“Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph.” (Exodus 1:8). This was the declaration of the Bible of Pharaoh who reigned after the Pharaoh that knew and cherished Joseph and God’s people: the people of Israel.

I read an article about Delilah and how she knew and fulfilled her calling. (Though the calling was a destructive one.) As I ponder on what I read, the only character in the Bible that came to mind is Pharaoh. Pharaoh as seen in early Exodus was a character we do not like – he was a villain who tortured the people of God mercilessly because of envy as he saw them as a threat to the peace of Egypt (Exodus 1:9-10).

If this bullying had not occurred, the children of Israel wouldn’t have reached their promise land. It was the pain of oppression that made them remember God and His promises (Exodus 1: 13-14). Just like in most cases, when we are not tormented with pain, hardship and denial of our rights, we don’t remember God and commune with Him sufficiently.  The essence of Pharaoh’s life was to liberate the Israelites. How? You may ask.

The Israelites were satisfied with life in a STRANGE land. They could graze their cattle and move about freely. They were just too comfortable! God had told Abraham in Genesis 15:13-14 that his off springs would go into captivity in a strange land and in the third generation, He would deliver and make them  to inherit the land given to Abraham.

If Pharaoh had not maltreated the Israelites, there wouldn’t have been the desire for freedom and God’s promise to Abraham in Genesis 15:13-16 wouldn’t have manifested. Pharaoh’s hatred for the people of God was working in favour of God’s people though as at that time, they didn’t see it that way.

His uncalled for hatred, hostility, envy against God’s people was so great that he went through ten different plaques in the hand of God through Moses – who was a product of the cry of the Israelites for deliverance. Pharaoh was working in line with his destiny. He was created and programmed by God to hate His people so that they could get to their promised land. What are you created for? How good are you pursuing your purpose in life?

God so hardened Pharaoh’s heart that after he had let them, he still pursued them until he met with his waterloo. Did Pharaoh fulfill destiny? Yes, he did! He was used to make good the promise of God to Abraham at the set time. That was what he was created for. He had the opportunity to fulfill the mind of God as a friend of God through obedience, if he had yielded to His demand through Moses, that says “let my people go that they may serve me” but he rated the God of Israel like one of the gods of the lands he had conquered and hardened his heart. He ended up fulfilling God’s will as an enemy of God rather than a friend.

How many of us are walking in line with the counsel of God for our life? And on which side of destiny are we? Are we fulfilling purpose as friends of God or we are adding to the long list of God’s enemy through disobedient and hardening of hearts? Delilah used her sexual prowess and beauty to destroy whom her nation asked her to destroy and so was Pharaoh likewise, he thought he was fighting for the national security of Egypt. Both examples are negative but it is worthy of note the passion with which they carried out their assignments. They have become great lessons for us to learn from today.

Do we vehemently stand our ground as Pharaoh and Delilah did when pursuing our purpose on earth? Pharaoh was a heathen king but he did not compromise his belief to the end. How many times have you compromise? He was powerful and he used his power to protect the interest of his people – he didn’t want the Israelites to connive with their enemies to destroy Egypt. You have been baptized with the Holy Ghost and power Acts 1: 8. What have you done with it? How many times have you used it to God’s advantage and for the benefit of His Body?

Pharaoh fulfilled purpose as God told us in Exodus 10:20.What is your own purpose as a husband/ wife, father/ mother, pastor etc? Have you found it? Are you working in it? And how are you fulfilling it, as a friend or an enemy of God?

Prayer points:

  1. Lord, use me as Your instrument of mercy and be merciful to me.
  2. Give me a tender heart to know and do Your instructions.
  3. Lord, please don’t use and abandon me but let Your grace be always sufficient for me at all times.

4 thoughts on “A FRIEND OR AN ENEMY OF GOD?

    • Author gravatar

      Hmmm, God have mercy on us and help us to live for you and not against you in Jesus name.

    • Author gravatar

      I will fulfill my purpose as a friend of God in Jesus name. Amen

    • Author gravatar

      In life everyone is playing out a script, we are either fulfilling positive or negative prophecies, which can be likened to roles (parts) in a drama. My prayer is that like Judas Iscariot I will not yield myself to the devil to fulfill a negative prophecy in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, amen Alleluia.

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      I will be a vessel of honour in the hand of the living God and not that of dishonor in Jesus name.
      May the Lord bless the author the more in Jesus mighty name. Amenn

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