God speak through people, especially through people of the same spiritual mind. On the road to Emmaus, third day after the crucifixion, Jesus joined Himself with two other men who were discussing the political and religious situation at the time, He pretended as an ordinary traveler but while discussing the Bible says in Luke 24:45 that “Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures”. The short discussion benefited their spirits. God spake to them through the Stranger they talked with, who unknown to them was the Lord Himself.

Angel’s spoke to Abraham disguising as men. Agabus gave a vivid description of events that awaits Paul at Jerusalem as they talked and fellowship together. It wasn’t the high priest or some big Rabbi who confirmed to Mary what Angel Gabriel already told her in privacy. She got her confirmation through Elizabeth, an old barren woman she came visiting, who just experienced the impossible. If you surround yourself with the right people, the Lord can open your understanding to His will each time you talk with them, attend the correct fellowship, you will be surprise how easy God speak through these people, if you pay attention and listen carefully to every words even if the talking is in an informal setting. God speak through His people to His own. Malachi 3:16 “Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name.”

Personally I have benefited a lot from this method of hearing God. He has spoken to me uncountable number of times through people, sometimes even through people I least expect, though on many occasions, those concerned never knew God was using them to speak to me and I rarely told them as well. There are many of our questions people have answered, many answers we seek that people have involuntarily given us but we weren’t paying attention, we were too carried away we aren’t actually listening. We are looking for that big break, that big answer, the big voice that will say “my son or my daughter here is your Lord speaking”.

Surely, that can happen but not always the case, God is mysterious and He move in mysterious ways. Mysterious in that He uses foolish things to confront the wise, weak things to make small the mighty – 1Cor.1:27. To hear God you must pay attention, attention to little details, if you are looking for God in a big way, you may not always find Him. Pay attention to little little details and you will be surprise He’s always there where you never expected Him to be. He may have been speaking to you in forms you never care to listen. God is not always limited to big move. The same God in big move is the same in little or small moves. The same God in the mountain is the same God in the valley. The scripture warns believers not to despite little beginning, little beginning in knowing and recognizing His voice.

The fire, the wind, the thunderous presence sometimes are mere agents that precede His move, He may not be in them – 1Kings 19:12. His best move is always reserved in the still small voice. If you get carried away with the noise and the crowd you can miss the most important aspect of Grace, the still small voice. The crowd and the multitude love the noise and that’s why they always miss God but the sheep knew the gentle voice of the Good Shepherd and they always wait for it.

When God announced Jesus as His Only Beloved Son as He stepped out of Jordan waters, it wasn’t in a city wide loud speaker kind of tone, no, not at all. If He had done that the whole city and Israel would have believed Him, and made Him king. That could have been a cheaper way to achieve a temporal result but that’s not God’s way.  It was a solemn announcement,  those that were fortunate to hear it, ran with it, some even doubt it, including the greatest of them, John the Baptist, who later asked if He was the One that was actually sent. If the voice has been wide and loud noise he wouldn’t have fallen into doubt because that would have satisfied his fleshly longing but his spirit and eternal rewards wouldn’t have benefited from a life encounter with the Son of God.

Our generation love noise.

If you want to hear God, move away from the noise, retreat to quietness. In quietness and confidence is always strength – Isa. 30:15. One major reason we can’t concentrate on reading, studying and meditating on the Bible is because we are so knitted and addicted to noise. We are always surrounded by noise, if the radio is not talking, the TV is talking, in the traffic are several blaring of horns, car radio is also blaring, even in church, the Presence of God is synonymous with noise, end time Christianity is noise inclined. The bigger the loudspeaker the bigger the move of God, it seem. There are multi-million investments in musical instruments that makes churches some sort of mini musical studios. There are more noise, but spirituality is reducing.  If it’s too solemn and quiet we complain and get cut off, our generation love noise.

We danced in spiritual services to loud vibrating musicals, we got excited thinking God is there, but alas many go home elated but their spiritual life remain unfruitful. God is never moved by noise, and certainly He doesn’t speak through noise. The noise within is even worse. Some people are so use to noise that even when the environment is quiet, the noise inside them is killing them silently. Noise and noise and noise everywhere and the spirit man within is besieged and caged.

Bible reading will be so difficult, boring and frustrating once your spirit is addicted to noise, paying attention and meditating will be a herculean task. Have you ever asked yourself why you can’t read the Bible without sleeping off and when you even struggle to read, you find it difficult understanding?  It may be due to too many noises within. Get used to being quiet and pray for peace within and you will be surprise how easy it is to hear God. God talk through people as He talk through many other means, more of which we will see in this lesson, but regular fellowship with the Holy Spirit through personal Bible reading, prayers and meditating is key to sound spirituality. Otherwise, hearing will be dull and you can be in church for years, and still not be able to know and decode His voice, especially when He speak through means you least expect. God speak through people, even through your children and even through your spouse, listening and hearing now depends on if you are paying attention to details and the level of noise within and around you.

As a Group, there has been many comments, contributions and suggestions that has spoken directly to me personally and I know many people and families have benefited a lot from our discussions and inputs of members in ways that the people that made such comments or contributions can never quantify. It can be said without missing word that many words on the Group page has been inspired and those who had paid attention and took note of details have had testimonies to share. It takes patience to hear God speak.

Don’t let noise define you, learn to be quiet and be different. At the trial of Jesus Christ, Caiaphas, the high priest said “Nor consider that it is expedient for us, that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not” – John 11:50. But the Bible quickly add that “…this spake he not of himself: but being high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus should die for that nation” – John 11:51. He thought he was passing personal opinion but unknown to him, God was speaking to the people through him at that particular time because he was the high priest at that time. But the most painful part for those in that gathering was that none of them was paying attention, they heard Caiaphas but fell short of hearing God that spoke through him. What a missed opportunity.

Don’t just listen when people talk, pay attention as well, don’t just read through a post, read between the lines, taking cognizant of every words used and how it’s been used. Don’t just listen to the music, take note of the lyrics and mediate on them. Sometimes people say things, not of themselves but God may decide to use them to reach out and speak to you. If we listen without paying attention to details like the Jews at the court of the high priest Caiaphas, we may missed an opportunity that’s difficult to reverse. God forbid. The Psalmist said God has spoken once, twice have I heard it…Psa. 62:11. One for listening, the other was for paying attention, only those with sensitive and working inner ears can hear that second one.

May God make your understanding fruitful and give you quiet spirit in Jesus Name. Amen


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      Father, please help me to be still in your prescence and pay close attention to your instructions. Open my eyes to see the invisible and my ears to hear the inaudible. And when you speak to me through others, help me not to miss you in Jesus name.
      Deliver us from noise from within and without, we receive peace in our heart that only you can give. Amenn.

      God bless the author of this message
      . More anointing in Jesus name

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