Queen Athaliah is a relatively unknown name among many Christians, she’s hardly discussed, yet her wickedness was hardly matched by any king of Judah, the Southern kingdom of Israel. She was the daughter of Ahab and Jezebel, and the only woman to ever sit on the throne of David and rule over Judah. Many will be surprised that Jezebel had children, she did. Wickedness has a way of leaving ungodly seeds behind and Athaliah was one of them. Ahab and Jezebel ruled the upper kingdom with iron fists. As at the time Jehoshaphat, a righteous king began to reign in Judah and to strengthen his kingdom, possibly to avert war with the wicked number one family of the upper kingdom, he married his son to Athaliah the daughter of Israel’s demon possessed queen, Jezebel. Once believing parents for whatever reason allow their children to marry from families where Jesus is hated, the future of the Christian faith in that lineage is already being compromised, but much prayers might help where the error is discovered early and if they do not go to bed on soft pillows.


Many things looked ordinary on the physical but nothing is without significance in the spiritual. No relationship happens by accident, there is always an influence behind every action of man, and that depends on the spirit we are committed to obeying and to whose instructions and life manual we are dedicated to. The devil can be very patient sometimes, he can influence a move and move back, giving the victim a false sense of being in charge and in 20, 50, or 100 years’ time come back and harvest the reward of a seed he once planted when the original victims have gone or are too weak to make amends. It all began with an unequal yoke in marriage of King Ahab and a Zidonian princess Jezebel, who ruled Israel’s Northern kingdom. When the devil inspired that marriage, his focus was not originally the new couple but he was calculating ahead and planning a major blow on the southern kingdom of Judah, where his influence had been curtailed greatly in true Temple worship.

Shortly after Jezebel was married to Ahab, idolatry became the norm in their domain. The marriage between king Jehoram, the son of Jehoshaphat and Athaliah the daughter of Jezebel, was the devil’s grand design to introduce idolatry to Judah and to pollute the promised Seed of the Woman. Athaliah was to Judah what Jezebel was to the Northern kingdom. God told Eve after the fall, that the Seed of the Woman shall bruise the head of the serpent, he knew God meant what He said He will do and that nothing can avert its fulfillment. The devil knew that he cannot stop the Promise from being fulfilled but he won’t stop at anything to pollute it. And that’s where Athaliah came into his plan. Athaliah was the polluted seed from Jezebel that was planted into the lineage of David through her marriage to Jehoram the king who sat on the throne of David.

Genesis 3:15; Galatians 4:4

God saw ahead of the devil, and He being the Only Wise God, gave the enemy an eternal surprise. In the account of Saint Matthew, Jesus’ genealogy as a political Son of David with physical right to the throne of David was traced through Joseph, “Jesus being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph” (Luke 3:23). In Matthew’s account, Jesus being the son of Joseph and political/physical heir to the throne of David was traced through Kings of Judah, and obviously this includes the marriage of Jehoram and Athaliah the daughter of Jezebel. If this was all there is about Jesus Christ, he would have had no spiritual right to bruise the head of the serpent as promised because of the pollution of Jezebel, who was inspired by the spirit of that Wicked Woman, an arch enemy of God. If that pollution had had effect, the Coming of the Messiah would have been of no use, we will all have remained in our sins, unforgiving and doomed. But praise God that was never the case.  Amen!

Jesus was not the biological son of Joseph, and obviously not the political and physical heir of David’s throne, the account of Matthew was written as supposed Joseph being His physical father, but Jesus was the promised Seed of the Woman (Gen. 3:15), there was nothing Adamic in Him, He was no seed of the man, no male contribution in His makeup, He was Virgin born through the Power of the Holy Ghost (Matt. 1:20). The question now is, where and how did He now become the Son of David, the Promised Messiah and Heir (spiritual and not physical heir) of David’s throne? The Bible gave us an answer that bastardized the plan of hell and gave Jesus’ line through King David the purity required for His Messiahship and forever, there was nothing of Jezebel, that wicked woman in Jesus Christ the Son of God. Amen!

The political lineage of David was traced down to Jesus through David, then king Solomon and all the kings of Judah (Jehoram and Athaliah inclusive) to Joseph the supposed father of Jesus Christ, but the Seed of the Woman is the Promised Messiah, being the Son of David and Eternal Heir to the Throne of Grace and Mercy (2 Samuel 7:16) which the physical throne of David represents among the people of God, being originally the physical representation of the Throne of God among men (1 Chronicles 29:23).

The lineage of Jesus Christ that began with Him and back to His mother, the Woman whose Seed He was, and back to the throne of David through Nathan the son of David (Luke 3:31-32), the elder brother of Solomon (who had nothing to do with the physical throne (1 Chronicles 3:5). Solomon was preferred by his father to succeed him as King, according to the will of God and in fulfillment of his bedroom promise to Bathsheba, his beloved wife (1 kings 1:17, 30). And God being Omniscient, knowing that at some point, the throne line will be polluted by the enemy, kept His Eternal plan and promise of an Eternal Heir to the throne of David through the Seed of the Woman, off the lineage of Solomon as recorded by Matthew (Matthew  1:6-7) and instead kept His Promise through the lineage of Nathan the Son of David (Luke 3:31-32).

Jesus as the Messiah did not come through the kingdom line of Solomon, who himself had a backlog of issues with women, and in other pollution down the line, including that of Jezebel in Jehoram and Athaliah the daughter of Jezebel but Jesus was manifested through the lineage of Nathan, David’s seventh Son, and the fourth with Bathsheba, without pollution, that He might have the moral right to destroy the works of the Devil (John 14:30; 1 John 3:8). The plan of the enemy to pollute the Seed of the Woman through Jezebel and Athaliah, Bible foremost wicked queens became null and void in Jesus Christ. Praise God forever. Hallelujah! Amen!


Athaliah was the Jezebel in the kingdom of Judah as her mother was to the upper kingdom. Her wickedness and idolatry was without parallel in Judah. She was on record the only queen and ruler of Judah who killed all her own grandchildren and everyone related to the throne by blood to further her political ambitions, her end was equally tragic like that of her mother before her. Jezebel was a bad example to her daughter, and the daughter too was a murderer and a bad example to mothers of all ages.  Young men and women must be very careful in their choice of marriage partner. Ahab and Jehoram got it all wrong despite their Jewish background, they prioritized political and social security ahead of spiritual compatibility and forfeited divine guidance. The results outweighed the gains, and the errors created by the women was all too much for them to correct in a lifetime.

Athaliah was exact replica of her wicked mother – JEZEBEL

There is more to beauty and sexual appeal. Christian marriages should never be based on physical appeal, sexual benefit, political and social security etc. alone, divine help and guidance must always be at the forefront of all considerations. Whoever we chose to marry, and whatever appeals to us will eventually have a say who our children and families will turn out to be. Sexual appeal and beauty without spirituality and deep inner thirst for God is a disaster in the making, and a convenient path to spiritual slavery and a lifetime of emotional and physical discomfort every heaven minded sons/daughters of God should stay very clear of. Whenever and wherever social, financial and or political benefits crosses path with spiritual responsibility/compatibility and service to God, the need to take sides with God can never be overemphasized, and where there is confusion, the help of seasoned counselors should be sought for, timely and in the spirit of humility and obedience. The pollution that accompany a wrong alliance in marriage always outlive the original couple, their children and children’s children often have their part kept for them.

May God speak more to your hearts on this in Jesus Christ Name. Amen.

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