1 Kings  16:31  And it came to pass, as if it had been a light thing for him to walk in the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, that he took to wife Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal king of the Zidonians, and went and served Baal, and worshipped him.

One of my pastors whenever he is praying for the youth in his church, he will say for the men “none of you will marry a woman like Jezebel for a wife” and for the women, “none of you will marry a man like Ahab as husband” and by the time he added “in Jesus Name” to his prayer, a resounding chorus of “Amen” was always the response, even though many of them may not have even read the Biblical account of this couple, except the fact that Jezebel is generally taken as a bad name, used only in reference to harlots, prostitutes and women with low morals.


The Bible makes references to many women with nearly zero virtues but none was like Jezebel, she excel them all in the act of treachery, murder and seduction. She was a proud enemy of God, and all that’s sacred. To say Jezebel was demon possessed was to say the least. She was the queen and grandmother of harlots, she was the prototype of that wicked woman, fornication personified, anointed by the devil to trouble the church and discomfort families (Rev. 2:20). The spirit of Jezebel is very active today and any unsuspecting believer, men and women, can be victim of it seductive assignments.


Ahab was a weakling, spoilt and untrained son of a wicked king Omri. Omri was very wicked, yet his wicked acts were nothing in comparison to those of Ahab. Ahab became the most wicked king in Israel, it was so bad that at a point God called for a conference and special executive session in heaven, the Godhead and all angels and demons were in attendance to discuss how to end the enigma that Ahab was (1 Kings 22:18-22). He was that bad. Don’t be too wicked to your spouse or to anyone to warrant God putting up a conference in heaven to debate your fall. No Bible record that such a conference was ever held for anyone again and you don’t have to be the next. Ahab’s wickedness raise alarm in the heavens all because of one woman called Jezebel who took advantage of the bad upbringing and parental lapses suffered by Ahab.

1 Kings 21:25 But there was none like unto Ahab, which did sell himself to work wickedness in the sight of the LORD, whom Jezebel his wife stirred up. A child that is not well trained is a confirmed liability for a future spouse, and if he/she happen to fall into the hand of a master manipulator like Jezebel, his immediate society pay the price, beginning with the parents who refused to do their duties when it was in their power to make a difference.


2 Corinthians 6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

As at the time Ahab married Jezebel, the national Jewish One God religion has been watered down in the northern kingdom of Israel whose throne was just being inherited by Ahab. The gods of other nations were gradually being tolerated and their lifestyles were no longer considered abominable in the northern kingdom. So a marriage between Ahab of Israel, the light of God and Jezebel, a dedicated prophetess of Baal was not a big deal, despite all physical and spiritual evidences to the contrary.

Darkness cannot stand the brightness of light but when light has been compromised, light will be overtaken, used and taken undue advantage of and will eventually become near darkness itself (Matthew 6:23). A light that is dark is no light at all. The gospel is so watered down like the Jewish religion of Ahab days that many young Christian men and women no longer see spiritual compatibility as a primary basis for marriage. Yet, the most important qualification for a Christ centered marriage is faith and spiritual compatibility. A marriage contracted solely for political gain, financial benefit or on the sole basis of physical attraction is a failure from the start.


Proverbs 6:25 Lust not after her beauty in thine heart; neither let her take thee with her eyelids.

The first thing that attracts a woman to a man is her physical look before any other considerations and that’s perfectly alright.  But when physical beauty and sensual displays are allowed to override spiritual senses then such a man has been overtaken and is trapped in the web of seduction, blinded to his true position until after the wedding takes place. Just a one-time sexual experience with a woman under the influence of spirit of seduction before marriage is all that’s needed to get hooked, blinded and derailed and is a line that’s often very easy to cross. The acts of seduction has gone PLC and only those with the spirit of discernment can notice the thin line between falling in love and falling a prey to seduction.


