Please confess this regularly by faith and celebrate what Christ has accomplished for God’s children.


I am the peak of God’s wonders
I am His wonderment
I am the peak of His accomplishments
I am His chief creation
I am the celebrity of God: nothing on earth can change that.

Angels gaze at me in amazement
Demons don’t understand why He love me so
I am loved and so are my offspring
We are signs and wonders from God to nations
If you love God, you will love me
And if you hate me, you love death.

I am the Apple of His eyes
He gave His angels charge over me
No one can touch me for evil; I am His anointed
They are blessed that bless me
I cannot be cursed because I belong to God
I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus
I sit with Him in high places.

I fear no enchantment and I fear no divination
Because no weapon formed against me shall prosper
I am never alone, goodness and mercy are my companions
I am of the order of Melchizedek and of the lineage of Abraham.

Sarah is my mother
I am not a seed of the bondwoman
I am a son not a bastard
I am beyond curse; I am blessed
This is me and this is my heritage in Christ Jesus
And its the same for my children and their children’s children.

God is my Father, Jesus Christ is my Savior, and the Holy Spirit my eternal Guide
I am God’s wonderment
I’m a blessing to nations.
This was true yesterday, and they are still the truth today and shall be the truth always.
Amen Hallelujah.

Culled by Mrs Maria Adewoye from a 3pG audio I AM GOD’S WONDERMENT