by OLUMOFIN Kehinde Benjamin

In our study of spiritual gift of tongue, we said speaking in unknown tongues (plural tongues) can be categorized into two broad categories, the TONGUE OF ANGELS (note it is singular tongue because there is only one tongue and one language in heaven, inspired by the One and Only Holy Spirit of God) and the second is the TONGUES OF MEN (plural tongues because there be many languages and dialects spoken on earth). The third is the confused LANGUAGES OF HELL, and we have no need of the languages of demons, so won’t spend much of our attention on this third one in this study. Languages of hell are not meant for the children of God, even though we are not unmindful of the activities of devils, that often try to infiltrate and pollute genuine tongues speaking in the church with hell inspired noises. The Bible encourages us to try every spirit to be sure of what sort it is, either good or evil – 1 John 4:1. So if you speak in tongue, it is okay to seek to know the source of the spirit behind the unknown language you speak.


“To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues: But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will.” (1 Corinthians 12:10-11).

Speaking in tongue is a gift, a special spiritual ability given by God for a believer to speak in a foreign (unknown) language hitherto he has never learned nor understand. All tongue speaking, either tongues of men or of angels, are foreign languages to the one who’s blessed by the gift – Acts 2:4-6, 8-11. It is possible someone in the congregation or around the person speaking might understand or able to interpret the language being spoken having previously understood or learned the language beforehand, and like the day of Pentecost, such can help interpret the language to the local language in that vicinity to the benefit of the listeners – Acts 2:8,11. In this case, the miracle there is the ability of the speaker to speak in a foreign language, and since someone who understands the language is on ground, interpretation becomes easy. No special ability or gift of interpretation is necessary in this type of case. That was what happened in Acts chapter 2, they spoke in unknown tongues but there were people from those places whose languages were being spoken in Jerusalem that day and they mostly helped translated them. So the miracle was the speaking in tongues, the interpretations were done by the people that were attracted to the scene.

On the other hand, there can be a situation where the one that spoke in an unknown foreign tongue speak mystery and in the same congregation or around the person speaking at the same time, someone else is able to interpret the language being spoken, or sometimes, the person speaking might be blessed with the spiritual ability (gift) to self-interpreted the unknown language being spoken. All by supernatural means, having previously not learned the foreign language being spoken. Here, the miracle is two-fold, one was the speaking in an unknown foreign tongue, having previously never heard not understood the language being spoken and on the other hand, at the same time, there is the one who is blessed with the gift of interpretation of tongues – 1 Corinthians 14:2, 5, 28. And please note, that someone is speaking in unknown tongue and also interpreting at the same time does not mean the person should lose consciousness or become semi-conscious. God will never rob anyone of their sense or consciousness just because He want to speak through them. That practice has no example in the Bible. It could be demon possession.

Speaking in tongue should not be synonymous to losing one’s mind, staggering and scattering chair in church or not being conscious of what one is doing while under the “spirit” influence. Whatever rob one’s of his consciousness may not be the same as the Spirit of Christ. No such example in the new testament.


Wherever there is speaking of tongues, there should be of necessity, interpretation of tongues, since such tongues are foreign to the speaker and the hearers, unless when used in a private and personal prayer times. It is either the interpreter understands the language being spoken from previous natural experiences, without the use of any special gift of interpretations but where no one understands the language, then the need for the gift of interpretation of the tongues being spoken.  Since the spiritual gift of interpretation of tongues is necessary for the growth and sustainability of the church, especially in churches where speaking of tongues is rife and popular. Then the need for rules of engagement for tongues and interpretation of tongues; and for this, the Bible came to our help as follows:

1. In a public gathering (churches and fellowship) people should speak in an unknown tongue by two or three at the most – 1 Corinthians 14:27. This rule is rarely follow in most Christian assembly especially when members are asked to pray or speak “in spirit” to charge the atmosphere during the service. Please see the reference quoted.