Many young men and women are Innocent and ignorant victims already. So many women, even believers are unknown carrier of seductive spirits and are attracted unnecessarily to the wrong persons, and soon after marriage they begin to discover so many incompatibilities and reasons they were wrong as couples from the beginning and can’t stop wondering why they couldn’t see so many obvious signs of waiting dangers and why they ended up in such marriages. And in many cases both partners were victims of seduction. Go to any ceremonies, birthday parties, family occasions, social gatherings, or even a typical Sunday morning thanksgiving service, look at the mode of dressings, and facial make up and paintings, you will have trouble knowing church sisters from those who have no business with Christ. The heavier a woman paint her face the more seductive she become. You can’t be borrowing styles and appearances from Egypt and expect demons to treat you like daughters of Zion, it doesn’t work like that because devils have no respect for anyone who has identified with them.

Once you make use of tools and materials that belong to the devil, you don’t expect a different treatments from the spirits that works in children of disobedience (Philippians 2:2). Demons know their kinds, you can’t wear makeup, eye lashes and eyebrows that make your appearance like that of Nefertiti, princess of Egypt and still hope to be free from the influence of the spirit of seduction. Moderation is the heart of Christian beauty (Philippians 4:5). Unnatural beauty is a perfect cover for inner rot. Many sisters are falling asleep like the five foolish virgins and got married in that spiritual lukewarm position to a man who himself is no different, that only got attracted to them by reasons of borrowed values from the world around them, some have woken up to realize they had fallen for a man who has no feeling for them, no love unless when they appear in the vanity of borrowed faces. Theirs is better, at least they can start praying and hope things get reversed for better, but for many, they are yet to wake up from their deep sleep while dreaming all will be well as they go deeper and farther into the art of seductive paintings and self-glorifying dressings. This things are so real but I lack words to explain them, because they are spiritual things and only those who thirst after God can see it. I pray God give you understanding into this in Jesus Name. Amen.

The whole world is under the manipulative activities of devils and there is serious concentration in the beauty and fashion industries. That doesn’t mean other sections of human endeavours are free, Music, movies, higher education’s centers, and so on are all equally touched, but for the purpose of this lesson, let’s focus on the beauty and fashion industries. The 21st century fashion and beauty therapies are seduction inclined, the old art of witchery and manipulation through facial expressions as practice in the old godless Egyptian and Zidonian societies are here again, even the church is not spared. The enemy want every woman to be a potential bait and a tool for seduction and church women are falling victim already. A visit to a nursery or primary school end of term party is enough to convince you. Parents whose minds are debased already will make up for children and prepare them like sex goddesses of an Eastern temple, just for fashion and beauty, thereby exposing children like that to the possessive activities of demons in charge of sexual perversions.

Secondary and University students are not to be mentioned, a lot are already masters in the art of seduction.  Married men are their worst Victims. When they appear before you, you think of nothing but sex. So many sex goddesses walking the streets, many of them don’t even know who they are, neither do their male victims. Only men in regular, deep personal fellowship with God can stand before them.

Proverbs 7:7 And beheld among the simple ones, I discerned among the youths, a young man void of understanding, 7:10 And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot, and subtil of heart. 7:11 (She is loud and stubborn; her feet abide not in her house: 7:21 With her much fair speech she caused him to yield, with the flattering of her lips she forced him. 7:22 He goeth after her straightway, as an ox goeth to the slaughter, or as a fool to the correction of the stocks; 7:25 Let not thine heart decline to her ways, go not astray in her paths. 7:26 For she hath cast down many wounded: yea, many strong men have been slain by her. 7:27 Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death.


Check out the 21st century woman sense of dressing, seduction is key, the married compete with the unmarried on who is more attractive to the opposite sex. They are being forced unknowingly to compete for the hearts of their own husbands. You will discover most designer clothing’s, fashion parades, make ups, hair products and tools of facial and body beauties are all made to make those who use them look overly attractive and oddly sexually appealing to men.

