By OLUMOFIN Kehinde Benjamin

1 Corinthians  12:10 To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:

We have been studying the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which we have on many occasions refered to as welcoming rewards for believing in the Lord Jesus Christ. They are instruments of office for effective service in the Kingdom for everyone that believe. We are saved to worship God and we are saved to serve.

God did not save us from sins and redeem us from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of His dear Son, Jesus Christ, so we can stay idle and indolent but we are saved to serve God and to serve His people. Therefore, to make for an effective and efficient service, God gave every comer into His Kingdom gifts and spiritual endowments to help with the assignment he has given everyone of us.

No one in the Kingdom is without a gift, we have all been differently endowed by the Spirit of Christ, so we may complement each other and be a blessing to each other by the gifts we have all been individually blessed with. This is true about all spiritual endowments, including the focus of our study today, which is, the spiritual gift of speaking in divers (different) kind of tongues.

Spiritual gifts are works of the Spirit of Christ in a believer’s life. All believers in Jesus Christ are given His Holy Spirit. “And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues” – Marks 16:17 (speaking in tongue is for believers, ,”them that believe” Jesus said).


Speaking in tongues simply mean, a God given ability through the help of the Holy Spirit to speak in a language previously not understood nor learnt by a believer. It is a gift of grace.

“And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance” – Acts 2:4.

Speaking in tongues can come in two forms, and in two types, depending on the utterance the Holy Spirit is granting those involved per time. All are gifts of the Spirit and no one should boast above another in whichever way he/she is blessed with the gift of speaking in tongue. The Giver is God, and has nothing to do with whatever quality the vessel is endowed with or not. Speaking in tongues is not the only evidence of the infilling of the Holy Ghost in a vessel of clay, all spiritual gifts are signs of His Presence in us. Though gifts do not guarantee God’s Presence in a life, there are many false gifts out there, but being filled with God’s Spirit will bring spiritual gifts into one’s life.


The two forms of speaking in tongue is either the person speaking is speaking in the:

  1. Tongue of Angels (there is only one language of angel) or in the
  2. Tongues of Men (plural ‘tongues’ because there are many languages spoken by men on earth).

It is possible for one person to speak with both tongue of angels and tongues of men.

“Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal” – 1 Corinthians 13:1.

“For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries” – 1 Corinthians 14:2, here the speaker obviously speak only in tongue of angels.

Now, the two TYPES OF TONGUES: it mostly affect the number 2 above, which is the tongues of men. Speaking in tongue can be:

a. Monolingual Tongue Speaking: speaking in tongue in one language alone, out of the many human languages on earth. Say for example, someone who previously never understood nor learnt French as a language can suddenly begin to pray or speak in that language under the influence of the Holy Spirit. Please NOT monotone, repeating one sound or syllable over and over again. Speaking in tongue is speaking a foreign language (heaven or earth) you have never learnt before.

“And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance” – Acts 2:4

“Cretes and Arabians, we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God” – Acts 2:11 (here they were heard individually speaking in specific foreign language they have previously not learnt, Cretes and Arabians languages).

Whenever someone speaks in tongue, it is either the person is speaking in tongues of angels or the person is speaking in one human language previously unlearnt. It’s either of these two, the other possibility is speaking in the language of demons. Its a form of tongue too, but inspired by the spirit of devils, that may be disguising as the angel of light. That’s why one must be sure before committing oneself to tongue speaking or “speaking in spirit” as some will call it. Not all speaking in spirit is from God.

b. Multilingual Tongues Speaking: this is a situation where a believer is blessed with ability to speak in tongue in more than one language, either a combination of heavenly language with another earthly language previously unlearnt or he or she speaks in tongue in more than one earthly language, by the help of the Holy Spirit, for the edification of the believer and to bless the church, where an interpreter is available. Otherwise, only the speaker is edified and should not border the church so much about his “special skill” in foreign languages if there are no interpreters.

“He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself; but he that prophesieth edifieth the church” – 1 Corinthians 14:4.

“Now, brethren, if I come unto you speaking with tongues, what shall I profit you, except I shall speak to you either by revelation, or by knowledge, or by prophesying, or by doctrine?” – 1 Corinthians 14:6.

“Wherefore let him that speaketh in an unknown tongue pray that he may interpret” – 1 Corinthians 14:13.  

Note: Please read the entire 1 Corinthians 14 for broader understanding in your spare moment.

The mystery of speaking in tongues is that you are speaking someone’s else language you have previously not learnt, to confuse terrestrial spirits around you. Demons don’t understand all languages, except languages of environment where they must have previously operated. So God can allow you speak in tongue to confuse evil spirits around you with languages they are not familiar with in order not to understand what you say in prayers.


i. For personal edification. 1 Corinthians 14:4.

ii. To speak to God. 1 Corinthians 14:2

iii. To confuse other listeners, demons or humans, especially when God don’t want other people to understand what you are saying to Him in prayer as His Spirit gives utterances during prayers. 1 Corinthians 14:2

iv. To utter spiritual mysteries in the spirit as God wills – 1 Corinthians 14:2

v. It’s an assurance of faith, since it’s only for “them that believe”. Mark 16:17.

