Saturday 13th April 2019

Women love to look beautiful and men love to see their wives looking regal and beautiful. The 21st century beauty is obsessive and highly controlling, the pressure of beauty and the oppressive desire to meet up ram up times, set the woman on the edge, pluralise her thoughts, distort her priorities and the home front bear the brunt.

The more conscious she is to her beauty and her public appearance, the less attentive she is to her children, her spirituality and her God.

The man on the other hand want to make more money to make ends meet and in some immature generational related negative pattern, he runs to make more money just to fall into the error of multiplying love and women like king Solomon.

The more financially fortunate a man is, the more likely he fit into the discription of the man so discribed in Proverb chapter 7 and the less likely he desire God and sound spiritual exercises.


1. How best can the Christian woman balance her look, her beauty, with her motherhood and her spirituality?

2. How best can the christian man balance financial and social responsibility with great fatherhood and spirituality?

– Group Admin, 3pG

Admin Response:

The pressure of beauty and the obsessive desire to look beautiful is one of the 21st century most potent weapon the enemy is using to steal the hearts of many women from their families and robbing millions of children of their mothers time and attention. The thin line between obsessive self beautification and moderate beauty are often overlooked, crossed and blended with without knowing it by those who have crossed the boundaries to worship of self and beauty.

Men’s roles in this cannot be overemphasized, aside peer pressure from fellow women, men increasing desire for artificial beauty add grim colours to an already bad situation. At the heart of the beauty industries are men who have sold their hearts to perversions, lust and greed. They will do anything, make pacts with devils and whoever cares to make more gains as they roll their already dedicated tools to unsuspecting victims. Many icons and pillars of the beauty industry are gay despite the myriad of women at their disposal, though many of these women too are glorified shell, empty and of no use to themselves and their families, that’s if they have anything that can be called family to start with.

Just mention a name of an owner of any popular beauty product, be it a wear designer label, a facial make up tools and any other beauty accessories, just call the names, then you are possibly talking of a serial cheat, a divorcee, a gay, satanist, an atheists, a con, an alcohol and drug addict and so on. Their women counterpart are not far from their types, stubborn and obstinate, children of disobedience, failed mothers themselves without families, lost lesbians who are obsessed with fellow women and have given up their family lives to justify their perversive desires, who care for nothing other than their look and public appearances. These are the movers and shakers of the entertainment industries who our children tend to model and long to look like and make money like. They sing their names and talk about their achievements, how they make their millions but mostly unaware of their budist and Hindu commitments that pave way for those millions.

These are the people that control the beauty industries without moderations, and they are doing everything to control families all over the world as well, so they can reproduce their types in our homes and in our daughters and sons. The more beauty conscious a woman is, the more her wanton desires and the less she desires to keep her marriage. These people make women compete for the attention of their husbands as they multiply sex idols, sexually irresistible sex goddess into streets and dark corners of towns, cities and financial institutions. To meet up the challenge of looking gay and unduly attractive, many daughter of Zion are losing grip on righteousness, moderacy in Christian look and dressings is giving way to high and arrogant look. The dressings and the sexualized perfume and dancing in the church hall on a typical Sunday is hardly different from those in the club houses the Saturday night before. “Moreover the LORD saith, Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with their feet: Therefore the LORD will smite with a scab the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion, and the LORD will discover their secret parts” (Isaiah 3:16-17).

The more she covet her husband’s attention the more she make up her look and the less she appeals to the man she wants to appease, and the farther she goes away from her children as her attention goes deeper into her look and to her beauty. Men are insatiables when it comes to beauty, especially men that are drifiting away from the center of grace. The more a woman tries to please him, the more her prayer altar gets watered down, robbed of the true essence of inner beauty, her motherhood suffers, illicit attractions to men outside her family become a commom occurence, if care is not taken another woman’s husband will soon be the victim of another perverse heart, and at the end the so called Christian homes has no seed that’s worth the name to present to God and for the world to see that they might glorify Him.

At the side of all these are men, who will do anything and go any length to make extra money. Make no mistake, mens present unabated lust for power, position and money has nothing to do with the man’s God given desire to cater for and meet the needs of his immediate family, rather it is an obsessive desire to oppress others, to ram up more women, acquire more properties and make names for self and self alone. Have you notice the trend, even among Christian men “so called”, that the more educated he becomes, or the richer he is, or the better placed he gets, the higher his taste for beautiful crazy women? Women who care less about anything except their look, women who are nothing but sex machines, a round with them is like a round with demon, never tired, never satisfied and once in their grip, only the mercy of God can safe their victims and the families they represent.

It just did not start in a day, whatever job takes a man away from his family also has in it the ability to drop him at the laps of these fashion goddess, especially when his prayer altar is cold and possibly non existence. These are the reasons women, church women, keep experimenting with all sorts of immoral facial appearance just to win their men back, but very unfortunate is the fact that many of them are not aware that their battles are not just with those girls, we also war with the demons that control them. Those ladies hardly walk alone!

What must we do to safe our children who are the primary victims when mommy get carried away with her beauty, doing everything, except commitments to praying, to win the man in the house, who himself is often led away with his job and the temptatious presence of women of easy virtues planted by demons, to target not just his marriage but his children?

A wise man, who himself was a victim of craze for more money, women and beauty gave an eternal advice to all who might be found to war in like manner after him:

Ecclesiastes 7:25 I applied mine heart to know, and to search, and to seek out wisdom, and the reason of things, and to know the wickedness of folly, even of foolishness and madness:
Ecxlesiastes 7:26 And I find more bitter than death the woman, whose heart is snares and nets, and her hands as bands: whoso pleaseth God shall escape from her; but the sinner shall be taken by her.

The simple solution is to wake up our desire to please God, that all efforts to look good, make ends meet, will be to please God and not in response to how my friends see me, but how God sees me and how much my family will be affected by my desires. If a woman can ask herself, how does my excessive facial paintings add to my children lives and destinies, the time and resources I put into my public appearance, how much of those would have been of benefit to my children? Will any of these improve the time we often have together as family? If the man will ask, will this business trip promote the health of my marriage or will it rather take me further away from my family, from the wife of my youth, who is doing all she could to raise good and godly children I can be proud of, or will this opportunity makes me one over time with another woman who has no desire for godliness and Christian parenting?

If our answers to these questions are forthright, sincere and honest then we will take more cautions, pray better and war more wisely like men whose hands are taught of God and thus set our feet on the path of winning the war and pressure the beauty industries and our social responsibilities brings to our door steps. Men should stop pilling pressure on their wives, if her obsession with paintings and make up is not self inflicted, once a woman marries her commitment increases, aside her natural desire to look beautiful are added commitments of raising good and godly children, keeping the home, maintaining the joy and peace in her family, so the men should put less pressure on her need to look like the unmarried beautiful dolls she is being forced to compete with.

Hmmm! Dolls because the more beautiful they appear, the less her brain works and the more her heart tends toward evil and self. A Christian woman should not and cannot compete with women who have no respect for themselves, their families and their children. The woman too should not push her man to the greedy world of money and more money by her incessant and uncontrol lust for buying and shopping. God is interested in our marriages, our faithfulness to the marital vows and in our children, if we make pleasing God our priority, then our children destinies and future are guaranteed, and we can proudly say we are blessed as mothers and fathers we are called to be and someday, our children too will call us blessed having prioritise their lives and destinies above the pressure of beauty and vain acquisitions of vanities. Godliness with contentment is great gain (1 Timothy 6:6).

Olumofin Kehinde Benjamin writes for Praying Parents Prayer Group Christian Ministry.