Life is govern by laws. If we fulfil the conditions for one then we eat of its fruits while those whose conditions are unmet we also do not enjoy the fruits therein. For example, ask it shall be given to you, seek and you shall find. That is a law. You don’t get when you don’t ask and you may not find when you don’t search for it.

“Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion.” (Isaiah 8:18)

Sometimes, though we believe the words of this scripture but something in us do not agree with them. So they don’t work for us.

When you belief and you agree with a certain truth of God’s word, it will affect your DECISION , your CONDUCT and your WORDS. Whatever truth of the Bible you believe in but did not affect these 3 areas of your life, mean you are not in full agreement with that particular truth, even though you have believe it.

Its not enough to believe, it is important to agree with the truth you say you believe, even the devil believe, just that he is never in agreement with the truth (James 2:19). If you agree with a truth, you will behave it because it is affecting your conduct, you will act on it, because it is affecting your decisions, you will say it and declare it, even when situations say otherwise, because it is affecting your words.

When these 3 conditions are true, there will be peace in your heart and when there is peace, things will fall in their rightful place. God cannot work in a heart full of rancour and chaos. Its is a natural law of the spirit.

If indeed you believe you are a wonderment of God, then agree with it. You will be known by the fruit of your beliefs, which are always obvious in the 3 areas mentioned. Angels and Demons have no respect for beliefs that do not affect the CONDUCT, the DECISIONS (actions) and the WORDS of those who profess they have them.

I believe and I agree with God’s provisions that “I’m God’s Wonderment.” Whatever the truth you belief in that does not changed your behavior (conduct), and your actions (decisions) and your words (manner of talking) CANNOT receive the respect of God. It is a spiritual law.

I believe and I agree with God on who and what He says I and my children are. His thoughts for me are wonderment. If this is true, then bring forth fruits in like manner.

  • Group Admin, 3pG..