Supernatural Healing

Supernatural Healing


Good morning, Sir. Trust you & your family are well. I have a testimony to share.

Yesterday evening, I sprained my foot while i was out. I managed to walk home because it wasn’t too uncomfortable; but by the time i got home, the foot was much worse. I took painkillers and bandaged it, but it got worse even quicker. A few hours later, I couldn’t even put the foot down and could only move around by hopping on my other leg.

I honestly didn’t think much of it because i was confident that i just needed to rest it for a couple of days & it would be fine.

I joined the online prayers last night, for the first time in a few weeks. Immediately i stood up after the prayers, i noticed all the pain was gone. In fact, i walked away from my seat before I remembered how i hopped to the same seat in pain at 11pm.

It truly is a miracle of supernatural healing!! The most humbling part is that i never even asked God for healing. It’s a reminder that God is indeed mindful of me and that nothing is too trivial for Him. If He would heal me in this small matter that I didn’t even pray about, how much more will He do for me all the things i’m asking Him for that I cannot do for myself.

Please join me in praising & thanking God!!


Hallelujah! Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!!! God be praise forever. Amen and Amen.

This testimony is covered by the Blood of Jesus Christ in Jesus Name. Amen and Amen. Thanks for sharing ma. God bless you. Amen!