By OLUMOFIN Kehinde Benjamin

We began studying the gifts of the Holy Spirit few weeks back and we have been considering the relevance of spiritual gifts to the Christian family and in the church and on personal level as carriers of God’s grace and spiritual gifts. Spiritual Gifts are God’s welcoming rewards and benefits to as many who believe in Him through the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ at Calvary.


First, if there is no ongoing war between light and darkness, between good and evil, between life and death, then, there will be no need to try spirits and know which is good from the bad ones.

Second, as long as there is a devil trying to show himself as an angel of light, and in like manner, his legions of demons do try to present themselves as angels of light in order to deceive the world, then the need for the gift of discerning of spirits cannot be overemphasized.

This is also true of humans. Human beings are rarely alone, we are surrounded by spirits. Therefore, before walking with someone, relating with them in business, in relationships, or in marriage, it is good we test the kind of spirits that floats around them. Doing this may sometime save one from future heart aches and where gotten right, it might guarantee future happiness and prosperity. The Bible says, “test every spirit”. There are people whose spirits are not in alignment with yours, walking with them, especially in marriage can spell many troubles. The gift of discerning of spirits can save one from such troubles.

Third, on the home front, there are manifestations of spirits from time to time, which manifest themselves through strange behaviors among family members, especially children but not limited to them. Adults too are not left out.

For example, children uttering words beyond their age, can be by help of spirits that whisper things to them. Spirits are known to give humans super abilities beyond them, the Pyramids of Egypt, the seven wonders of the world, the old Temple of Jerusalem, ancient city walls etc are some of these super human achievements that are difficult to duplicate today.

Still on the family front, unwaranted sibling rivalries among children, misunderstanding among spouses, strange dreams and unexplainable occurrences which are not necessarily outrightly evil, among many that sometimes points to activities of spirits, among family members, and the need to find out which spirits, good or bad cannot be over stated.

The earlier one is able to distinguish between the works of devils and the fruits of grace in family matters, the better for the family, especially when children behaviors and progress are systematically being affected and tampered with.


There are many spirits in the world and at any given time and behind any given action there is a spirit at work discreetly and or openly inspiring or supporting whatever is being done. Human beings or a particular situation is either being controlled or inspired by the spirit of God, or an evil spirit or the spirit of the human himself. That makes for Three broad categories of spirits. Under each categories are several other types. Take for example, God’s Spirit, the HOLY SPIRIT, has Seven Spirits, yet ONE same spirit. So, sometimes, one might have to understand which of these seven spirits is in action in a life, at a particular time – Rev. 3:1. Isaiah 11:2.

From the Bible point of view, the human spirit is rarely completely independent without the influence of one of the other two spirits. To whom a man yields himself to, the servant of the same he is, either to the spirit of God or to another.

We must know there is a spirit in man, and can be influenced, controlled or completely taken over or put in subjection by another spirit to whom he yields himself.

“But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding” – Job 32:8.

“The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity; but a wounded spirit who can bear?” – Prov. 18:14.

“Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?” Romans 6:16.

1 Corinthians  2:11  For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.  

All these scriptures confirmed the fact that man has his own spirit and can work together or be taken over by another spirit outside of himself.

Human beings are capable of supernatural acts, and higher level of wisdom and understanding of things beyond the norms of experience and trainings once under the influence of another spirit other than himself and can attain or do many incredibly great feats by receiving such higher helps and influence. However, not every of these influences are inspired by God’s Spirit. So many are not, and they may not present themselves as bad spirit at first, in order to gain trust and confidence of their victims, and so the need to test and seek to discern the spirit behind actions before completely subjecting oneself to it’s control, influence or dictate.

Spirits are like “lovers”, they often appear good at first encounters, until they come out with their real intentions. So we have to be careful.

And spirits often hide their presence, they make you believe you are doing whatever you are doing by yourself or even by the spirit of God, please try to ask questions. Don’t just embrace things you know are not possible if you haven’t had spiritual help.

“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world” – 1 John 4:1.

This is true and should be applied for all situations and circumstances wherever humans are found, church activities inclusive. It is completely unwise to get along with spiritual things, just in the name of church or out of respect for fame and spiritual popularity without subjecting everything to the test of spirits in order to discern and determine which or whose spirit is at work. Not everything that is done in God’s Name are inspired by God’s Spirit, there are many lying spirits out there.

“For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works” – 2 Corinthians 11:13-15.

It is not enough to search out other peoples actions with the mind to discern whose spirits they are operating with, it is also important to try to determine which spirit is influencing one’s own actions and be sure whose spirit we are subjecting our individual self to.

