The Man and His Wife (Part 8)

The Man and His Wife (Part 8) Aquila and Priscilla were about the closest couple in all of Scripture. They were so knitted together that each of them was rarely mentioned without the other. They were a biblical example of friendship in marriage. Much was not said about their children, but we can imagine that they must have been happy. […]

This Man and His Wife (Part 7)

The Man and His Wife (Part 7) SPIRITUALITY IN HOME LEADERSHIP Men are supposed to be the spiritual head of the family. It takes a physically mature man to provide physical, fatherly leadership at home – babies can’t raise or lead babies. So it is in spiritual matters – babies can’t provide spiritual covering and spiritual leadership at home. What […]

If Not For The Bible

IF NOT FOR THE BIBLE If not for the Bible our lives would have been in a perpetual mess. The Bible shows God to us, gave us His love, revealed His Promises and the Holy Spirit has been our Guide through its pages. Without the Bible and the Holy Spirit there wouldn’t be anything like Praying Parents because there would […]

Carnival of Worship

Let me share this with you! A family where the center seem not to be holding, just over the weekend God intervene in ways that only Him can after series of counselling and prayers. Here is how the wife expresses her joy when God gave her her family back. Please read and help me thank God for her. To Him […]

Heart of Gratitude

A friend who is on this Group, living in the UK has been trying to get something done for the past 6 years, spend around £3000 already (that’s huge) with no result. With her family we agreed on it in prayer this time, just last Thursday she had the last test and it was a resounding success. According to her, […]