2. All tongue speaking should be by course and not a confused multiple tongue speaking atmosphere as mostly seen today – 1 Corinthians 14:27.

3. Where there is speaking of tongue, then someone should interpret – 1 Corinthians 14:27.

4. In a church where there is no interpreter, unknown tongue speakers should keep silence – 1 Corinthians 14:28. In other word, it is no need speaking publicly in tongue during church service if there is no one to interpret and the person speaking is not interpreting as well but rather the person should just speak to his/herself. This is also not so in many Christians meetings.

5. Where there is no interpreter, speaking in unknown tongue should be used only for personal edification in prayers and private fellowship with God – 1 Corinthians 14:28.

6. There is no excuse to do differently from the positions stated above because “the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets” – 1 Corinthians 14:32.

7. It is confusion to do differently from the Bible stated positions. Where confusion is, God is not there – 1 Corinthians 14:33, 40.


a. When messages in tongues are interpreted, it eliminates confusion and the church will be edified and encouraged – 1 Corinthians 14:5.

b. Gift of interpretation of tongue helps demystify the coded languages of unknown tongues – 1 Corinthians 14:2.

c. It help to safe the church from errors in doctrines and in ethics – 1 Corinthians 14:8.

d. Whoever speaks in unknown tongue speaks mysteries messages from God to man. And the one with interpretation of tongues will interpret the message hidden in the foreign tongue being spoken and the church will be edified – 1 Corinthians 14:5, 12.

e. Interpretation of tongue are good sources of divine warning on impending disasters, rebuke, corrections, edification, prophecy and more to the church – 1 Corinthians 14:14-15, 19. That is why when there is speaking in tongue and there is no interpretation, the essence is lost, no one is getting the message being passed across.

It is not every time speaking in tongue is meant to confused demons (and there is no Bible justification for that excuse as well). Tongues are for signs, no more no less.


Once you are able to understand and interpret languages you have not been previously exposed to or learned, then you have been blessed with the spiritual gift of interpretation of tongue. The same person that spoke in unknown tongue can also be given the gift of interpretation of tongue also, if he so desired it in prayer – 1 Corinthians 14:13.


Like any other spiritual gifts, you can either work to encourage and fan the gifts that are already in you or you can covet new spiritual gifts to complement gifts you already discovered and are being used in your life – 1 Timothy 4:14; 1 Corinthians 12:31. No believer is without a spiritual gift, but not all believers have activated and use theirs by faith. All spiritual gifts are gift of faith and can be activated by faith. Have you activated yours?


Since the tongue being interpreted is a foreign language and is unknown to the speaker and the listener and so the need for an interpreter. To ensure the correctness of the interpreted message two almost similar rules should be applied.

1. a. If the interpreter understands the unknown tongue by natural means, having previously understand or learn the language in question, he should be taken just as any other church interpreter who translates pastor’s sermons from say English language to a prevailing local language. The level of trust in such interpreter is no more than the level of honesty and integrity he was previously known for in the church.

b. If the interpreter too is a stranger or a visitor as at the moment in time, like the men who interpreted the tongues in Acts chapter two, the agreement in spirit with members of the church and the message agreement with scripture should be the guide under such circumstances.

c. Technology can come to our aid here as well, since the interpreter is interpreting based on natural understanding of the unknown tongue, both the tongue and the interpreter can be recorded and confirmation can be made from relevant agencies of the country or people whose language is being interpreted.

2. a. If the unknown tongue is both unknown to the speaker, the listener and the interpreter and interpretation is solely on the use of the spiritual gift of Interpretation then the interpreter personal integrity and honesty in previous engagement in the church should be taken into consideration before complete adoption of his message.

b. All interpreted messages should conform with the Scriptures. Otherwise, such words or message should be disregarded in whole.


1 Corinthians 14:22 Wherefore tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe, but to them that believe not: but prophesying serveth not for them that believe not, but for them which believe.