Does that mean all beauty products are evil? No. But too many are consecrated and dedicated to the spirit of Jezebel before they are mass produced. As many that use them are potential carriers of the spirits they are meant to serve. They are very stubborn spirits and will rarely give up on their victims until they are confronted with the Blood of Jesus Christ. That was Ahab’s undoing, he fell for the heavy paintings and seductive beauty of Jezebel (2 Kings 9:30). The political and the financial benefits of their alliances was all too great to be ignored and the nation paid the price of the unholy alliance. 

The possibility of spiritual incompatibility was never considered. So many have been so deceived into marriage, she was too fashion correct and sexually appealing to be ignored, handsome and rich, he too was too much to be ignored. Where the financial benefits crossed path with Christian values, it takes God’s grace to say no. Many men would not have married their wives had she appeared less plain than the heavy makeup, unnatural eyebrows, thick eye lashes and dominant curves from the highly revealing dress she wears the day he met her. She was so irresistible and a visit in and out of his bed seal the game of seduction. Now his eyes are opened, marriage vow has been sealed, she will have to do so much to keep him at home.

The network of seduction is so vast, many homes has been torn apart already, there is always that sexually appealing, seductive lady at the corner who the mistress of the house must compete with to keep her home safe.  She’s better dressed, smarter than the woman at home, lust full, whose eyes balls are so catchy and irresistible, when they come around you, you feel a sense of being vulnerable, as if you can’t refuse them, but it’s all lies of the spirits they carry, ignorantly or not. You don’t have to fight them or compete with them in their own game, your best bet is prayers and the Power of the Holy Spirit for those who understand spiritual things. Keeping your family from the influence of seductive mistresses is a spiritual warfare and must be fought as such.

Many married fellows are tired of sex back at home but are never tired having sex outside their marriages. That’s how you know when you are a victim of seduction as a married person. Two people will hardly get tired of love making as long as they are not married but as soon as they get married and a family is formed, then just over a short time, sex becomes boring to both partners but so inviting just outside the home. Seduction at work.


Jezebel was a master manipulator who knew how to walk in and steal the heart of any man through the art of seduction. That was exactly what she did for Ahab, there are many under the control of the spirit of Jezebel out there, many women are ignorantly being recruited into the art of seduction. Once in the grip of the spirit of seduction, it empower its victims to do the following:

1. They lost the sense of cover.


The more of their skin they show up, the more seductive they become. That’s why women dresses are becoming smaller and more revealing by the day, women need to show more of their skin in order to appear seductively attractive and difficult to ignore by the opposite sex. That’s what seduction does and churches are paying passive attention to it in the fear of losing members. The sensitive parts of the body is expected to be exposed as seductively as possible and if you must cover, make sure the curves are tightly fitted and cannot be ignored. The servant of Satan understand his voice, even when it is not vocal and they obey him. Every godly woman will do whatever is needed to reduce the amount of skin of sensitive places that is exposed for the public to see. That’s how to say no to the spirit of seduction. The power that control your body, is the servant of whom you are. Every kingdom has a sense of dressing, daughters of Zion are known for purity in appearance and in heart. Romans  6:16 Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?

2. Seduce men through the eyes contact.

Lust not after her beauty in thine heart; neither let her take thee with her eyelids

Once under the spell of Jezebel’s spirit, extra efforts are made to keep the eyes lashes and the eyes brows, actively catchy. You will now understand, why the Bible in Proverbs 6:25 says “Lust not after her beauty in thine heart; neither let her take thee with her eyelids.” Don’t make eye contact with someone that is under the control of the spirit of seduction, many marriages never recovered from it, just because one of the partners was taken over by eye contact that are poisonous to decent souls. So many out there in the offices and business corridors targeting married men and innocent young men.

