A man’s destiny is built around what he knows. No one can do better than the information he has been wired with. Life itself is all made up of information. Moses knew he was not an Egyptian, despite being raised a Prince in Pharaohs palace – a potential heir to the throne of Egypt. He knew he was not just like other Hebrew men, who were content with garlic, onions and other belly privileges that their servanthood status gave them. Moses knew he was a Leader, a Deliverer-in-the-making and knew he must act like one. He knew this was true of him because his mother said soassuring him in the name of Yahweh, the God of their forerunner – Abraham.

The disciples “…believed the scripture, and the word which Jesus had said” (John 2:22) because His mother fed Him with the right information. Jesus Himself, though he felt his hour was not yet come, couldn’t resist the words of His mother, Mary – He turned water to wine. She only provided a simple piece of information that indicated to the Son His time was here, when she told the servants “Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it” – John 2:5

What have you been telling your children? Is there any information at their disposal about the greatness within them; and their position in God, by reason of your faith in Him? Do they know that each of them is the “Ark of God” and that they have no reason to live or walk in fear? Do they know that none of your children can be kidnapped; that no accident can happen to them; that no witch can hurt or kill them; that they are just too hot and too much to be touched by any unauthorized hand?

Tell them that Numbers 23:23 was written with them in the mind of God “Surely there is no enchantment against Jacob, neither is there any divination against Israel…” That Jesus never fell sick and there was no record that baby Samuel, David or even Joseph – despite his trials and experiences – fell sick. That it’s not Gods will that they fall sick and spend life depending on drugs or missing exams or classes, due to sickness. That, as the Ark of God, they are only permitted to grow in stature and in wisdom and favour before God and man. You still think that’s impossible? Then read this: And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man – Luke 2:52. And the child Samuel grew on, and was in favour both with the LORD, and also with men – 1Sam. 2:26

To think that was for Jesus and Samuel, and can’t work for your children, is not to believe the scriptures like the disciples did. Make this holiday a period of information that lasts – tell that child how precious he/she is and the need for he/she to align his/her life with Jesus. Tell them that they are the Ark of God, problems solvers and in them are giants greater than William Kumuyi; in them are mighty men far greater than Enoch Adeboye; that Kathryn Kulman was nothing when compared to the greatness locked up in each of them; and remind them that the world is waiting for their manifestation. For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God – Rom. 8:19

In them is the might of last time Generals. Generals lead, so they can’t afford to live like footmen – they are Jesus men and women. And you know what? They may never ever rise to their full potential, unless you see greatness in them and tell them what you see. Your child is an Ark of God… they aren’t ordinary. The world won’t wait forever – if yours refuse stepping into greatness, someone elses children will surely step in. Theres no vacuum in life – Esther 4:14

Just tell them who they are in Christ and leave the rest for God. Soon they will be what you said they are!

Happy Covenant of Words time with the children.

Olumofin, Kehinde Benjamin writes for Praying Parents Prayer Group Christian Ministry.