It is important we emphasize the scripture above. Tongues speaking are for signs to convince unbelievers of the fullness of Holy Spirit in the church, and not to confused demons as many will jave us believe. I’m still looking for scriptural basis for that idea. That fathers said it does not mean the Bible say so. I believe the Bible should have the final say. Speaking in tongue is scriptural but should not be taking as sole evidence of approval of our services before God. Same for all spiritual gift. He that speak in tongue is not in anywise a better believer than the one that speak not in unknown tongue. Many tongues are not from God; it is important we test the spirit – 1 John 4:1-4.  Today there are so many tongue speaking but interpreter are very rare. That should get us concerned. God don’t give a half gift, if He blessed with tongue, He will also bless with interpretation if we desire it. To speak only in tongues and careless about interpretation will give room to subtle demon possessions and where the tongue is from God, there should be a reason. God don’t just make people speak in tongue, He is not a noise maker. There is always a message – 1 Corinthians 14:8. No language is without meaning – 1 Corinthians 14:10. If there is tongue speaking, there should also be Interpretation. God is not the author of confusion – 1 Corinthians 14:33.

Spiritual gifts are meant to aid our walk with God and services done in His Name. So no one should feel too important when blessed with spiritual gift. That being said, Apostle Paul also said, we should not disregard spiritual gifts but rather covet them and used them, as we have all being blessed with one gift or another as members of Christ Body for the edification, sustenance and growth of the Body of Christ on earth till we all come into full stature of the image of God in Christ Jesus for us. All believer should covet spiritual gifts, and interpretation of tongue is one of them. We have so many tongue speaking believers all over the place but rarely will you see an interpreter. It ought not to be so. And where there is no interpreter, speaking in tongue should be private and personal, don’t confused the church – 1 Corinthians 14:19, 13. Once you speak in tongue in the hearing of all brethren, endeavor to also ask God for the meaning of what you said, otherwise maintain silence, so says the LORD – 1 Corinthians 14:13, 37.


Mr. Supo Gbabe:  Please, how can we decipher real and fake speaking in tongues?

My Response

It is difficult to differentiate real tongue from fake….. there are no actually “fake” tongue. All tongues are spoken somewhere, just that the spirit inspiring them is what we should be concerned with. So real tongue literally means, tongues inspired by the Holy Spirit. While fake tongue, though still a language spoken somewhere, once it is inspired of evil spirit, we say its fake. This is one reason one can be inspired by devils and still be thinking it is Holy Spirit that’s behind the tongue speaking.

Ways to know are…

1. All spiritual gifts, tongue speaking inclusive, from God are accompanied with power – Acts 1:8; 10:38. Once the power to touch lives is missing, watch out – 2 Timothy 3:5.

2.. Spiritual gifts, including tongue speaking, should promote righteousness. Anyone with gifts but is freely enjoying sin should check again. Righteousness, just as gift, is of the Holy Ghost – Romans 14:17.

3. Check out the meaning of the tongue…. this mean where no interpreter is, tongue should be private and personal. That mean individual should test the spirit speaking through him/her to see if they are of God – 1 Corinthians 14:13; 1 John 4:1-2.

4. By their fruits you will know them. Whatever spirit makes one speak in tongues in contradictions to the rules guiding tongue speaking in church as stated above should be questioned. Holy Spirit will not break His own rules Mathew 7:20; Luke 6:44.

5. Where there is interpretation, check the message being interpreted if they are in agreement with the scriptures. Holy Spirit will not send a message that’s contradictory to the Bible – Galatians 1:8; 2 Corinthians 11:13-15.

6. Where the one speaking in tongue or the interpreter or both begin to move uncontrollably or loss consciousness or are semi-conscious and rolling on ground, scattering chair, or tear the person naked and possibly injured etc. are all symptoms of demonic possessions. God won’t confuse His own children – 1 Corinthians 14:33, 40.

7. Spirit of discernment can also help in addition to all of the above Hebrews 5:14.

These and more sir but I think the seven points above should be sufficient for the moment.