“But let a man examine himself…” 1 Corinthians 11:28.

“Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?” – 2 Corinthians 13:5.

People, especially Christians, often believe they can never be use of devils, so they don’t test the spirits working with them or with their loved ones. Nothing can be more untrue. We are all susceptible, so we have to test every spirit, beginning with ourselves.


The gift of discerning of spirits was first and only mentioned in one place in the New Testament. Prior to that time, under the old dispensation, God spoke through prophets, priests,  judges and leaders of God’s people (Hebrews 1:1). However, after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the office of the prophet became very popular and there were many who began to speak in Jesus Name.

The Old Testament scriptures were the only available guide as at the time and mostly not available like the way we have our complete Bible today. And because there were multiplicity of prophetic statements, and so many scholars were springing up teaching and writing about the Ministry of Jesus Christ – Luke 1:1-4; Acts 1:1-2.

The spirit of discerning of spirits was given to some certain of the church in order to checkmate the excesses of those who under the spirit of devils, might want to take ondue advantage of the new emerging faith and revelations of Jesus Christ which was fast gaining grounds among the people and pollute the real message by their lies. So by the help of this gift, many such peddlers of error where easily identified.

It is therefore important to know the spirit of discernment was given to help the early church to determine, per time and occasion, which spirit was in operation and to detect and know the works of devils from the activities of the Spirit of Christ by those who claimed they are speaking for Christ because as at that time, revelation of God to man was not complete and there were no Bible to refer to.

Even though we now have the complete Bible, the Word of God by whose standards we can now determine the spirits in operation at any given time, by their fruits or their works, nevertheless, today’s believers can still benefit tremendously from the ministry of the gift of discerning of spirits in our day to day decision making process and in forming relationships.


  1. Through the use of spiritual senses.

“But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil” – Hebrews 5:14.

Just as we have our natural senses, so are believers blessed with acutely sensitive spiritual senses (please note that unbelievers spiritual senses are generally dull and incapable of sensible use). It should also be noted that the rate of exercising spiritual senses differ from one believer to another. This is what the world called intuition, as there are natural intuition, ability to listen to your own spirit and get directions per time, so are there spiritual intuition, supernatural ability to hear and listen to your own spirit, under the influence of the Spirit of God, and get directions and instructions from God per time. All believers have this ability, but to some, it is a gift of the spirit, and so are able to hear and listen to God’s Spirit via this method more than most other believers around them. It is a gift of God that are meant to help and bless the church where such persons finds themselves.

However, it is worth noting that this gift can easily be influenced, just as other spiritual gifts too, by other spirits other than the Spirit of God, without detection for a long time and with devastating consequences on unsuspecting believers.

So for this reason, churches place less emphasis on this aspect of spiritual gifts for church because of its vulnerability to other strange spirits who often disguise as God’s spirits.

And since we now have the complete Bible, the church rather prefer to rate the working of spirits side by side with the written Word of God and by their fruits. Intuition can be hijacked, influenced and corrupted by demons but none of them have such influence on the Word of God. To prove or try the spirits whether they be of God or not, the best route is via the revealed Word of God, the Bible. And for those who desire or are blessed and endowed with the spiritual gift of discerning of spirits, constant personal assessment is key to escaping the influence of demons who can take over the spirit of man, pretending to be the spirit of God.


Jesus knew the church will someday need to identify and distinguish between God and evil spirits, and so forewarned His followers on how to make such distinctions. And the following are key secrets.

  1. By their fruits, works and actions.

Demons are highly pretentious and can disguise as God’s Spirits unnoticed and unsuspected by their victims. However, as pretentious as devils are, their works may be subtle, but their fruits, especially in words and deeds, cannot be hidden. Both are never in complete agreement with God’s words. They may look as if they are, but sure, there will be deviation at some point.

No matter how good they appear, they will sure disagree with God’s words at some point. We have to watch out for this. Jesus forewarned:

“A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them” – Matthew 7:18, 20.

  1. By the Word of God and Prayers.

The first was by their fruits and work. The second is by The Word of God and prayers.

These two have a way of sharpening and quickening the human spirit and can help insulate the believer from the ravaging influence of demonic forces around him. The more the words and prayers one is given to, the less likely he will be a victim of negative spirits. The Word of God and prayers are purifiers and agents of spiritual cleansings. The more of God in us through these means, the more God exposes the working of evil spirits in the lives and families of believers and in the church as well, especially, when inspired and given utterances by the Holy Spirit of truth. The earlier apostles knew this when they openly declared:

“But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word” – Acts 6:4.

