Father Thank You for the Gift of Family

Father Thank You for the Gift of Family

*Father Thank You for the Gift of Family”

Family is one of the most neglected, and most abused God gifts to man. Often taken for granted and look down on as if it is normal to have a family, forgetting that there are many children roaming the streets, and many homeless adults with no families to fall back to when night falls but for us, we have homes and people we can call our own. They may not be perfect, just as we are not, but with them around, we are never alone and lonely.

Family is a gift we must cultivate, work on and cherish. Never throw away any opportunity to get trained, nurtured and make your family better. Whatever you need do to make it better, please do it. At the end, when nothing else matter and age has taken its toll, Family is all you get.

We are not only blessed with biological families, we also have each others back as Community of Praying Parents, we may not have met one on one, but we are prayer partners, working and watching each others back. It is a great privilege to have a Family like this, praying and watching together. No one of us is ever alone, we are together, we are prayer partners, we are a family.

That’s why as a Group, we value what we have and we refuse to take God and His gifts for granted and for today,  for one of such gifts, each one of us we say: “Thank You Father, for given me a family.”

Father we are not ungrateful, we say Thank You for everyone we have been blessed with. Thank You Father! Thank You!

– Group Admin, 3pG.