By OLUMOFIN Kehinde Benjamin

Having defined gifts from past lectures as favour received from another person free without charge, been paid for by the giver, and in the case of spiritual gifts, God Himself is the Giver.

And when it comes to the Working of Miracles, God is the Miracle Worker.

All miracles come from God. Miracles are divine interventions in the affairs of men. Miracles are events or happenings that defy logic, it cannot be explained by science or nature. Miracles are God’s answers to the yearnings of men.

This means, miracles are God’s answers to prayers. All miracles are product of prayer. There is no miracle that is not connected to prayer. For a miracle to happen, someone somewhere has asked God for it. That is why all answers to prayers are miracles and all miracles are answers to prayer.

I have told us many times, that there is no prayer that will not be answered and there is nothing God cannot do, except a matter that has not been reported in prayer.

No prayer that is prayed goes unanswered. The answers may be delayed but can’t be denied. Answers that are delayed can only be set free to achieve the purpose it has been sent by more prayers. And that is the lesson learnt from the prayer of Daniel, having had his answers delayed by the prince (spiritual ruler) over the nation he was as at the time.

So the more we pray, the more the possibility of miracles because all miracles respond to prayers.

Now the gift of working of miracles is not only about the miracle of healing or health. It is the gift of working of MIRACLES. Note the word MIRACLES is in plural.

1 Corinthians 12:7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. 12:8 For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; 12:9 To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; 12:10 To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:

This simply means

Looking at verse 10, it is written “miracles”….which means, the miracles are endless and it covers all aspects of human life.

To pray and have answer is a miracle. To be in health is a miracle. To pray and get healed after a bout of sickness is a miracle. Many are not so blessed.

To see your children growing up in your very eyes is a miracle. To have and keep a home is a miracle. Whatever you are enjoying that you know is not your making is a miracle.

It is either God is honouring your prayers or He’s honoring someone else prayers on your behalf or both.

This means miracles are in two folds. And please I need your attention here.

The first is the miracles you receive by reason of your own personal prayers. Remember I already told you, no prayer, no miracle. All miracles are product of prayer. God will never interfere in the affairs of men, no matter how little, unless someone asked Him in prayer.

That’s the first level of Miracles. This is the level all believers operate from for personal victory and help from above. If you ask, you will receive.

John 16:24 Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.

Miracles are God’s way of reaching out to His children in joy. There is no way you will see answers to your prayers that you won’t rejoice in God.

A good example is Mommy Sarah. She laughed in joy and asked others to laugh with her. So she called her son, Isaac. Laughter.

I see someone’s joy being full and Holy Ghost giving you reasons to rejoice in Jesus Christ Mighty Name.

So it is the mind of God to see you rejoicing and that’s why He says…ASK!

Henceforth you will ask and ask untill your joy is full in Jesus Name.

One of the earliest understanding of personal miracle was the miracle of provision. Possibly you have heard me sharing it before, because it was so important in the process of my understanding of faith.

We were living in Kakuri, a southern neighborhood in Kaduna. On this faithful day, there was no food, no money and nothing whatsoever to fall back on. I remembered it was way past 6pm, we should be very close to 7pm, it was that late that faithful day. Nobody in the house had eaten anything, and it was already getting dark.

We had “fasted” as a family but nothing to break the fast, and it was past time for breaking already. I was too little to understand what my parents were going through but looking back now as an adult, I can understand their frustrations and disappointment looking at the children not being able to place any food on the table.

It was when it seems the day was already gone and the hope of ever eating gone that Maggaji appeared from no where. Maggaji was a heavy truck commercial driver. He learned his skill under dad and God has blessed him on the job. But the miracle was that he chose to visit his former boss, a thank you visit, having not seen for a very long time, and his coming was not without a heavy sack load of yams, neatly packed for a master who he had built a father-son relationship with.

Prior to this date, Maggaji was a brother like no other, except he’s from the northern extraction but a young man with a good heart. He had frequented the house many times before he suddenly stopped coming for a long period of time. He became untraceable. We knew nothing about him.

After the miracle of yams, which Maggaji possibly did not know he had just been an agent of supply, he was never heard from again, till date. All efforts to locate his whereabouts never worked until we stopped trying. God bless that man and his children forever. Amen. And I say that from my heart of heart.

We ate for days after his visit and we never had a day without food afterwards.

That was a miracle I will live to remember. Miracles happen everyday and we can be part of it in our families, either as agents of supply or as receivers of divine blessings. Miracle is not only about healing and health. Miracle do happen and can affect every areas of the family life.

There was no better preaching for me I ever heard from my parents, than a sudden and unexpected response to prayers that satisfied the hunger of that night. Where miracles happen, it doesn’t have to be every day, even in the ministry of the early church, miracle did not happened everytime they met. So in our homes, either regular or occasional, as long as they are timely and in answers to the yearning and prayers of the family, including those uttered from the innocent lips of the children, they have ways it reshaped the heart of the children to love and serve the God we claim to serve.