With proper Divine guidance in prayers and in words, demonic influences can be greatly curtail. This is one reason devils push people to pray with facts around them than with the written truths of the scriptures because prayer limits their works around those given to talking to God using His words.

No one can pray or understand the right use of the Word of God in prayers, except helped by the Spirit of God.

“Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered” – Romans 8:26.

If you don’t know or you don’t like prayers that are based on God’s Word, then don’t expect to be able to discern spirits expressly. Praying is not a problem for demons, so far the words are not linked to the Bible.

  1. By the stance of God on the Person and humanity of Jesus Christ.

This is the one demons fear most, especially for those who may have or will have in the future, direct contact with spirits like Mary and Joseph did in the Bible.

Many have worked with, seen and related with spirits for long and unknown to them they are not from God. It is not impossible to see spirits but before trusting and relating with spirits, even if they claim to come from God, please try do this third test, even if you have done the first two and the spirit “passed”.

We all need the assistance of godly spirits and angels and they sometimes appear physical and real. But please do this test, even if the spirit says he’s Jesus or Micheal or Gabriel or any such names.

There are many demons impersonating those names in hell.

Now, this is the test. Whichever spirit denies the humanity of Jesus Christ is NOT of God. In order word, any spirit that deny that Jesus Christ came into the world as flesh and blood is NOT of God

So, if you ever see a spirit, just ask if he believes Jesus Christ came as human being, flesh and blood. No evil spirit will say yes to that question. They CANNOT. So simple you will say. Yes.

Any spirit that denies the humanity of Jesus Christ, has denied the crucification, the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and are such cannot be from God. No demon, when asked or given opportunity to talk will agree to the truth that Jesus Christ came in the flesh, perfectly human, as much as He’s God.

“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world” – 1 John 4:1-3.

These three points listed are litmus test and are open for all believers to make use of, with or without the gifts of discerning of spirits.

Don’t forget I say, the test starts on personal level.

So before you test the spirits in others, test the one in you first. If you get yours right, then you can try others too. Deep calleth to deep. I hope we understand this.

And before I close the class, and we ask our questions.

The fourth, if I may add this, is follow your intuition, the inner voice within you, especially if by experience and use you have mastered your inner reactions to issues around you. I earlier mentioned this.

There are two basic problems with this method.

One, the human spirit is very unreliable and can rarely be trusted to discern between good and evil, itself being surrounded by so much corruptions. When the spirit of man stays too long with evil, it begins to readjust itself to it’s surroundings as though whatever is ongoing is the norm. The devil can confuse man’s spirit and jeopardize his ability to discern right from wrong.

Isaiah had no idea how unclean he was by reason of his surroundings until he saw Himself in the light of God’s presence.

“Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts” – Isaiah 6:5.

Two, because man’s spirit can be overtaken and get confused by constant exposure to evil and thus become weak in differentiating between good and evil, there is the need to constantly remind your spirit what’s right and wrong per time and season. And nothing else have the ability to teach and educate the spirit of man, on right and wrong than hearing or reading the word of God. Staying too long in a place where you don’t have a regular access to the “check and balance” of a thorough teaching of the word of God, is an assault to your spirit, soul and spiritual sensitivity. If you don’t find a way to spiritually feed your soul and spirit, spiritual dullness and inability to discern right from wrong spirits might not be too far from you. Once in that position, rarely can one take any sensible spiritual decisions on most matters of life.

“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart” – Hebrews 4:12.

Only the word of God can discern the thoughts and intentions of the hearts. These two, thoughts and intents of the hearts are not always generated by humans who bear them. Many of our thoughts are not ‘actually’ ours, many are whispered to our hearing by spirits outside us, that want us to believe they are ours and so make human do their biddings. “To whom you yield yourself to, the servant of the same you are”.

That’s where the word of God comes in, to try even our own “thoughts and intentions” to show (discern) whose own it is, ours or God or some devils.

So we are back to the basis again, the word of God. Nothing can help your spirit and develop your intuition, better than the word of God and prayers. Not one without the other.

Praying without the word makes for empty rants because the words of man are weightless in the spiritual, except it rise on the wings of God’s word.

The more you engaged in reading the Bible and prayers, the more sensitive to God and to your environment you will be. A dull intuition is a dull spirit, a dull spirit is blind and can’t discern between right and wrong spirits, but can be liberated by the word and prayers that are word soaked.

If you do these things, to a great extent, you will rarely be victim of false spirits.