Power to Conceive and to plant that which has been conceived.

Power to Conceive and to plant that which has been conceived.

POWER TO BRING FORTH AND TO BRING ALIVE – 3pG Christian Ministry September 2022 Big Event Day 1.

Day 1 Topic: Power to Conceive and to plant that which has been conceived.

James  1:17 Every good gift (thought, idea, counsel, wisdom etc) and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

Once upon a point, in a timeless past, Yahweh, the Eternal God conceive an idea, He said, “Let there be light”….and you know what? There was light.

Joseph had a dream and had another again, and another again and he shared them with his brethren, and with his father but Jacob kept them in his heart, constantly meditating on them. And you know what, “they came to pass”. The 11 sheaths of wheat (11 brothers), the sun and the moon (the Egyptians sun and moon gods) bowed to Joseph all his days in Egypt.

There came a day, King David, conceived the idea of a Temple, the most noble idea, ever graced the mind of Man. For a man to replicate the exact replica of God’s Home on earth. That was not a small thing. Second to it is the airplane, the almost flawless invention ever made by man, second only to the building of Solomon Temple. All of these started with a thought, an idea in the mind of the originators.

Solomon wanted to do something different, not something new, but something different, his father David, days before he made his son, Solomon king, he “offered burnt offerings unto the LORD, even a thousand bullocks, a thousand rams, and a thousand lambs, with their drink offerings…” (1 Chronicles  29:21).

But solomon few days after his father’s demised, offered a thousand burnt offerings, one-third of what his father offered and got a better result. David offered on a convenient altar, which he had made in Jerusalem, his new headquarters but Solomon offered his thousand upon the Brazen Altar, which Bazaleel, the grandson of Hur built. A most noble assignment ever done by a 13 years old. By so doing he set a mark on 13 as a number a boy enters into man-hood.

A sacrifice made on a convenient altar, birth a convenient result, solomon won’t have anything to do with that, but those conceived and are made on the true altar of Grace, will produce eternal reward.

Solomon was rewarded with wisdom above mortals, kings and laymen, just because he had an idea once abandoned, even by a man after God’s heart, his father, David. The power of conception is a great one. You don’t have to conceive something new, it can just be something differently done.

Peter conceived the idea he can walk on the water, if only he asked the Lord. He did, and you know what? He walk on water like none among his equals.

I remember the day I was wondering, what can I do to make a different. Then the thought of a Praying Parents Prayer Group crossed my mind, its still maturing, but the power of conception birth what we are seeing today. What you don’t conceive can never be. Everything that is, came to be because they were conceived at some point and all that will be must also be conceived.

No one can conceive and receive a great idea, a noble assignment, unless he has been given. The power to conceive is of God – James 1:17. Nothing of man is ever extraordinary. A thoight will remain ordinary until divinity breathe on it.

If a thought, an idea, any seed of importance will germinate and grow, then God must be in it. Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that built it.

Have you ever any new and noble idea? Are your thoughts ever inspiring? Are your seeds, every great idea is a seed. Are they germinating or dying after conception? Noble ideas don’t ever come unchallenged. There will always be a thousand and one reason why it won’t work, why you should not plant it, but when planted, it is bound to flourish. Whatever it is, in it is the power to self germinate, once given a fertile soil to grow and prosper.


Don’t give room to evil thoughts, either on a health condition or on an unwanted pattern, whatever it is, a bad thought can be self fulfilled if not negated and discarded betimes. That is why you have to be careful of what you see, what you hear and what you say. The first two are windows to your thoughts and the last one affirms and translate your thoughts to actions.

You are what you think and what you think are what you say, and what you say are what God will do (Numbers 14:28).