When Thanksgiving is Difficult

When Thanksgiving is Difficult

When Thanksgiving is Difficult

Be thankful in all circumstances. This is what God wants from you in your life in union with Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 GNB

Thanksgiving is easy when the lines are fallen in pleasant places, and things are going well as we expect. But Thanksgiving can be difficult under the following circumstances:

  1. When there is delay, especially the small ones.
  2. When we can’t pay rent or school fees,
  3. When there is sickness,
  4. When food is delayed, especially for men,
  5. During the loss of a loved one,
  6. When you have a bad neighbor, who won’t appreciate your good moves,
  7. When your spouse is unappreciative of your good deeds,
  8. When you get delayed in bus stop,
  9. When the blessings come but not as expected,
  10. When one of the children got low grade in school,
  11. When the desired job opportunity is not forth coming,
  12. etc.
    When we are grateful, everything in us and around us feels it. A grateful person has peace with him/herself and others around and so the person is healthyA merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.

Proverbs 17:22 KJV

So is it for a grateful parent, the children see the peace in you and are confident, they learn to be grateful and appreciative as well.

Never give thanks because you have to, or from an unrepentant heart, but because you have a grateful heart.

Thanksgiving should not be conditional, but in all things and for all things, God must be praised.

Ayoola-Olumofin C. (Mrs) writes for Praying Parents Prayer Group