The Man and His Wife (Part 6)

The Man and His Wife (Part 6)

The Man and His Wife (Part 6)

No marriage is perfect. No perfect man and No perfect woman. Humans are full of imperfections. Despite our imperfections, we are very capable of a happy and peaceful coexistence with each other. This means that a peaceful, heaven-on-earth marriage is possible.

I once read a book titled Life after life; and despite the fact that I disagreed with almost everything written in that book, I discovered a fascinating statement that I always love to refer to. The author stated that if he happened to discover after death that there was no heaven; he would find no cause for regret because he has already enjoyed heaven on earth, by reason of his marriage of 50 years. Wow! 50 years of blissful marriage, despite the couples imperfections! That’s great.

This will take a lot of compromise and humility. Let explore the latter today Humility.

A major ingredient of humility is the ability to say sorry!

As a man and the head of the home, at which point of discord or argument “do I have to say sorry to my wife without eroding my authority in the house”?

If she’s wrong and refuses to apologize, how can I bring about peace without losing ground to her”?

There cannot be a successful marriage without sacrifice. To sacrifice is to let go. It takes humility to let goto let go of personal pride, personal advantage for the sake of the beloved. Humility comes with spiritual maturity. Your familys unity is your spiritual responsibility.

A spiritual man sees beyond the physical. He knows that his true authority is not measured by how much his wife and children tremble at the sight of him, but rather by how demons and darkness disperse from his territory when he speaks. It takes humility to commands demons to obedience.

Submit yourself therefore to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you – James 4:7. That’s the power of humility in action.

It takes a humble man to run a successful and happy family. You can’t be a good husband and a happy father without humility. Never be too proud to apologize to your wife, even when you think you are right. Only the devil doesn’t have the ability to say sorry – men do.

Saying sorry is not a sign of weaknessit is a sign of spiritual maturity and strength. If your wife lacks the ability to say sorry, even when she’s wrong, teach her by your example. She’s the least of your problem – your main challengers are demons of disunity, who are bent on destroying homes. If it will take one more sorry to your wife to keep demons of disunity out of your marriage and home, while ensuring your children are raised in a peaceful atmosphere, then its worth the effort.

I will gladly say sorry a million times, if that is the key that keeps devils off my property. My wife and children are my God-given ‘property’, and no sacrifice is too much to keep them safe and united under my arms.

A proud man may be a husband and a father, but only the humble can run a home. No amount of sorry is worth the price of a peaceful and godly home. Theres no place like home.

Do everything humanly possible to keep your home together – that’s all you have.

Olumofin, Kehinde Benjamin writes for Praying Parents Prayer Group Christian Ministry (3pG).