There are many extra biblical practices that goes on in families, villages, town and cities across different regions of the world, many of them have their origin from idolatrous worship and commitments and they symbolise dedication to the spirits behind them once they are observed.

The devil being smart, makes some of this process to preceed the traditional Christian dedication and naming on the 8th day after birth, thereby making the 8th day prayers and dedication to God a mere ceremony since the child in many cases, has been dedicated during pregnancy or shortly after birth to devils through such practices.These are things Praying Parents and members of this Praying Community must avoid and reverse in prayers where one is already a victim. Such practices include but limited to the following:

  1. Pouring water on the roof and making the new born and the mother pass under it on or before the 8th day.
  2. Putting traditional staff or emblem of recognition by the baby or under the pillow shortly after birth.
  3. Not allowing mother to eat certain type of food, especially food with no salt, pepper or oil, in the first 8 days of delivery.
  4. Bathing the mother and child in specialized water/liquid/soap peculiar to the family traditions.
  5. Making the mother and child to sleep on mat or cover with some special clothing brought from the village or family head.
  6. Daily incantation or special statements that must be said on the child in the first 8 days.
  7. Special family rituals for male children especially on the first 8 days or first 3-6 Months.
  8. Special family names with attachment to family gods or idolized practices.
  9. In pregnancy, there are various types of do and don’t as as well ranging from keeping pregnant women at home on speial diets for certain period, avoid going out on certain time of the day to avoid contacts with bad spirits, inserting pins or some other object at the helm of clothing worn by pregnant women, etc.
  10. Any other family/village traditions that have its root in occult and worship of devils/idols.

Are there good family/village traditions to continue as Praying Parents…?

That depend on the definition of “good”

Nothing good is from the devil, even when it appear good, the later outcome/results will always betray the initial benefits. Jesus taught His followers that no gift of the enemy should be embraced, He did this when He rejected Satan’s offers at His temptations. The devil has nothing good, all good gift (health, babies, jobs, fame, power and glory etc) comes from God, the Father and God of our Lord, Jesus Christ (James 1:17). If we must follow traditions or cultural practices during pregnancy or any other times of our lives, we must compare and contract such practice carefully with the scriptures before adopting them.

We can’t be praying in Jesus Name and continue in idolatrous practices and expect Jesus Christ, His Name and Blood to work for us.

These and as many that will be added by others in the comment box below are to be avoided and reverse in Jesus Name where they have been practiced, they have not been of any lasting benefits for those given to them over the ages. The Word of God, the Name of Jesus, His Precious Blood and the Comfort of the Holy Spirit is all sufficient for us.

“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” – Psalms 91:1.

@3pG We are simply:

‘Committted to helping parents takes spiritual responsibility for the overall welfare of the children! “

  • Group Admin, 3pG.