Lesson from a Mother-in-law recipe

Lesson from a Mother-in-law recipe

Lesson from a Mother-in-law recipe

Few years ago, my mother in law taught me how to cook okra soup in Delta style. Over the years, I perfected the soup after several attempts, as there was not a specific recipe in terms of quantities of the ingredients. Recently, my mother-in-law visited and I prepared the soup for her, she was quite impressed with how I made it and requested for the soup two days in a row. She stated that I have learnt how to cook the soup even better than herself.

After my mother-in-law left, the Lord used the above story to illustrate His will and purpose for my children. God’s desire is that the children and young people in our care should be better than us- in righteous living, home making, obedience, prayers, good works, service, career etc. This is one of the ways we can bear fruit and that our fruit can remain according to John 15:16. When our wards go on to love the Lord and also extend godly parenting to future generations yet unborn.

If we desire this as mothers and mentors, we must be intentional in our actions. First in laying good examples for our children and young people, “not a do as I say but rather do as I do” just like Apostle Paul wrote in 1Cor 11:-1 Follow me as I follow Christ.

Being intentional in our actions also mean explaining to our children (according to their age, maturity and understanding) why we are doing things the way we do them. For example the importance of: showing hospitality to the needy, being hardworking, maintaining peace with one another, consistent prayer life etc.

Moreover, we should be intentional in the place of prayer, consistently aligning our desires with the Lord’s will and seeking the face of the Lord to promote our children on all sides and make them greater than us. When we do our part, then the promise of the Lord in Isaiah 54:13 will be activated. And all thy children will be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of your children

Olubunmi Afere (Mrs) writes for Praying Parents Prayer Group Christian Ministry (3pG).