“There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many?” – John 6:9

The boy had something others did not have at that time, but his possession was deemed insignificant; and was so despised, that those who didn’t have what he had reasoned “what are they among so many?” In other words, of what value is his gift to the current situation? What good can his efforts do? Will he ever be of any significant use, going by our number and the peculiarity of our needs? They even told Jesus, there is a boy here who has something, but what he has will do nothing to help our situation.

Five barley loaves, and two small fishes were all he had. They were too ordinary to be useful, until someone told Jesus about them. A talkative child, the restless child, the child who talks so loudly and noisily, the adventurous type, the secretive and quiet child or the free and very caring child have traits that can be despised – unless someone takes them to Jesus in prayer.

In the life of that boy of yours are peculiarities you won’t find in any other person in the family. That girl may look so fragile, much like no other in the family, yet behind that veil may be the key to the abundance that will keep the family alive and well in the near future…if well galvanized. There is a gift of grace in everyone it’s part of your parental duty to discover it and help your child fulfill it.

The loaves of bread were five and the fishes two…until Jesus, with thanksgiving, prayed over them – Prayer is key to multiplication and abundance.

  • Prayer and fasting is key to personal and family victory:

In the midst of earth and rocks are precious metals and stones, which mostly appear insignificant until they are refined in the refiners furnace. Teach your children, especially during this holiday period, the importance of prayer and occasional fasting in personal and family victory.

That no part of their life is a waste, if committed into the hands of God in prayers. That God loves them and wants them talk to Him about their fears, strengths and weaknesses; and once reported to Him in prayers, He has the capacity to turn their insignificant and ordinary traits into wonders for many to see.

That their stories cannot be ordinary as long as Jesus is in them. That prayer changes things and no life committed to God is ever regretted. If you must teach your child anything, teach them how to pray and the importance of talking to God regularly and always.

  • Words win in prayers:

Teach your children that Words win in prayers. Prayer battles are not won by the number of times you shout fire, thunder or by how many times you tell devils to fall and die. Battles are won when fought correctly and strategically. Battles fought with obsolete weapons, will never produce desirable results. Christians win in prayers using the Word of God, the Blood of Jesus and the Name of Jesus. Teach your children these things because their lives and personal victory depend on them.

Teach them to memorise the Word. God, demons and angels respect nothing except the Word, the Blood and the Name of Jesus. Tell them Num. 23:23; Rev. 12:11; James 4:7; John 3:16; Phil. 2:9-11 etc are the ABC of Spiritual Academy that they must memorise and have with them always. Teach them that, with Jesus and His Words in them, their destinies are secured. Teach them to daily ask for the Blood covering for themselves and for those who are dear to them.

These are keys to personal victories and their lives are incomplete without them. If you do these things, you will not only help secure destinies under your care into Gods hands, but you will also secure for yourself a future full of peace abundant beyond human syllables.

Happy Covenant of Words with the children.

Olumofin, Kehinde Benjamin writes for Praying Parents Prayer Group Christian Ministry.