1. It is a special sacrificial fellowship Hour daily between you, the Covenant Carrier and God, the Covenant Keeper.
  2. Time and Venue are same everyday. Temporal change of venue may arise should one travel or out the vicinity of the original venue. Otherwise, it should be same time and same place daily. That’s where the real sacrifice is.
  3. Every Covenant Hour is a memorial before God just like the rainbow that reminds Him of His Covenant with Noah and Humanity and a reminder to you of an existing Covenant of Salt between you and God.
  4. It is an Hour you report very salient matters, worries and concerns about you, family, children and others to God with the assurance of being heard.
  5. Each Covenant Hour renew and sharpens the savour of the salt you are, the Hour emphasise the blessedness of the Covenant of Words and the blessings of God’s promises and faithfulness in you and upon you, and the importance of spreading same over others around you, especially over the lives and destinies of your children and their children’s children in a perpetual Covenant of Salt.
  6. It is not a family time, it is an individual time with God. Therefore, once time and venue are set, family members should be notify, and ask for their corporations in order to have zero distraction during the Hour.

Note: Kindly put in place measures to ensure zero distractions during Covenant Hour. Complete no to phone calls and texting etc.

  1. In each Covenant Hour, at least a chapter of the Bible should be read, and to be followed by Prayers and petitions. Preferably, pick any Bible book of choice, read a chapter a day and then to another book when you are through etc. It’s an excellent way to read the entire Bible in no distant time.


Individual preferences may varies but the following should be common to us all:

  1. Open with a short prayer and thanks to God for another privilege of a new Covenant Hour.
  2. Ask God speak to your spirit through His Word as you read the Bible chapter/chapters for the Hour. Since the Hour is a discourse between you and God, by right of preference, God should speak first which will be through the pages of the Bible.
  3. As you read, be sensitive in your spirit and take note of promises, instructions, prophecies, advice and warnings etc.
  4. Whatever God opens your eyes of understanding to in each reading can be jotted down, meditate on for future actions and should be pray on there and then or thereafter.

Note: Where the Lord open your eyes to any known and previously unknown sin, please ask for forgiveness and cleansing in the Blood of Jesus Christ and seek for opportunity to make amend

  1. Then with thanksgiving, all requests, and petitions should be presented in prayers as you have your turn to speak to God.

Note: It’s excellent to walk around, and talk loud enough for you to hear yourself while praying to avoid tiredness and lack of inner concentration.

  1. Always find ways of reminding God of His commitment to His Word and to the Covenant of Salt on matters affecting you and family as mentioned in No. 5 above.

Note: We are confident and assure of answers to prayers, and requests presented in the Covenant Hour and the perpetuity of the blessings in a Covenant of Salt if we do our part. And don’t forget to ask for strength and grace to pay your vow, if any, as well.

  1. Thank Him for His Presence and answers to prayers as you round off the session.

Note: If any other thing, we will communicate to everyone.

May God bless your Covenant Hour and uphold your feet as you stand up for you and all yours before the Throne of Mercy and Grace in Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Amen and Amen

  • Group Admin, 3pG.