The topic before us is an important protocol in the fellowship with God both as in individual level and as a corporate body……..THANKSGIVING/SPRITUAL SONGS AS AN HABIT

According to Ps.103:1-9……Thanksgiving can be seen as a deliberate, intentional,conscientious expression of open gratitude unto God for his goodness in the past, present and what he will do in times to come

The psalmist was delibrate in his choice of words…..he called his consciousness to order……Bless the Lord Oh my SOUL(center of consciousness and will).

Thanksgiving is not what you do in passing, its a deliberate thing, intentional thing….you don’t just stumble to it to become intentional about it. You don’t stumble into it , you have to be intentional about it

The psalmist went ahead to call his consciousness to order……Forget not His benefit…..there is a tendency to forget God’s blessings especially during scarcity like our mummy powerfully spoke yesterday..,but men and women that will have Thanksgiving as a habit must be THOUGHTFUL people…..thoughtful in the sense that you consistently become mindful of the blessing of God any time any day. It takes thoughtful people to be thankful.

Thanksgiving is sponsored from a deep thought and recognition of the benefits of the father in the past, present and the future……as stated in PS.103.

Spiritual songs on the other hand are words inspired by the spirit by the word of God accompanied with melody to communicate gratitude and Thanksgiving to the father.

The song could be: directly lifting the words verbatim from the scripture or the lyrics have a scriptural undertone
PS.69:30. Spiritual songs are like the vehicle that conveys thanksgiving, its one of the potent means of communicating gratitude to the father…..PS.92:1-4.

So its important what and who sponsors the song you use to communicate gratitude to God….there are many songs out there, no matter how current they are its does not make them correct if there is no scriptural undertone to its lyrics then and only then can it communicate gratitude to God.

A Habit is simply an established and sustained custom of doing things. Hence to have Thanksgiving and spiritual songs as an established and sustained custom of fellowship with God could takes a conscious , intentional and deliberate effort to be mindful, thoughtful and recognizing daily the benefit of the father towards you….there is no other way……you must consistently call your consciousness to order to recognised God’s benevolence irrespective of the present challenges.

The devil has a way of cheating us out of maintaining a steady state of gratitude….he magnifies what God is yet to do in High Definition images to make you loose touch with that which God has done both in the past and present and even in the future…….the Psalmist had this understanding and had to call his soul (his consciousness) to order….and this we must do to sustain a habit of Thanksgiving, cause only then can we be in a pole position to receive even more from the father…may the Lord help us.


1.Because its a Good thing

Psalms 92:1 It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High:
If there is any way to want to do a good thing unto the Lord without going amiss or going off-course,it is via giving thanks to God.

2.It is Gods will for us in Christ Jesus

One of the most challenging areas of walking with God for my generation is finding and staying in the WILL of God, but one sure way of staying in the will of God is to be an addicted thanks giver

1 Thessalonians 5:18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Thanksgiving places you perpetually within the confines of the will of the Father and at that realm everything is possible.

3.Thanksgiving gives perfection, seal and a covering of perpetuity of the benefit and blessings for which you are thanking God for.

The story of the ten lepers healed by Jesus comes to mind in Luke.17….only one of them received, wholeness, and a seal to his miracle……that one can never come down with leprosy again for life, there’s seal of perpetual health over that illness… it is with every victory and benefit you give God thanks for.

4.Thanksgiving is a spiritual protocol to ACCESSING and HOSTING the presence of the Divine for any gathering, fellowship or meeting with the Father

Psalms 100:4 Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.

There is a difference between a GATE and the COURT. At the gate you have access into the presence but not necessarily the attention of the ABBA who is seated in the COURT…….what Thanksgiving does is give you access but Spiritual song grant you audience with the Father because it takes you to the court where you can lend your voices together with the hosts of voices within the court. it’s in praise that He gives you attention because He inhabits the praise of his people (PS.22:3).

Am sincerely trusting God to give us this understanding… we can combine Thanksgiving and spiritual songs together consistently as they are potent spiritual protocol to accessing and hosting the Father.

Lastly is that thanksgiving /spiritual song gives wings, speed, to our request, petition and prayers to arrive at the seat and throne of the Father, they are the Spiritual courier system that take our request to the Father. Any prayer not laced with thanksgiving will not fly, the scripture gave a pattern to rest and assured answers to our request in Phil.4:6-7.

Philippians 4:6-7 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

The Key word in that scripture is …..WITH THANKSGIVING , not AND , OR ……so as a matter of prerequisite to answer of prayer, THANKSGIVING must be an integral part of it, otherwise we may just keep pressing and there is no delivery to the Father….may the Lord help us in Jesus name.

I wish to stop here, may the Lord make us habitual thanks giver, people of spiritual songs in Jesus name Amen.

This lecture was delivered on the 3pG Telegram page as a Thanksgiving Anniversary lecture May 21st 2022 by Bro.Tobechukwu Chris Abiamuwa.