The Man and His Wife (Part 8)

The Man and His Wife (Part 8)

The Man and His Wife (Part 8)

Aquila and Priscilla were about the closest couple in all of Scripture. They were so knitted together that each of them was rarely mentioned without the other. They were a biblical example of friendship in marriage. Much was not said about their children, but we can imagine that they must have been happy.

“How then can a couple tell if their marriage and relationship as man and wife, is making the children happy or not?”

Sometimes, as adults we do our things between ourselves without thinking through the effect that they might have on the children; but I hope, that as heads of homes, the perspective of their effect on our children becomes the perspective from which we look at things going forward.

Parents believe children don’t read or notice their cold attitudes to each other, but they do, much more than we can ever imagine, and they don’t forget. Many adults today can tell you vividly how their father’s ill treatment of their mothers made them feel as children.

The earlier parents start correcting their children’s outlook on marriage, by setting the right example daily, the better.

Taking time to sit them down; explain things to them; and even apologize to them; can heal emotional wounds, which our previous wrong attitude may have inflicted upon them.

If you love your children, you will apologize to them if you have ever maltreated or abused your spouse in their presence. The fact that they kept quiet doesn’t mean they approved of your behavior or didn’t notice it. Just a sorry can make a difference.

Children from unstable marriages tend to perform below capacity in school and in social activities outside the home. That isn’t a good way to help them grow.

If your marriage is happy, your children will be happy; but if otherwise, they will soon secretly start hoping and looking forward to the day they will leave your home and go off to ‘freedom’.

“Divorce and separation usually start with a loss of sexual interest in one’s partner…Couples will stay together as long as they still make love together…The easiest way to severe a married couple is to remove love making or reduce it to an unromantic duty owed each other. There cannot be a healthy and godly marriage without sex…and…It takes humility and maturity to accept loss of interest in sex in marriage”

“Good Christian counseling from older and experienced Christian couples can help restore lost sexual desire for couples who are losing heat in their matrimonial bed”

Olumofin Kehinde Benjamin writes for Praying Parents Prayer Group Christian Ministry (3pG).

1 thought on “The Man and His Wife (Part 8)

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      May the Lord keep the fire that makes our home warm aglow in Jesus name, and I pray as a parent I will not be guilty over my children in Jesus name, my children will love marriage on account of my marriage.

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