The Man and His Wife (Part 4)

The Man and His Wife (Part 4)

The Man and His Wife (Part 4)


Many men are aware of their position as the physical head of their homes. In line with that, they provide and care for their familys physical wellbeing; but very few understand the need to be the spiritual head of the home, so spiritual leadership and duties are delegated to wives in many of such homes.

What are the spiritual responsibilities expected of men as heads of families?

What can we, as a Group, do to help more men take up their spiritual responsibilities at home?

  1. It is his duty to lead the family altar. This is solely the man’s spiritual responsibility; and he can delegate this duty to his wife and children, but not on a permanent basis.
  2. He declares and coordinates special family prayer and/or fasting time for his family. Except where health reasons prevent him, he should lead by example.
  3. He must regularly pray for his wife and children on his own, mentioning them by their full names during his personal prayers. If you pray for them by name, you will soon see your expectations fulfilled in them.
  4. He must set an example for his children by openly blessing his wife, and by blessing each child individually by name; in each other’s presence and must speak greatness into his familys life always.
  5. He must be a man of the Word. He must use Bible verses to pray for his children, and occasionally pray for each of his children using the meaning of their names (if they are good ones to pray for them).
  6. He must regularly read his Bible and be sure to teach and encourage his children to do the same by his example.
  7. He must live as a worthy spiritual example for his children. Love their mother and let them know by your behavior that you love her. Children are more confident and prepared for future challenges when they are assured that their parents love each other deeply.
  8. It is important that he makes time in his busy schedule to discuss Bible stories with his children, at least once a week. Each season should end with questions or assignment from stories learnt. Children learn a lot from stories, and that’s why they love cartoons – most of which have occultic views, and arent good for the spiritual upbringing of our children.
  9. As the spiritual head of your family, you must lead your family to church services – especially on Sundays, unless you are out of town. Never be too tired to go to church on Sundays, or else your boys will grow up thinking church is optional.
  10. Always make sure you get your family to church on time. It’s your duty to instill spiritual discipline in your home.
  11. Daily commit your childrens future careers, future spouses, future friends, future work places etc. to God.
  12. Never let a day go by without putting your wife and children under the protection of the Blood of Jesus and the mark of His name.
  13. Etc.

If you are committed to this, you will love your family more; your wife will be happier; and your children will look at you in future and appreciate God for the wonderful and blessed father that you are.

As a Group, we are committed to helping parents take spiritual responsibility for the overall welfare of their children through forums like this.

God bless you, and may your spiritual senses never go dull in Jesus Name. Amen!

Olumofin, Kehinde Benjamin writes for Praying Parents Prayer Group Christian Ministry (3pG).