Watch and Pray

Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.(Matthew 26:41 KJV)

Dearly beloved Parents,

We as parents have a great responsibility in training our children in the way of the Lord, so that they can fulfill Heaven’s colourful mandate of them being for signs and wonders.(Proverbs 22:6: Isaiah 8:18)

One of these great responsibilities is to pray always for them based upon the infallible Word of God, which liveth and abideth forever.(Isaiah 40:8: 1Peter 1:25)

Praying alone is not sufficient; we must as a matter of Biblical injunction WATCH so that they will not be victims of demonic manipulation. We must mentor and guide them aright with the help of the Holy Spirit.


Our opening Bible text encourages every parent not only to pray, but to watch as well.

Recently, my lovely wife went out with our two great sons to shop for clothes at a nearby shop. Having selected the clothes they like at first appearance, my beautiful wife began to scrutinize the labels on the clothing one after the other. Lo and behold, some of those labels bear questionable names like, the son of darkness, and other terrible names. There were other times that we saw something like, faded glory.

My wife then went ahead to reject those clothes and retained only the ones that the names look acceptable.


Quite a number of things are happening in this end time that we cannot but watch and pray. A number of children, even adults have been possessed by reason of the labels on clothing. Sometimes, the person that puts on such clothings begin to behave according to the names (or phrase) on the labels.

Sometimes people say, Bro Solomon, you are too spiritual (or you over-spiritualize) on virtually everything. I have no choice but to be spiritual, because the Bible says, to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace (Romans 8:6)

The other time, a sister was seriously sick and would have died, if not for prayers. Prayers had been severally offered for this sister to be healed but her condition deteriorated until another group of brethren prayed for her on the sick bed. Alas, while praying the Lord spoke a word of revelation through a brother that the ear-ring on her be removed after which prayers were offered and she was made whole. There was an inscription on that ear-ring that gave demonic spirit access to torment her. If she had watched properly, she wouldnt have bought a piece of ear-ring that gave room for satanic oppression via sickness.


Let’s ensure we watch and pray. Let’s ensure we scrutinize the labels on clothes we buy for our children (and for ourselves too). Let’s watch the kind of toys we buy for our children. Lets directly ensure our children watch the right things on television. May the good Lord give us the spirit of discernment and present us blameless at His coming in Jesus name.

LAWRENCE, SOLOMON BAMIDELE is the Coordinator and founder of Christian Courtship and Godly Marriage, Lagos Nigeria.

3 thoughts on “AN EMERGING TREND

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      On the Group WhatsApp page where this article was first published in 2017, a mother contributed as follows:

      “As good as being familiar with signs and symbols and also being careful and alert when buying clothes, etc is ;we must know that
      1. we may not know all the signs and symbols out there.
      2. these signs, symbols and phrases are not limited to clothings and accessories(shoes,bags,belts,head ties,neckties,jewellery etc)only, they can also be on household / car decorations and even food!😳…yes food.
      3. Many of them are subtle( you wouldn’t suspect)
      So what do we do?
      What we have resolved to doing in my family is we pray on every item we buy before using it and we specifically mention in our prayers that we severe every link the items may have with evil”.
      Whatever our eyes or our knowledge misses will be covered by prayer.
      So look and pray or watch and pray, like the bible puts it. May God help us all in Jesus name.” – Mrs Ojomo T.

    • Praying Parents Prayer Group Christian Ministry (3pG)

      This was my response as at the time, and still is today:

      This is awesome and eye opener. I hope all families in 3pG will do the same. Avoid the one you can see, and those that seem plain and OK, please bless all you bring into your house with the blood of Jesus before use, including food.

      If a car is call evil spirit, I won’t buy, those that have I advise they sanctify them with the blood of Jesus and rename them. If anyone call your car evil spirit or beast or any of such satanic name reject it openly there and then.

      In my family we rename everything we have. We have 2 cars by his grace, one is Joseph, the other is Hadassah. Even in church that’s the names they call them and not there brand names. People will call your things whatever name you gave them.

      We have a building call Rehoboth, all our dogs are even named after Hebrew months except one call Jordan cos of it history. And you wil be surprise I pray for my animals too that they have no place for the wicked in them. We can’t be over careful cos the price of ignorance is higher.

      I have seen Christian brandishing exotic cars around town and when you check the plate number u see 666, 419 and they are so happy at the uniqueness of their plate numbers. Later when children starts behaving abnormal they blame the enemies, forgetting they can’t eat their cake and have it.

      I served in Imo State (NYSC), the camp commandant refuses issuing 666 and 419 as identification numbers to corp members, he stopped a number before and a number after each of them. When asked y? He said the Corp members they gave those numbers to a year before were troubles for the Camp, and those in charge attributed their behaviors to their camp numbers.

      There is nothing to rejoice in in 666 the mark of the beast – Rev. 13

      Believe me, you can’t be too careful.

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      A word is enough for the wise, as I would always say may God give us parents a listening ear and an obedient heart in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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