Friday 26th April 2019

The health of your marriage can influence your physical and spiritual wellbeing, it can alter for good or worse the mood and behavioral pattern of your children and even your eventual making it to heaven or otherwise is all in some ways attached to your marital wellness.

How true is this statement?
And how best can we help ourselves and families who are in constant marital challenge?

Group Admin Response:

How true is this statement?

As hard as it may sound, this statement is very correct and true. The health of your marriage can influence your physical and spiritual wellbeing, it can alter for good or worse the mood and behavioral pattern of your children and even your eventual making it to heaven or otherwise is all in some ways attached to your marital wellness.

When we realise how true this is, it is then we can relate it to our marital experiences, our children lives and destiny and ultimately, our making it to heaven. Then humility and patience won’t be difficult for us.

And how best can we help ourselves and families who are in constant marital challenge?

This is where marriage seminars and marriage retreats come in. You must encourage yourself and your spouse to regularly go for trainings on acceptable behaviours in a christian marriage. We all need this regular trainings more than we can ever realised. And the funny part is we often cooperate with the enemy that want to discourage us from going to places where our marital union can be better, not to mention even inviting others to come.

Too many marriages are disjointed, too many homes are in disarray, many couples are barely living together, the spark is gone, all they have left is just “enduring the other for the sake of the children” yet no child can maximally benefit from home where mommy and daddy don’t flow together as friends. May 18 is at the corner, do whatever you can to bring your spouse to hear things otherwise he/she won’t hear somewhere else and which for sure you are not in the best place to tell him/her.

The devil the original enemy of your marriage will do just anything to make you unwilling to take part in the Couples Retreat, or even to invite others to be part of it. Don’t listen to the devil suggesting you can do without the retreat, yourself know you and your partner need counselling and help. We all do, don’t miss this special opportunity to be trained and to be counseled. That’s the best we can do for ourselves and other families around us.

The health of your marriage is a perfect determinant of your personal and general well being. A bad marriage can almost certain to cause a bad health, depression and consistent bad mood are not uncommon for those involved. Marriage seminar or retreat can help bring about sudden but positive changes from an erring spouse. Inviting your spouse is like giving him/her another opportunity to hear things that can make your marital Union better.

Most, if not all negative behavioural pattern noticed in children are tractable to bad marriages of their parents. It will be difficult to bring out the best of a child as long as mommy and daddy are not getting it right between themselves. Same is making it to heaven, a marriage where there is unforgiveness, deep seated hurts and animosities and the like, are enough to hinder those involved from getting to heaven. Heaven is a happy place for happy people in Christ Jesus.

Do whatever you can to make your marriage work, don’t stay back at home, reschedule your plans and make sure you are at the Couples Retreat, your family stand to gain and your marriage can truly be different for God. If your marriage is good, there is a high possibility that your children too wil be good. A tree is known by its fruit. Like beget like. Even if it mean begging and appealing to him/her, do whatever you can within the bounds of grace to bring your spouse with you! Nothing works better for marriage than being under the tutelage of Holy Spirit inspired counselors.

Happy marriage is a veritable foundation for happy children and graceful married adults.

Olumofin, Kehinde Benjamin writes for Praying Parents Prayer Group Christian Ministry (3pG).