Sunday Church Ethics for Children

Sunday Church Ethics for Children

Sunday Church Ethics for Children

I have noticed that many children come to church, but a lot of them are untrained about how to conduct themselves in church; so they keep running around the whole place from the moment they enter until closing time.

Many can hardly sit down for 5 minutes without talking, running around and even fighting. That they are children is no excuse: Samuel, Jesus etc were children too, and they had records of good behavior in the Temple.

No child in 3pG should be guilty of these any longer. Let us teach our children that:

  1. Church is not a playground. Don’t run around in church, even if others are doing it.
  2. Always remember to carry your Bible and children’s lesson guide to church. If they don’t have any of these, please buy for them.
  3. No room for quarrelling and fighting in church.
  4. Church is sacred – it’s God’s house and should be treated as such.
  5. Go early to church with them. Habitual lateness to church is ungodly. Lead by example.
  6. Never tear or manhandle your Bible – it’s Jesus Book. Don’t write or draw jargon in it. Many children treat their Bibles carelessly, like trash.
  7. Preteens, teenagers and young adults should be taught that chatting, checking social media, playing games etc during sermons, is rebellion in style.
  8. Don’t come home with other people’s pencils, pens, writing pads, Sunday school lesson booklets, or even Bibles – It is stealing. That’s how thieving politicians grew up not knowing the difference between private and public bank accounts.
  9. Parents can help add to this list as well.

God bless all children in 3pG.

Olumofin Kehinde Benjamin writes for Praying Parents Prayer Group Christian Ministry (3pG).

1 thought on “Sunday Church Ethics for Children

    • Author gravatar

      Parents really need to teach their children these ethics. All you said is true. Some children come to church and don’t benefit anything from church. Thank you sir for this insight. More grace sir.

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