This plant just like other plants started as a tiny seed, smaller than a mustard seed. It started as a burden, a concern for children, a lot of children are like sheep without a shepherd, though some may have all the gadgets and whatever children things that money can buy but many have been denied the greatest thing and the only thing they need most which is parental love and care. So many children roam the streets and are left at the mercy of destiny wreckers, confused and hopeless.

Even those in homes, many are left in the hands of minders and relatives who has nothing to lose and worst still, some are left to themselves by ever busy parents who in search for meaning to life are leaving behind children to cater for and look after children like themselves. So there was this burden for the children and for our tomorrow, who will carry on the baton when we are gone, who will light up the fire when we are weak and our eyes are dim, what will become of the gospel, when we can no more shout on the mountain top.

So this concern birthed the need to gather parents to wake up, watch and cry out for the life of their children. So was the call made and few understood the vision and ran with us, it wasn’t that easy at the beginning because those who first heard the call did not understand the vision, some walked away quietly while others try as much as lie in their power to frustrate the vision but we give God the glory, that little seed against all odds has grown and has become this plant you see today.

We are not yet that tree, but we bless the Lord that we are no longer that tiny seed and by the grace of God we will continue to grow and blossom to the glory and honour of Him who called us and God being on our side we will not derail from that mission and vision He has given us, we will as parents stand on our watches and cry for the life of every child God has given us and none by the mercies of God will miss out on what God has for them individually.

This is our pledge and it is our commitment, to raise a generation of children whose hearts will long after God and who will be able to raise another generation of obedient children after themselves as we keep the circle of faith in God and in Jesus Christ intact in us and in our generations.

We are indeed committed to helping parents take spiritual responsibility for the overall welfare of their children. God bless you and God bless 3pG.

Happy Covenant of Words and Happy Two Years Anniversary to us all.

Mrs Olumofin Comfort writes for Praying Parents Prayer Group Christian Ministry (3pG).