Jesus Christ was rich in the glories of heaven and in the knowledge of His Father. He came and dwell admit and eat with deprave (poor) men. Material richness might be an added advantage but it was never a problem before the coming and death of Jesus. Before Him many were many rich men and women, likewise there were many rich in His time and after Him: Zacheus, Gamaliel, Eunuch of Ethiopia, Physician Luke, Saul of Thasus, Madam Dorcas, Cornelius, Aquila and Priscilla etc are examples of men and women that are financially stable before they met Jesus.

If the death of Jesus was a ticket to being rich all the disciples would have died as millionaires, and we cannot claim we understand the scripture and its application more than them.

God do bless His people with material blessings, there’s no doubt about that but Christ came for one and singular reason, to redeem man to God (Matt. 1:21) that man might be rich in God.

Telling people that salvation brings riches and wealth once in Christ is never the whole truth. That was never the gospel many forerunners like Peter, Paul, James , or Jesus Himself paid the ultimate sacrifice for. Their Kingdom was never here, making millions and dying rich was never there song. Jesus crucifixion, death, burial, and resurrection were their central theme.

Today’s church cannot and should not claim to know better than them. Men need no saviour to be rich but men sure need a Saviour to be save from sin. It’s time we start refusing prosperity sermons that creates super rich men with water tight security details and super poor followers who keep believing tomorrow will be better… if only they can give more.