What does it mean to you? Definitely not “‘In Jesus Name”‘

When people apply for job, visa, admission, and so on, no one ever shorten his/her name on the application papers…

Why? Why should one shorten the name Jesus Christ? The Name that is above your name, my name and every other name, living or dead.

You took out time to wish someone well on a birthday and ended the prayer with IJN. That is not a prayer and you are not praying to God in Jesus Name.

Please and please if you must pray, write out “In Jesus name” in full, it is more effective that way. Demons trembles at the Name of Jesus Christ… James 2:19.

No devil feels threatened at the mention of IJN but they do at the sound of “In Jesus Name.”

You can shorten any other thing but never again shorten that precious name. Angels obey that Name, but none of them will run any errand in IJN….it is a strange vocal in heaven, never heard in Seraph tongue, never crossed the inspired hearts of Bible writers. IJN is strange to Heaven and previously unknown in hell. It’s a new invention.

Jesus is the King of kings and the Lord of lords.

Can you send a letter or message to your King, boss or teacher and shorten his or her names?

Philippians 2:10

That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;

Not the name of IJN but The Name of Jesus

Please I want this to go viral, let us send this message far and wide for Christians to know it’s wrong and inappropriate to shorten the name of Jesus on prayers written down.

The likes of it is Merry xmas

It is Merry Christmas please.  Stop removing the Christ, it takes nothing from you to write it in full.

If we can’t shorten a “happy new year” then why do we shorten Merry Christmas…?

This has been a burden in my heart to share. It’s not late to unlearn and re-learn please and please.

May God open our eyes of understanding in Jesus Name. IJN is never the same as “In Jesus Name” unless we have devised a new way to end our private moments of prayer with IJN instead of “In Jesus Name.” But I believe we haven’t.

Peace be unto you

Written by  Adeoye Racheal Abosede.