This simply mean, miracle can be God’s way of reaching out to our children and inscribing upon the tables of their hearts His Word, and Will and Purpose. So we should pray for miracle and lead them in prayers like that and also grow in faith and experience the gift of working of miracles for the benefit of the home church (family devotion) and the church outside the family.

Gift of working of miracles is one of the Power Gifts, which includes, gift of faith, gifts of healing, and working of miracles. They are interwoven and yet different from one to another. It is possible to have one or two of the power gifts or all of them, depending on your longing and desire for them. Spiritual gifts are not to manifest within physical church alone but are expected to manifest in the family church as well.

“But the manifestation (show forth) of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom… To another the working of miracles…But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will. 1 Corinthians 12:7-8, 10-11.

Now, the second level of Miracles, which is our focus for tonight is the Gift of Working of Miracles. I said the first level is general and is the level all of us believers operate from.

This second level is very specific and for few who so desire it. It is specific not in action but in the individuals involved.

The first level, which is the general one, I said the miracles are in response to your personal prayers but in the specific level, the miracles may be the same, look the same and for the same individual but the prayer that brought about that answer to prayer has nothing to do with the individual receiving it. It is God’s answers to ANOTHER person or persons prayer.

This is the level pastors or believers, who are blessed with this gift operate from. Sometimes, even themselves might have need of the miracle and still be trusting God for theirs, yet by their prayers, others will be blessed and receive the same miracle almost effortlessly.

This is so, sometimes, that God may show Himself as the Miracle Worker and not the preacher or the one who carry the gift. If he was the giver, he would have helped himself but that God may be God over all, he has to believe God for his own miracle and hopefully others too will pray for him, until God release the blessing.

So, if you are in a church or fellowship where God is answering your prayers, please always bless God for the anchor man praying for you.

Wherever you see God in action, and miracles, major or minor, are happening, be sure the gifts of working of miracles is in action and growing.

Note: the word major or minor miracles are human terminology, before God, all miracles are major and important and are sent for the same purpose. That is to bring joy to the body of Christ.

Manifestation (showing) of gifts of the Spirit is given to every believer to profit with it and has been divided to everyman (everyone in the family) severally (willingly) as God pleases. That it is not manifesting yet in your life and in the life of your family does not mean you haven’t been given. It only means you have not been exercising your faith in God’s ability to wrought miracles and teaching the children so, as it ought to be.

Every distinct answer to prayer is a miracle and children must be told same. The more God answers to prayers we have, especially when they are special and beyond what we could have done by ourselves, the more our children are exposed to God and the understanding of Whom God is.


There are many miracles in the Bible, from the ten plaques in Egypt, to the crossing of the red sea, parting of Jordan river, manna in the wilderness, up to the many miracles of Jesus Christ and the disciples who followed his footsteps. Of note was the miracle of turning water to wine by the hand of Jesus at the marriage in Galilee.

It all began with a need, a lack that couldn’t be met otherwise and the desire of Mary the mother of Jesus Christ. “And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine.” John 2:3.

1. The need for miracles are inexhaustible. From family to the church, there are so many people in need of miracles. Yet, as many as the human needs for miracle is, only few people, like Mary, have eyes to see and  intercede in prayer for the divine fulfillment of the miracle needs in the life of others.

Mary told Jesus “They had no wine”. If she had not sought the help of Jesus, nobody else would have and the miracle wouldn’t have taken place.  All spiritual gifts are given and will manifest in response to prayers. No spiritual gifts is of private use. All are God’s answers to the prayer of someone somewhere who saw a lack and asked God for an intervention. The more of such divine interventions in response to your prayers the more you are demonstrating the spiritual gifts concerned.

God is the miracle Worker. Humans are vessels through whom He’s prospering His Will on earth. God is ever in the business of working of miracles and in the giving and usage of other spiritual gifts, the intercessors, who will receive the gifts in answers to prayers are dwindling in numbers.

This means, if you must manifest the gift of working of miracles, then you must develop special ability to see, empathize and feel the needs of others and regularly commit their cause to God in prayers until you see God answering your prayers for them. And this has nothing to do with either they know you are praying for them or not.

I remembered when I was in secondary school, on the way I trekked daily was this couple’s house, who at the time had no children. And I have heard neighbors speaking bad of them on occasions especially about the man who seems to love his wife so much despite their condition.

So I made it a duty to be praying for them and sometimes fast on their behalf without them even knowing I was doing that till date. The prayers were yet to be answered as at the time they moved out of that community but I knew God heard me.

So if you love this gift of working of miracles, like Mary the mother of Jesus Christ, you have to learn to speak to God on the behalf of others, either they know you are doing so or not.

The couple knew wine was finished but they were not in the picture of how Jesus got to know about their problem and gave a timely miracle for it.

Carrier of the Gift of Working of Miracles are INTERCESSORS.

2. You need a higher level of faith and love to operate this gift than you will need when the need and the prayer is personal.

It is NOT human to pray for others, especially when you have your own issues to deal with. That’s why God loves intercessors. You need a great faith and great love to carry other peoples matter to God in prayers.

Mary prayed Jesus, “they had no wine”

“Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come. His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it.” John 2:4-5.

