The simple definition of prayer is talking to God. We talk to God, He talks back to us. God never fails and nothing is too hard or impossible with God (Luke 1:37, Jeremiah 32:17, 27). Therefore there is nothing too hard or impossible to receive in prayer. I have often heard people say “when prayer fails try praise or thanksgiving” but the Bible makes me understand through the writing of apostle Paul in Philippians 4:6 that – “Be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known unto God” – meaning your prayer is incomplete without thanksgiving.

Also in Luke 18:1- the Lord Jesus Christ Himself said men aught always to pray and not to faint and gave a parable to that effect that even when it seems our prayer is not answered we should continue to pray and not give up, Jesus never suggested praise (because praise is a component of prayer). People often quote the example in the old testament of King Jehoshaphat who went to war with Singers in 2nd Chronicles 20 and recorded great victory but what they forget is that King Jehoshaphat first prayed in the early verses of 2nd Chronicles 20, verses 3 to 13, King Jehoshaphat called for a nationwide fast and seeking of the Lord, before God answered in verse 15 downwards.

What we don’t understand is, since God cannot fail, prayer too cannot fail. Prayer can only be delayed as in the case of Daniel in Daniel 10:13; prayer also might not be heard when we sin and so is our praise and thanksgiving because the prayer or praise or thanksgiving of a sinner is an abomination unto God. Proverbs 15:8; Isaiah 59:1, 2. We also need to understand how God answers prayer, He answers YES, WAIT and NO as it pleases Him, but that does not mean prayer fails.

Prayer is humans only means of talking to God, when it begins to fail, then man’s relationship with God has began to fail. We often put this in song even without we knowing we are upholding the efficacy and infallibility of prayer when we sing “Jesus started with prayer and ended in prayer, prayer is the master key,” If there was the possibility of prayer ever failing, then it wouldn’t have been the most singular factor in the earthly ministry of the Son of God and same for those who took over from him. I think prayer do fail because we failed, for His ears are not heavy He cannot hear us nor His hands too short He can’t deliver but our sins, not Him and not prayer as an act, is the barrier that keeps our voices away in the darkness of unanswered prayers.

Never hesitate to pray and never stop to pray. It’s your only God ordained channel to get heard and to reach out to Heaven for help in times of need. If you pray, you will have answer, for He that “asketh receiveth” and where this is not so, it’s either God is saying Wait or He’s saying No. If it’s the former, patiently wait for it, the answers will come and if it’s the later, it is a call for self-retrospection. That it is a No today, will never eliminate the possibility of a Yes tomorrow if we do what’s right and seek God’s face betimes. God bless your understanding in Jesus name, Amen. Please start praying and don’t forget to add praise with thanksgiving. Amen and Amen.