This is particularly directed to pastors, ministers, elders, youth leaders, committee leaders and leaders of churches in our midst.

Soon Christmas will be here, I want to beg you by the mercies of God that please have families and mature singles in your end of the year plans.

Families need help, mature singles, those in relationships and those that are not need help as well. Don’t just organise Christmas cantata, Christmas carol or special praise night, please go the extra mile, organised relationship events for families and mature singles.

Families are going through a lot, homes need healings, mature singles need help, use your positions to make a difference. Please have them in your end of the year plans.

God may not ask you how many praise nights or Christmas carol you organised on your day of accountability but be sure He will ask you how many families you use your vintage position to help. We may never understand the effect of a 2 hours program on a family in crisis. That couples look fine, wearing same colour of clothes, doesn’t mean they are well.

Christmas will come and go as always but families and relationships will remain. Have them in your plans.

If we fit in to your plan, please don’t hesitate to ask us. I will gladly be of service.

Be sure there will be very many praise nights, this is good but very few couple’s nights, this is not good enough. Where there is a will, there is a way. You will never know people are going through much until you organise program and hear questions and testimonies.

Don’t just plan for Christmas, plan for families and mature singles. They are the one you will keep seeing once the Christmas season is over.

  • Group Admin, 3pG