1. Can Today’s Women (Moms) make a positive difference in the lives of tomorrow’s Men (Husbands) and vice versa?
  2. And how can this be achieved?

Please be free to contribute.

  • Group Admin, 3pG.


I strongly believe today’s women (wives, mothers) are in pole positions to positively affect the lives of future men (future husbands and fathers) for God and for the good of future wives and for the general good of the society.

This is also true for the men, good fathers of today in raising great wives for future husbands. However, the women folk, especially godly women have so much roles to play in making future husbands and wives. But for today, our focus is more on women helping to raise great and godly husbands for future wives and men doing same for their daughters likewise.

Aside prayers and training in righteousness which are very important in raising wonderful children with balanced characters and lifestyles, it must be emphasize again that no serious achievement can be attained without DELIBERATE and INTENTIONAL parenting.

Boys grow up to be the copied versions (with some little variations) of the adult male they lived with, especially their fathers and in like manner, girls will grow to be like the adults female, especially their mothers they had lived with. This speak something of values to us.

First, instead of pretending we are the only one that sees and notices the “poor amd faults” ridden parental upbringing in our spouses, which formed the basis of the lives they are living now, which also are the reasons for our many complains and troubles we wished are never present in our marriages. So instead of the constant and regular complains, that had not really helped, we must come to term with the fact that our children too are seeing the anomalies in our spouses and are exposed to them and most likely they are going to pick these habits and shape their own lives in like manner.

As praying parents, mothers in particular, you want to succeed where the mother of your husband failed. You have noticed the faults in him and how badly it had affected your marriage to him and you will like to make sure same behavior or lifestyles are not replicated in your boys. It is your desire that future daughters in law will not go through same troubles you went through, just by doing a better job in raising good and godly future husbands in your own sons than the ‘gift’ your mother in law gave you as husband. This same principle is true for men who will like to do better jobs in raising great future wives than their fathers in law did in the women they are married to.

This take INTENTIONAL and DELIBERATE parenting decisions.

Secondly, once this determination is set, then put in plans on how you will merge prayers, training in righteousness and godly parenting examples with actions. Its not enough to see the faults in our spouses, its more important to put in place plans on how these faults will not be repeated in our boys (future husbands) and in our girls (future wives).

If we do what is right, future daughters or sons in law will call us BLESSED for the gifts our children will be in their lives, but if otherwise, I know we won’t like to be on the growing list of fathers/mothers in law who are secretly being cursed in the heart of wives and husbands they have gifted their poorly raised adults males and females. God forbid.

It is possible to raise better adults than the one we are hooked to in marriages if we put our minds to it, as illustrated in the picture in our discourse. The grace is available, if our hearts are set on it. Don’t just complain, turn your complains to work and raise better men and women for future sons and daughters in law. START NOW.

  • Group Admin, 3pG.