Any tongue speaking that’s not inspired of God is out of selfish desire and or demonic possession. Not all tongues speaking are of God.

Note: When to speak in tongue and how to do so are all by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, as He gives utterance.


This is where speaking in tongue by the Spirit of Christ differs from speaking in known languages. Speaking in tongues, even when other earthly languages, previously unlearnt nor understood, are involved, they are instantaneous as the Spirit gives the ability and the grace and in languages never learnt nor understood by the speaker, unless someone from that language or who understands the language is present to interpret or someone with the gifts of interpretation of tongues is present.

You CANNOT learn how to speak in tongue, it is the work of the Holy Spirit. It is the gift of the Spirit of Christ upon “them that believe”. This gift, like many others, can be faked. There are many counterfeit tongues out there from hell. Many are speaking the languages of devils and think they are speaking in tongues. Please test the spirit and hold on to that which is true. It’s always good to determine what sort of spirits you are dealing with personally or in the lives of others.

“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world” – 1 John 4:1.

“Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit” – 1 John 4:13.



A. by the fruit of the words of the mouth (the manner of speaking, use of slangs and terms, especially foreign words, that are strange to the Spirit of the Bible). The words of our mouth is a pointer to the kind of spirits within us. Matthew 7:16, 20.

B. by the fruit of their lives and lifestyles (especially practices and lifestyles that are foreign to the Spirit of Grace are evidences God is not involved). 1 John 4:1; Luke 6:44.

C. by their doctrines and spiritual practices and rituals he/she allows, especially where such practices are diverting comers attentions from the Person of Christ, and tend to nullify the cardinal roles His Name, His blood and Sacrifice on Calvary played in the salvation of the world. Galatians 1:6-8.

D. if in doubt, despite all the mentioned points above, please be neutral until you are done with your findings. Don’t get carried away by tongues, as there are real, so are many fake tongues. 1 Thessalonians 5:21.

E. Spirit of Christ will not make you lose the use of your senses and knock you out of consciousness, roll on the floor and give you wounds just to use you. Such manifestations and their types are consistent with devil’s possessions.

Note: if you are not speaking in tongue yet, it does not mean you are not having the Spirit of Christ in you, and it does not mean you have not believed in Him for salvation. It only means you may have been differently endowed with other gifts of the Holy Spirit. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you are not empty of spiritual gift, speaking in divers tongues is just one out of many. As long as you are productive and useful in the Kingdom, God is satisfied. And if we all speak in tongue, God is further glorified as well. It’s a gift we all need, so why Don’t you ask God to bless you with this special gift of speaking in divers tongues, today?

Questions and Answers

Mrs Maria:
Sir, please help to explain more. Is there a difference between the tongues a believer speaks as a result of the fullness/baptism of the Holy Spirit and the gift of divers tongues.

My Response:
No difference ma, except in the form it manifest from one believer to the other. Some speak in tongue of angels, while another in tongues of men (that’s a human language, though previously unknown nor learnt by the one speaking) and to some other believers, both can manifest all at once, as it pleases the Spirit of Christ and He gives the utterance.

Speaking in tongues, at the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and Divers kinds of tongues, are both gifts of the Holy Spirit. None is the making of the person speaking nor the church or fellowship he/she belongs. Occasions might differ but it’s the same Spirit.

Mrs Maria:
I thought that every christian should desire the baptism of the Holy Spirit and consequently speaking in tongues as Christ promised but not all christians will be given the gift of divers tongues for ministry

My Response:
You are correct ma.

I must also say, as true as that is too, all Christian may also not speak in tongue, even if they so desires. Ours is to prayerfully desire and ask, but the giving and the expression is purely divine.

And for those who haven’t spoken in tongue, though they are praying for it, be assure God is at it, and that you don’t speak in tongue yet, does not make you less a Christian and does not mean God is not answering your prayers, as long as you keep purity of life and trust in God.

And for those who are already blessed with the grace to speak in tongue, that God has so blessed you does not make you a better believer than those who are still trusting. It’s God that gives, so no man should boast more than necessary.

Either one speak in tongue or not, neither guarantees heaven, it’s just a gift, like any other, to help in the journey to heaven. The only condition to making heaven is FAITH in Jesus Christ, and that cannot be faked. Any other thing we enjoy as gifts are privileges of grace.

Your effectiveness and efficiency in the walk and in the work of faith is what God will look at. Many people don’t speak in tongue, yet abide profitable to God and the business of winning souls than many who “speak in tongue” so called. Whatever gifts one is blessed with, so long effectiveness and efficiency in the Kingdom business is not profitably affected, God is not glorified. So, at the long last, it’s not the gifts that will matter, but what we have done with it. Speaking in tongues is a promise of God for all believers, and not just the speaking but the power also, and none should be contented till all the promises are fulfilled, to the praise of God and the profit of the Kingdom of God.

This lecture was originally delivered on the 3pG Christian Ministry Telegram page Live Chat with OLUMOFIN Kehinde Benjamin on 23rd June 2023.