3. Flirtatious tongues:


A seductive person is just like ordinary person on the street with one difference, their words are like sharp swords that goes down to the soul, they have mastered the art of whispering,  and their words have a way of running through and around the hearts of their victims. Of course by the time the words have fully taken over the thoughts of its victims, the deed is done.  If you want to know why many men are drifting off into the hands of seductive girls and vice versa, it is the power of a flirtatious tongue. Proverbs 5:3  For the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil:

4. Manipulation:

Seduction is all about manipulations and Ahab fell in love with a chief manipulator. Jezebel was the best in her games, the games has not changed. Deliberate posing of sensitive body parts in churches and public places in very revealing and sensualized dresses by women, the power of the special painting effect that makes the eyeballs convincing and inviting, coupled with tongues that has no respect for sacred things makes manipulation the peak of seduction with no way to escape except for souls that are helped by God and are committed to doing His will. Ecclesiastes 7:26 And I find more bitter than death the woman, whose heart is snares and nets, and her hands as bands: whoso pleaseth God shall escape from her; but the sinner shall be taken by her.


Shallow Christianity is no match for the hordes of seduction that’s ravaging the world, churches inclusive.  It was the reason for God’s anger on Ahab, who married a seductive queen that used her position to plant trees whose roots are being watered by demons with the sole aim of destroying marriages and the foundational fabric of family life. They don’t target lost souls, their main goal is to bring believers to their fall.  Not all these women are conscious of what they are doing, some are being used unknowingly by the enemy. Proverbs 6:26 For by means of a whorish woman a man is brought to a piece of bread: and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life.

Where there is infidelity, trust is under attack. Together, we can reverse the trend. Things that are meant for the bedroom should not be displayed openly in the public, beauty and fashion with no godly barriers is of the devil, it belongs to that wicked woman who is bent on destroying the church of Jesus Christ. Christian women must stand to defend marriage and home and must teach their daughters to do the same also. God is angry with believers who tolerate and borrow idolatry practices into the church. Revelation  2:20 Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols” Don’t be part of her works, ignorance is not an excuse once the deed is done.


Just as there is Jezebel spirit, so some men are victims of Ahab spirits and it is easy to know when a man is under the spell of Ahab spirit.

1. He hates to take responsibility but instead will blame others for his error

When a man blames his wife for his infidelity and absorbed himself of all blames, just as Ahab blamed Elijah for the nation’s woes occasioned by his family’s disposition to God, such a man is not far from the spirit of Ahab.

2. Haters of truth

He only love people who tells him what he wants to hear. If your spouse has multiple numbers of prophets and spiritual consultants on his/her phone, then you are in for a big problem. The more the prophets the more the plurality of spiritual ideas and rituals that will go on in the secret corners of your home. If you cannot pray, read Bible and seek God face for yourself with few assistance of men of God where absolutely necessary, then your family run the risk of heading into idolatry. Jezebel alone had 850 prophets on her pay roll and they all consulted for her and for her husband lies they love to hear (1 Kings 22:6).

3. Covetous


He loves to take what’s not his, even when he has no spiritual and legal right to take it. When a man is unsatisfied with what his marriage got to offer him, it might be because he’s under the spirit of Ahab. When a believing man marries a believing woman but he’s secretly in love with the lifestyles and dress sense of unbelieving women, and even compel the wife to dress like them, soon he will pick secret lovers from among them and put his marriage under threat. Ahab fell in love with the sexual appeals and appearance of Jezebel over those of Jewish women and he was soon under the spell of her gods and seductions. Naboth lost his life and inheritance to a greedy man married to an unforgiving manipulator as wife. She rules the nation through a passive and weak husband who couldn’t rule his own house.

4. He’s never in charge, the wife is


He will never listen to sound advice and reasonable judgments as long as the wife is pleased with his heartless tactics. These are men who steal in offices and abuse official trusts just to make the wives happy or just to impress and win the favour of a mistress outside his marriage. When men love their wife they do her bidding but to do that against common sense, throwing caution to the wind, is unacceptable and ungodly.

May God speak more to your hearts on this in Jesus Name. Amen.