Psalms 68:19 Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah.”

God is a Father, and a very faithful Father He is. He is the eternal and perfect example of what He wants from us and has called us to be. As a Father, He daily loads us with benefits (Psalms 68:19) that we might learn of Him and have examples of Him to follow. Never a day passes without one benefit or another from Him to us, irrespective of who we are, where we are and what we are. His blessings are daily, constant and perpetual. So are His love, His care and His wonderments. He is the Father that leads fathers to the path of peace and righteousness. He is the God Which doeth great and unsearchable marvellous things without number: Who giveth rain upon the earth, and sendeth waters upon the fields (Job 5:9-10)


God has called us to the ministry of parenting. It is a ministry and an office He Himself has held from the beginning, being the Father and God of all creation. He is the Father of Adam, the father of Abel and eternal generation of mankind (Luke 3:38). As a Father, He fellowshiped with His son Adam and his wife daily. He visited them, was concerned about their welfare, and  daily blessed them and taught  them by example what parents ought to do for their children daily, correctly and timely (Genesis 3:8).

It is the duty of parents to love their children and fathers must lead all the way. It is your job to daily look out for their good, that was an example set for us by God Himself. It is your duty to visit your sons and daughters. Visit them in their rooms, visit them in their schools, visit them in times of plenty, visit them in days of want, and never fail to see and observe very little things that matter to them. Daily check out for minute details, small talks that make big sense to them, looking out for signs and symptoms of undue pressures from friends and school mates is a duty parents never retire from, a parent never stops looking out for signs of distress or mounting pressure in a son or daughter, even if they are married, working and are now independent. Without being pushy, without being unnecessarily poke nosing into their lives and decisions, a parent never stops the job of faithful and committed Christian parenting. That is the example set by the Lord for His church, whom He cherishes and cares for.

He prayed for His own, not just in His closet hours of long praying but also to their hearing and He never stopped  interceding for them before His Father and His God, so should we. His longest public prayer was strictly for His own, it was emotional, it was touching and it was deliberate (John 17). A father prays daily, consistently and deliberately for His children and so should a mother also. “He daily loadeth us with benefits” signify an act of deliberation, consistency and love. As a parent, it is your duty to load your children with benefits in the place of prayers every morning and every day. It must be deliberate, regular and consistent. This must not and should not be limited to your secret place of praying, it should also be done openly, deliberately, in the hearing of the children in laying of hands, holding, hugging and making pronouncements as a father upon the fruit of your loin. Same from a mother to the fruit of her womb.

Never should a day pass without a statement of grace into the life of a child. That is loading that life daily with benefits, aside physical, mental and emotional provisions from parents to children. This must never stop even upon a forward and uncooperative child or spouse. A seed that is faithfully monitored and well watered will one day begin to sprout and if commitment is not lax and your bowel of love is not allowed to dry out, soon the prodigal son, daughter or uncooperative spouse will find his/her way home to the waiting hands of a praying parent or spouse who won’t stop the daily loading of benefits on his/her loved ones till the desired changes are obvious enough for all to see.

This is expected from a man to his wife and from wife to her husband, but more importantly from the man to his family, being the head and the carrier of the marriage and family covenant. A good man must regularly make pronouncements of spiritual benefits and blessings upon his own family. If you are not doing it you must start doing it, it’s your God given duty and it’s what your family expects of you. As a married woman, it doesn’t matter if your husband is a believer or not, always ask him to bless you, he must do it daily, he must do it regularly and he must do it deliberately. God is waiting to hear him speak for you and on you and same for the children. That is his God given duty as a man, a leader of his family and a father. If He is a believer it only makes it better. It is  your right as a woman to make that demand on him if he is not doing it yet, assuming it is not important is to ignore the benefits (2Samuel 6:20).

Many men came to worship before the Ark of Covenant on its triumphant entrance into Jerusalem.  They all went back home and their families did the same but David chose a different path, he blessed his family in the Name of the God of the Hebrews and in the Spirit of the moment. It is said of all the men and David, “And all the people departed every man to his house: and David returned to bless his house (1Chronicles 16:43). God in return did for David what he didn’t do for others that came before Him. God blessed David and blessed his household forever (1Chronicles 17:27).

Speak the word, prophesy and daily make pronouncements, say things you want to see and how you want to see them. Say a word of grace and encouragement, speak life and not death, speak health, and speak light and not darkness. Do it and do it daily. Load that child daily with benefits and do the same for your spouse. The harvests are coming!

Olumofin Kehinde Benjamin writes for Praying Parents Prayer Group Christian Ministry (3pG).