The key vision of 3pG is to support parents in taking spiritual responsibility for the overall welfare of their children. To this effect, we have been encouraged and challenged to pray regularly for our children and family based on relevant Bible scriptures. In line with the group vision, the Holy Spirit recently impressed upon my heart to encourage parents who have been experiencing challenges in raising their children. This writing will extract the testimony from Dr. James Dobson’s book, titled “Parenting isn’t for Cowards”. (An e-book recently posted on 3pG forum).

The purpose of this message is to give hope, comfort and encouragement to parents. As a parent, do you have a strong-willed, physically challenged child or one living with learning disability? Does your child have characteristics that bring ridicule from their peers? Or you are a parent who is worried about your child’s weight, height or any aspect of developmental growth? Do you have grown up children who are either experiencing delay in getting married or your children are married but facing marital challenges.

As God fearing parents, we should remember that God has given us a potent and powerful weapon through intercessory prayers. James 5: 16b reminds us that “the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much”. It is also important to note that many times, God’s answer to our request might not come in the form we expected. For example, the Lord might say that His grace is sufficient for us and He will then fortify us with strength that can carry us through the darkest times (2 Cor 12:9). He might also ask us to persevere in the place of prayers if He did not give us immediate answer.

Dobson’s family testimony –encourages parents never to give up.

Dr James Dobson’s grandmother had six children whom she had been praying for since their formative years. However, her youngest son- who was Dr James dad, happened to be a headstrong young man. For seven years following his high school graduation, Dr James dad left the church and rejected all the teachings until one day when he was encouraged to attend an evangelist crusade where he surrendered his life back to Jesus and subsequently he served God for the rest of his life. Dr Jame’s grandmother did not give up on her son, she started praying for her children right from infancy and God answered her intercessory prayers even after so many years of the son’s backsliding.

We can relate this type of steadfastness in prayer to the relationship between our Lord Jesus Christ and His disciples while on earth. For three years, the Lord taught his disciples how to pray, starting with the Lord’s prayers in Mathew 6:9-13, and he did not stop there, he regularly withdrew to a quiet place to pray and also he had taken the disciples with him many times to pray. Moreover, before breaking bread or before performing a miracle, He would always give thanks and prayed etc. We witnessed this happening all through his ministry, even at the mount of transfiguration.

But despite all Jesus did to model the act of praying in the disciples, they were still too weak to pray as seen at Gethsmane (Mk 14: 37-38). Even though Jesus reproved them many times, He did not give up on the disciples and He did that for over three years. After Jesus resurrection and ascension however, the disciples had caught the fire of prayer in Act 1: 13-14, “And when they were come in, they went up into an upper room, where abode Peter and James and John, and Andrew and Philip, and Thomas, Bartholomew, and Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus and Simon Zelotes, and Judas the brother of James. These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren.”

What a transformation that took place in the lives of the disciples, most especially as this event preceded the baptism of the Holy Spirit. All because Jesus did not give up, He consistently taught and led an exemplary prayer life. Likewise as a parent, you must not give up on that child. Keep praying, keep confessing the Covenant of Words. The Lord cares for you, He understands how tired you are caring for that sick child, He sees your secret tears and in His time, He will honour your prayer of faith.
Psalm 20: 1-2. “May the Lord hear thee in the day of trouble; the name of the God of Jacob defend thee, send thee help from the sanctuary and strengthen thee out of Zion. Amen.”

Next week, the last of this series, we will consider the three domain of assessing the needs of children, as used by professional, and how we can relate them to Christian parenting. May God bless your heart and in His time, He will reward your labour of love in consistent and untiring Christian parenting in Jesus Name. Amen

Olubunmi Afere (Mrs) writes for Praying Parents Prayer Group, 3pG.