Overwhelm means to be drowned beneath a huge mass of something(s). A lot of times people find themselves overwhelmed. The issues could be marital, children, financial burden, work load, spiritual assignments, academic pressure or even chores that needs to be done. When one is faced with a myriad of challenges or moving from one issue to another, such person is bound to be overwhelmed. Also, efforts that seem to be fruitless can also put one in such a state e.g, trying to win over a deviant child who seems determined to go astray or repeated failures at a pursuit can also be overwhelming .

The state of being overwhelmed if not taken care of could give rise to a feeling of inadequacy thus leading to depression. This is the point where the devil can take advantage of such a soul and begin to whisper “ending it all” as a viable option. Every suicide attempt whether successful or not begins from being overwhelmed by whatever the person is facing.

Anyone can be overwhelmed irrespective of the spiritual standing. Even our Lord Jesus was overwhelmed at the garden of Gethsemane. (Matthew 26:38). Permit me to say that it is not enough to say iit is well when one is drowning over a load of burden. It is well seems to be a mantra that believers of today chant even when there is no faith to birth it. The rich woman in 2 kings 4 did not just throw the words “it shall be well” to the wind . She took steps to ensure her faith brings her words to life.

What steps are you taking to bring yourself out of that overwhelming state? Throwing a pity party is not the best step to take at this time neither is it advisable to lock yourself in from the world.

Lets look at some practical steps to take:

  1. Do something about the situation, Don’t leave things the way they are (2 kings 4:21). Take action no matter how small. The Shinnamite took action, she did not fall down and start crying or blaming God as some of us would have done.
  2. Seek help concerning the situation. Dont be ashamed to share your challenges with someone, dont bottle it up. It is not a crime to seek help. Man was not created to live life alone, talk to a friend, a parent, a pastor, a superior, a colleague. You will be amazed to know what others have passed through if only you open up. Verse 22 of the same reference above helps in this wise.
  3. Trust God to come through for you Vs 26. She trusted in the God of Elisha to make the situation well again (Matthew 26:39).
  4. Never neglect your prayer life for therein lies your victory. Jesus conquered the cross at the place of prayer in Gethsemane.
  5. Never allow the devil steal your joy for therein lies your strength (Nehemiah 8: 10).

No matter the situation, God is right there in the belly of your boat, just do the asking and you will be surprise how the sea and the waves cones obediently under His command once He steps in to show His mightiness for as many who believes.