The Man and His Wife (Part 3)

The Man and His Wife (Part 3)

The Man and His Wife (Part 3)

When a family fails, the husband an children are the ultimate losers. How far is this true?

When a family structure collapses; the man (as the head) has failed in His headship, at the very least. When a ship goes down, the captain takes the blame/responsibility not the crew. The wife and children are crew members, while the man is the captain and the head of the family ship. If anything goes wrong, it is only fitting that he takes responsibility.

The buck stops on the CEO’s table, in any company. The man is the CEO of his family, and that’s why every other member of the family bears his name. When the first family railed against God’s provision and rule for the Garden that was their home, Adam was summoned to answer for the family mistake; though Eve was the original architect of the trouble, when she allowed the serpent to question the law guiding their tenancy in Eden.

For sure, if a family fails, the man will be accountable for questioning before God. On that premise, man just like Adam, is the final loser in every matter that troubles the family structure. And it seems God gave no room for excuses when Adam tried shifting blame onto Eve.

God gave him the Garden, He never handed it over to Eve; so Adam took the blame. God has not changed.

In the immediate term however, the wife suffers the loss of a head; and in return, the man is robbed of a glory only she by design can provide for him – 1Cor. 11:7.

And the children suffer more lasting damage in every failed marriage, than both parents. The children risk trading their destinies with the heat of discord that enveloped the family. Some major hallmarks of children from broken homes or unhappy marriages, is that they are never happy; are socially unbalanced; and are themselves potential misfits for future spouses.

There is more than the eye can see when a family fails. Its our job as men, to protect and keep our families strong in love and the Grace of God.

God will help us so to do in Jesus Name. Amen!

Olumofin, Kehinde Benjamin writes for Praying Parents Prayer Group Christian Ministry (3pG)