisdom explain Bible truths as it affect and useful for the NOW but word of knowledge reveal not only past events, like forgotten dream, or an unconfessed sin, it also can reveal an ongoing event, like Isaiah told Gehazi his acts and actions with the Syrian captain Naaman and can also be futuristic like Jesus foretold Peter he was to denied him. Prophetic gift is basically about future events.


It is very simple. Once you notice you are having certain information, fact of a case or situation, in your spirit while ministering (and sometimes through dreams) without anyone telling you of them before the time in particular. Then it is likely God is allowing you to minister through the gift of the word of knowledge. Word of knowledge will generally agreed with the Scripture, and for the benefit of the church and the hearer, but are not necessarily a revelation of scriptural truth. Like the gift of the word of wisdom, gift of the word of knowledge manifest mostly when preaching or getting involved in activities that promote the Kingdom of God on earth.  They are verbal ministering gifts, useful in personal and family devotion time and as well as during street or church services.

Please note that at the beginning, you might confused the gifts and even unsure if what you hear or see or feel is true and from the Holy Ghost but with don’t be discouraged, God is using your successes and failures to help you gather experience and trust in His leading. As you trust and obey, your experiences will help sharpened your spiritual senses and with regular used, you will better understand God’s leading and be a better vessel of honor for the Master’s use via the use of spiritual gifts of the word of knowledge, just as other spiritual gifts as well. 


Same as previously discussed under the spirit of wisdom.