It is actually possible for two people to love each other and still not be compatible and agree on a thing in marriage.

As best as we should know that love can be a feeling, an emotional attachment, in a romantic way. To another person, Love can also be a choice, a deliberate and intentional decision to love, cherish and want to be with someone you consider special and deserving of your love, time and attention.

In this brief introduction, I have Summarily described the two kinds of love, in which number one is: An emotional, involuntary attachment to someone. This is a sweet feeling that sweep all over your being, captivating experience that wows the one under its influence for reasons that ranges from physical attributes, charming looks and excellent personal demeanor, among many other irresistible physical or emotional qualities that a lover finds attractive, convincing and deserving of his or her love and interests.

This is the kind of love that drives many married lovers into the marriage bed. However, as sweet as this love experience is, it is subject to time and inconsistent changes that trail the human nature.

Human desire, taste, and want changes every 10 years at most. And sometimes, sooner than that. Whatever a teenage girl saw that wowed her in a man are most likely going to Change in her mid twenties. She is not likely going to be contented and happily settled with her choices until her late twenties and some can drag more till their late thirties or even possibly early forties. This also is mostly true with men as well, although his own experience may not be as complex as his female mate but nonetheless, he is also subject to changes as he grows during the course of the years. Humans emotion and taste changes with age.

This is true but the rate of change gets slower with age and maturity. This is why emotional love is always subject to change. Whatever that got you attracted to someone today might make little or no sense to you in another few years down the line. Emotional love is generally blinding and irrational, giving no much room for much thinking and superior reasoning.

Once you get in love through this kind of love, everything will seem perfect and nothing else will matter except to be in the arms of the one that is loved.

At this stage, since everything seem perfect, no much consideration will be given to other vital areas of life where there may be unnoticed differences waiting to be discovered just months ahead.

Medical compatibility, character and behavioral compatibility, finance, education and way of thinking, sexuality, spirituality, beliefs and much more areas vanishes into the thing air once the person is emotionally fused in love, but will apparently become very important considerations in life and marriage as maturity and other important issues of life beacons in. All human passes through this phase of love at one point or another, although with different success rates, depending on training, and willingness to tap from the experiences of others who had once gone through this phase. Here, love is done effortlessly and can be laden with many regrets that can go on for a long time when one carries on without paying much attention into details and superior wisdom.

This is why two people that seem to be eternally made for each other suddenly find it hard staying together in love after a while because of obvious difficulties to reconcile their differences and incompatible areas that are now been discovered in their lives. Many lovers love-life rarely survives this new discovery. They have been incompatible all along but were only blindly in love to see and help their differences. They can however be healed and helped, but not without much troubles. This will lead us to the second type of love; the Intentional love.

2. Intentional Love :
Here, you don’t just fall in love based on physical appeal and attractions but based on intentional and deliberate choices that have been carefully looked into, sometimes negotiated and agreed on.

It is usually preceded with emotional love in most cases, but with added advantage of maturity and help of experienced people.
Lovers are able to engage the natural senses, spiritual considerations, medical and behavioral maturity and among other important futuristic and present considerations in their decision making process. Marriages based on emotional love guided and helped by intentional choices are likely to survive better as lovers grow in age, so changes in age will have some impact in their love life and marriage since they were deliberate in the choice of each other from the very beginning. But in this Intentional Love, compatibility in almost all areas of the marriage life is possible as most has been well considered and agreed on before the marriage proper. Where Intentional love is absent, both has been set loose and not found in the sea of love, then living together and maintaining the original love that brought this two together in romantic relationship can be hard to keep in place.

Note that, It is actually possible for two people to love each other and still not be compatible and agree on a thing in marriage.

As best as we should know that love can be a feeling, an emotional attachment, in a romantic way. To another person, Love can also be a choice, a deliberate and intentional decision to love, cherish and want to be with someone you consider special and deserving of your love, time and attention.

In conclusion, two lovers may end up to be grossly incompatible, where emotional love is not backed and sustained by deliberate and intentional choices. Shalom!