Acts 5:1-2 But a certain man named Ananias, with Sapphira his wife, sold a possession. And kept back part of the price, his wife also being privy to it, and brought a certain part, and laid it at the apostles’ feet.


Ananias as a name means “grace” and Sapphira (his wife) means “beauty’’ but there was nothing gracious or beautiful about this couple. I have heard men reasoning in the course of heated arguments that faith and business should not mix. That in business faith should not be allowed to interfere with: how, when and where business deals are done. One major problem in today’s church is Financial Fidelity.  Ananias and wife just donated the “price” of a very precious possession to a church in need and got death in return. One may be tempted to think that this was a harsh judgment on a couple who was trying to help. But No! They were not trying to help, they were being manipulative and trying to buy their way into the heart of the church leadership. 

They wanted to take advantage of the poor financial state of Peter and the pressing need in a church under retired fishermen. Peter and others whose only credential was that they had been with Jesus, were largely ignorant and unlearn men according to Acts 4:13. They would have fallen victims to this grand conspiracy and sold the church for naught. This was not a case of satanic temptation, it was a well-planned conspiracy by Ananias and wife, who wanted to use their privilege financial status and position to buy honour and vain glory for their family. Just like Judas, they were filled with Satan to manipulate their way into the hearts of God’s people and plunder the church at its formative stage.

God was never going to fold His arms and watch Satan ravage this tender plant secured in the Blood of His Son just as he did in the Garden of Eden. He acted and He acted promptly in fulfilment of Jesus Words in Luke 17: 1 Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come! Mark 9: 42 And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.


The family conspiracy was more obvious immediately Sapphira stepped into the room some three hours after her husband came in, not knowing what had happened. Acts 5:8. “And Peter answered unto her, Tell me whether ye sold the land for so much?…” – It was not just a question, it was an answer Peter gave to a possible unstated enquiry or questions she may have asked on arrival, been part of her family plan. It may have gone like this:

(Sapphira entered vainfully dressed to attract attention as the wife of the church largest donor, blinded to the reality and coarse mood of fear-filled faces of people on ground).

Saphira: Hello everybody!! Is my husband not in church yet? (She could have asked that with so much pride that wives’ of rich men who are out to make an impression often have in common).

Congregation: Yes sister Saphira, he was here already. (Sister was the registered church word then, if it were today, it would have been mummy Saphira).

Saphira: Ok. I hope he had donated to the church, the money of the land that we sold. It was my husband most precious possessions located in the heart of Jerusalem, it was his inheritance from his fathers before him. It is our pleasure as a family to sell and donate the proceedings for God’s use. (One major deficiency symptom of pride is that pride filled people say too much than necessary in an effort to win people to themselves).

Saphira must have expected an applause, but instead all she would have got was a dead silence in the church and the reality of what was looming on then Peter broke the silence and answered her:

Peter: Tell me whether ye sold the land for so much?

Saphira: Yea, for so much. (And the cycle of disobedience, lies and conspiracy to rob/ obtain honour by deceit was completed.)


Collusion to do evil is an invitation to death in the family. These might not necessarily mean physical death, but certain difficult family challenges such as in the area of health and a pattern of family curse might also be as a result of certain ungodly collusion. For example, collusion to maltreat house helps, perfecting the acts of stealing and manipulating official figures and position of trust to gain financial favour and score financial points at the expense of others is a directs invitation to gradual deaths in the family and the life of the children in particular.

There are couples who specialize in promising people overseas job opportunities with the aim of shipping innocent people to foreign nations as victims of forced labour, prostitution and also some (recent but true) cases where victims are used for vital organs harvesting in exchange for hard currencies. These are all examples of manipulative and deceptive activities of families who capitalizes on the ignorance and poor financial situation of unsuspecting individuals back home.


Acts 5: 5, 7 “And Ananias hearing these words fell down, and gave up the ghost: and great fear came on all them that heard these things. And it was about the space of three hours after, when his wife, not knowing what was done, came in.”

Never ignore signs and warning. Only an unwise individual will drive past a road closed sign at 100 km/hour. Sapphira was so insensitive that she ignored the visible atmosphere of fear in the congregation and on the faces of brethren when she walked in three hours after her husband death. It was clearly written that the people were so afraid no one was even bold enough to retell the story of what just happened. One can be almost sure that when Sapphira walked in, there wasn’t dancing in the church, no one was eating or making merry, all the usual things that add to the life they had must have been suspended.

No one had a happy face or countenance since death had just visited the house, an important member (Ananias), rich by all standard, who by man’s judgment was trying to help, just fell and died under a fresh and “super-hot” anointing of Peter and the people were afraid. Personal retrospection and spiritual valuations must have been going on, other possible donors must have shrank back to their skin and cross checked their intentions and reasons for bringing their possessions again. Yet Ananias wife was never able to discern the so clear evidence that could have enabled her to adjust in time. She went on foolishly and fell to the same calamitous end as her husband.

The questions we should ask ourselves are these. How many times have couples ignored signs and evidence of divine anger that came as a result of their united evil intentions and real acts of wickedness? How many times have couples spoken and hatched evil in the safety of their bedroom against neighbours, innocent people working for them, even against men of God? Many wives have colluded with their husbands in order to lure hardworking staff or perceived enemies in church and at work places, into moral infidelity or financial misappropriation. Such evil plans have resulted in innocent individuals’ being denied benefits and blessings of many years of service. How about ritual and ritual activities that have denied others of their lives and well-being because someone and his/her willing accomplice of crime or love partner have committed in order to facilitate their financial benefits. Many times evidences of impending divine judgement that could have facilitated repentance are being ignored? 

Moreover, poor health of family members (especially those of the children) that deferred medical solutions, unwarranted financial loss, lack of inner peace with burning conscience, disobedience from juniors and subordinates, regular and consistent bad dreams and nightmares, inability to experience sound and good sleep over a prolonged period of time, regular loss of property to thieves and robbers, accidents on regular basis, unwarranted emergencies, uncoordinated personal lifestyles that cannot be explained, perpetual sorrow and debts, lack of understanding and unending marital conflicts and many more are all signs and evidence that call for personal and family retrospections and restitution where and when needed. However, these signs are often ignored until it is too late.


We must recognize that each of us has our limits as well as strengths and abilities that others do not have, this should be appreciated. If you use your strength wisely and in humility, honours will come. Honour is best earned by respecting the sanctity and interest of others.  Where ones desires and other people’s interest and self-worth are in conflict, the individual should ask God for direction and grace to respect others rights even if it mean losing a potential opportunity. You can’t buy your way to honour by tramping on other people’s rights and privileges. Christians can only earn respect through godliness, humility and patience. Never buy or manipulate your way into church leadership position just because you are more financially placed than others. This is because the price tag is always too heavy to bear.

In conclusion, refrain from doing things because others are doing it especially when you don’t have the ability to see it through. Promises and vows that are made in order to impress others or score political point in church is of the evil one. Only do things to please God and never try winning man’s judgement and ignore divine standards. Pay your vow where you can and ask for forgiveness for rash promises and vows that you know that you cannot fulfil. You paid tithes of your income of hundreds and thousands but the tithes of your increase in millions are rationed and cut back. God is no respecter of figures. If Ananias and Saphira were not spared, no one will. God is only buying us time, each day that passes, hoping somewhere, someday we might come to repentance and appreciate His love and patience. Thus make a complete U-turn from the path of death to the path of life in Jesus Christ. Amen

May God speak more to your hearts on this in Jesus name. Amen.

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