I have never been to the seat of power, I have never met the president, never seen him before. This was one of the firsts, and only in dreams. You don’t have to believe it. I only try to say things I saw and how they were shown to me.

I saw the president, he sat relaxing in a chair outside his abode, I wasn’t sure where in particular. He sat undisturbed and around him was this aroma of respect I couldn’t explain. You can’t be around him and not be captivated with his presence. You won’t see anything wrong about him. He is easy going and unassuming. You can rarely fault him. No matter the noise or accusations you have heard outside about him, his presence makes it difficult for you to read any sense of truth to any of them. You can’t know if he is angry, sad or not.

If you see him, you will understand why many would gladly want to die for him, defend him and be so proud to work for him. But I noticed there was something different about him too, something deep, something difficult to explain, I didn’t see it and I was not told. But I knew it was there.

When you come before the president, you will find it hard leaving and still want to be his enemy or critics. That I saw very clearly. Then I wondered within me, without uttering a word, why are things so bad, and the nation is full of turmoil, then I heard a voice in the ears of my spirit, “he’s not the one ruling”.

I woke up confused not knowing what to pray for or pray against. This was few days ago, a month or less.


The morning of Sunday 16th May 2021, in the early hours, I had a dream. I’m not sure the precise time, but I know it was before 4am. By His grace I wake up 4am everyday to observe my Covenant Hour. My wife, my partner on the hour, has been very supportive in this respect. I do have dreams and I know when to take a particular one serious, especially when the indices are there….and I know them from experience and walk with Abba.

I saw myself praying for Nigeria, I must confess lately, I have not been enjoying doing so. I had felt the Land is redeemable but the Nation as it is, is not. Its a conclusion based on pasts revelations. But in the visions of that faithful Sunday morning I saw myself interceding for Nigeria. Then I saw things.

First, before me was a huge statue, bigger than I have ever seen, standing erect on a plain. It quickly reminded me of the statue of Nebuchadnezzar the Bible talked about, that was the only image I could compare what I saw with, but I was quickly reminded, this wasn’t the Nebuchadnezzar image the three Hebrew brothers refused to bow to.

This one was wearing a long kaftan, standing just there in the open for all to see. Then I heard, “that is your president”. I looked up, it was indeed him. But that was not the biggest surprise. I took my gaze off the big statue, and look to my left in a 180 degree view and I saw citizens, standing bowing before the huge image.

And I wondered in my spirit, why worshiping the image and how can a statue, lifeless image, be the president of a nation? Then I heard, “he is not the one ruling….” but I was not told who the unseen ruler(s) were. Unsatisfied, I asked in my spirit that God should intervene, heal the Land and make things better, without saying a word.

Then again come the reply… “you (citizens) asked for him and you got what you wanted. You exalted him to the position of a messiah, idolized him and now you have him. You made him a statue, and a statue is what you got.” Then I was reminded of the first vision I shared, the aroma of respect, the almost god like presence that I saw about him, that the citizen gave him a god status, and gave him a name liken only to our Lord, the Son of God…I was told the name but I had forgotten by the time I woke up. I can still hear it in my spirit as I write, but my senses can’t put it in words.

Then something within me longed, in regret, for way out of the national sin of idolatry we had fallen into. Then I heard in my spirit again, “I will not intervene and help you (the citizen and the nation) until you renounce and denounce the saviour statue you set up for yourselves” in repentance and turn in worship to the True God, the Father.

Then, I woke up.

We have sinned as a Nation. God heard all our prayers and He’s ready to help us, but we have rejected him and made a statue for ourselves to lead us, and until we also renounce the idol we have set before our eyes and repented in whatever roles we have played as individuals, families, groups or church in the emergence of the big statue we have erected, idolized and exalted like a collective savior, God is bound to respect our wish and will NEVER intervene in the affair of this Nation, until we renounce the statue leader we created. We are guilty of Idolatry, we must repent, and renounce the statue we set up, then God will intervene, the way only Him can.