One of our daddies in the Group sent the picture below to me and asked the questions underneath as well.

I want to share same with you and my response as well. I believe it will in some ways help our youth and unmarried young men and women who may be facing same challenge.

The discourse is as follows:

Good morning, Sir, and how is your day.

Please, forgive me for bothering you with the above stuff that looks canal and spiritual!
But, my mind, agitates for an answer and /or teaching

My reaponse is as follows:

The questions are actually very funny but should be attended to because of the lack of understanding in many youth in the church today.

Thanks so much sharing this with me Sir.

Q1. The lady only win the man for herself and not for Jesus Christ. Souls cannot be won to God with sins, it takes righteousness in the Holy Spirit to draw other to Christ.

Unrighteousness cannot be use to propagate the Kingdom of God and righteousness.

Both of them are either not born again or one was born again but got deceived. Now, both have sinned and in need of repentance and genuine salvation.

It is one thing to fall into sin, it is another to justify the act as a service to God. She won the man to herself. Not to Christ. The foundation of their marriage is extremely faulty. Christ is not there.

Q2. The lady has sinned and in need of urgent repentance. If she dies without making her way right with God. She’s finished.

Q3. It’s deception of the highest order to think we can sin and still please God, not to mention winning souls for God. Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid – Romans 6:1-2.

The spirit of confusion is in the world and many people, like those in this story, are getting confused about the things of the spirit, believer must be wary very seriously.

To lack knowledge of the things of God at a time like this, is a problem for the end days believer – Prov 19:2

What we are inside will attract the same to us physically. This lady got the exact copy of who she was on the inside of her and together they established a home with confusion as its foundation.

Many married adults are in one way or another similarly confused, and are married. It’s a matter of time, the fruit of confusion will be ripen enough for all to see. A genuine personal confession and repentance will help a lot where both or either of them realize the wrong done and run to God tearing down the wall of sins and unrighteousness.


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      I love this reply because this is the trend we have now in our society, not necessarily in the area of sexual sin but in every aspect of living, where so called believers, believe if you lie to cover for someone is not a sin and many other things and true believers suffer daily in the hands of this confused people. I pray as children of God we will not be overtaken by this deception in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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