Despite Jesus initial opposition to Mary’s request, her strong love for the couple and her strong faith in her Son, mades it impossible for Him to reject her prayers.

It takes a strong faith and love to continue insisting in prayer, especially after a “no answer” situation after one or two tries, before God until the miracles are given and a soul or another family is blessed. Men find it easier to tarry in prayer in their own matter than in other people’s matter.

Individual believer can receive miracles in response to prayers of faith on any matter and for anything, at any time but the gift of working of miracles, are in response to strong faith and prayers prayed for and on behalf of others who are in need of the miracle being prayed for. The others in this regard can be members of your own house or members of your church or any other person of interest on whose behalf you have laboured in intercessory prayers. If you are so blessed that God is sending miracles to others in response to your prayers, it means you have been blessed with the grace (gift) of working of miracles and it should be encouraged. Such special vessels are gradually lacking in the church of God and God is in need of them.

“The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.” Mathew 9:37-38.

3. Sometimes we often give the credit to the wrong person.

That miracle happened in a church does not mean the set man (pastor) in that church is the sole person responsible for the prayers that brought the answer that led to the miracle. Some miracles are as a result of many hidden prayers from the secret prayers of hidden intercessors that have gone up to heaven, and because it happened in a church, we often ascribe the event to the pastor in charge. Sometimes, it is not always the true reflection of the situation.

There are many who are blessed with the gifts of working of miracles but because they are not their church man-on-the-altar, they have failed to realize and sharpen the gift of God upon their lives.

“When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and knew not whence it was: (but the servants which drew the water knew;) the governor of the feast called the bridegroom,” (John 2:9).

The feast master of ceremony thought the groom had kept the good wine until now but unknown to him, the miracle worker (Jesus Christ) and the woman of prayer were hidden in plain sight. God can announce you via spiritual gifts, especially with the gift of working of miracles, and sometimes, He can hide you from the public while answering your prayers in the life of others.  If you are appreciated or not after a prayer has been answered, it should not count much, so far God is glorified and a son or daughter of God or a family has been blessed.

This means, in a group like ours, the answers to prayers might not be because the Group Admin alone is praying, it also means the intercessors, scattered across cities and countries, all members of this Group are watching and praying as well.

And the result is God is glorified and families are blessed.

4. Gift of working of miracles is ever full of surprises. Its inexplicably vast and encompassing.

There is no aspect of humans life where miracles are not needed. There is always something new and encouraging for everyone. The master of ceremony wondered how the groom had been able to keep the “good wine” till that moment.

That is how to know God is in a miracle. It will spring joyous surprises because it will be new, and it will be full of awe.

And saith unto him, Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine; and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse: but thou hast kept the good wine until now. John 2:10.

The good wine is brewing fresh still and homes and families shall be satisfied by it henceforth in Jesus Christ Mighty Name. AMEN!

Just this evening, one of our sisters we have been praying and trusting God for got a new medical report, which was confirming an earlier report that shows what God has done.

Her fear was gone. She has been healed and you need to hear the joy and the praise that was in her words as she shared with me this evening. I rejoice with her and still rejoicing as I type.

Miracles are happening, people of God. If we pray just a little more, we shall experience more and more in Jesus Name. Amen!

5. God will be glorified and more sons and daughters will be won to God and God’s work on earth will be expanded.

2:11 This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him.

Whatever gift that does not encourage others to love God more and serve Him better has no place in the New Testament Church which Jesus Christ died for and has redeemed by His Blood.

All miracles and all gifts must lead others to God through Christ Jesus.

If you are willing and obedient, the gift of working of miracles, just like any other spiritual gifts are ours in Jesus Christ. AMEN.


Mrs Lizzy: Good evening sir
Pls my question is what is the difference between Lucky, Grace and Miracle?

My Response:

This is a very important question. Thanks for asking.

Luck is chance…like a game, something that happens to someone, not by reason of any of the person actions, but by chance. It can be either good or bad. That is why the word…luck, lucky etc was never used in the Scripture.

Some even attributes the word “luck” to have originated from the word “Lucifer”, the Bible name for Satan.

God is not the author of “good and bad” which comes by chance. Only good and perfect gift come from God.

Good and perfect gift not good and bad gift. The devil play games with people’s life and destiny and he called it luck.

James 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

God don’t play games.

Now, the second in your question is Grace.

Grace is from God. Only God gives grace through Jesus Christ.

John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. 1:16 And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace. 1:17 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

Grace is solely from Jesus Christ, just like good and perfect gift. Grace is not received or given by chance or by luck. No!

It is a deliberate gift of God.

For God so loved the world, He GAVE….John 3:16.

Grace is a deliberate gift, luck is a gift by chance. That’s why it can be good or bad.

Grace is ONLY good and perfect.

And the last part is Miracle.

All miracles are gifts of grace. They are freely given.

Yes someone may have prayed for it, but it was not the prayer that paid for it, it was the grace of Jesus Christ on Calvary that was the real PRICE.

They are only given because we asks in prayer but it is free for whoever ask, rich or poor, educated or not, male or female.

Miracle don’t happen by chance. Only by grace.

I hope the answer satisfies the question my sister?