3pG Journey – Years of God’s Faithfulness

How it All Started

I have always wished there would be a platform upon which I can express God’s mind, based on personal relationship with Him and have people read or listen and get blessed. This was my silent heart cry for years but never thought the answer will come in the manner we are experiencing now.

It came to peak in April/May 2017, after several counselling sessions on issues affecting marriages and Christian parenting coupled with series of events in the then parish, of the Church I attend. A particular afternoon while meditating and wondering on what I can do to make a difference to the collective trouble that face our generation vis-à-vis general laxity in Christian parenting and multiple family crisis affecting homes and families, Christian families in particular.

Like a whisper, so clear and so direct, the idea of starting an online group with close friends and family members came flooding my heart. Around the same time, I read Stormie Omartian book, The Power of a Praying Parent, I was greatly ministered to by Lamentation 2:19, which later became our key Bible verse. Then like the dew of heaven instructions on how the Group should be run started flowing in, the objective, the vision, the name, Praying Parents Prayer Group and the acronym 3pG came, all in repeated unstopped downpour of rain that lasted days, and still falling till date. I began to write and kept a log of ideas, instructions, and directions.

Part of which was the 4 Days monthly Prayer and Fasting, tagged Big Event. Became our top program beginning on first Mondays of every month to Thursdays of the same week. The Lord gave me the modalities and that children and matters affecting family life and godliness should be the center of all our events. Right from the very First Big Event in September 2017 till date, I have learn to wait on Him for directions, titles and topics to be treated. All titles till date, with no exception, has been by revelational knowledge of the Word. We have never been motivated nor inspired otherwise, by His grace we hope to keep it that way. Amen.

Part of the instructions also includes production of weekly 3pG audio broadcasts every Mondays in line with the given vision, goal and mission of the Group. I was very scared at first and I query how I will get a message for 52 Mondays in a year without repeating myself or get faded out of what to preach, but I had the assurance that if it’s from God and if I wait on Him, there will be no lack of messages to preach. Years have gone by, several months have passed, I have found this to be true. He never fails to give us a Word per week, except where fatigue and human weaknesses won’t allow for production and those are very few in number, hardly up to five in as many several months.

I remember on a particular day, at the very beginning, I was alone in my then rented 3-bedroom apartment and I told the Lord the peculiarity of my family and my unworthiness to speak to married people, parents in particular, I wept very much and asked if I can be excused but He comforted me and that like Paul the apostle, who ministered in fields himself had no formal experience in, that He will give the Word and I should just do his will. Even when or where I stumbled, He proved Himself faithful again and again. I have learnt to trust Him and stay put to Him alone in obedient over the years and Im still learning.

A WhatsApp Broadcast List

I discussed the idea of starting an online community of praying parents prayer Group with my wife, and with a very dear friend, who lives in the UK and with my then parish pastor, and a father in the Lord in Kano, individually, and all except none was in agreement with the idea. That was an important confirmation to the leading myself and my wife were having. I distributed the first recorded audio with few selected and trusted people who listened and gave their approval.

Initially we avoided the idea of a WhatsApp group because of the inherent difficulty in controlling members of such groups. So we started with a WhatsApp broadcast list. Our first audio broadcast was titled “Stand up for your children (Part 1)” it was a seven parts series that outline and set the pace for what we do and who we are today. As at the date we were starting, at least 4 or 5 of that series have been prerecorded and set to be released.

The first 3pG audio broadcast was published Monday August 14, 2017, and on the same day a Facebook group page was also created for the Group, we set to kick start the Group on the first day in August 2017 but waited out of respect, till the 14th day, for my church convention which took the first two weeks of August. Once published, the Group was set sail and there could not be any stoppage. The first audio broadcast and the others that followed was well received, and shared over again by recipients and same were other programs and events of the Group. Soon there were calls for a WhatsApp Group to be inaugurated for the Group. As at this point, the idea of a Ministry never crossed the mind, I say this in all truth, God bearing me witness. We never had the plan this will metamorphose into a blossoming Ministry as we have today.

Question and Answer Platform

The first WhatsApp Group was created in Monday 25th September 2017, it was a question and answer platform that was meant to run for a week or so and then closed down, so we set the rules as simple as we can for members for the one week. The discipline and obedience that follow the Question and Answer whatsApp page was awesome. Members behaved so matured, our fear of uncontrollable WhatsApp Group was gone and that paved the way for our first Praying Parents Prayer Group WhatsApp Group platform tagged 3pG Interactive Page created Sunday 1st October 2017.

It was much easier managing the Facebook group due to inherent features that give the Admin much control over posts and activities on the Facebook page but like most WhatsApp Groups, we sure had our challenges at that initial stage of the Interactive Page, which led to new rules on the page, some pulled out, some were removed but many stayed. Of note was the contribution of some of our members, notably many of our grandparents, who stood up to defend our activities and the need for members to abide by our common rules. Their roles were exceptional and out of respect to the grace of God on them and the maturity with which things were handled coupled, with the grace of God upon us all, we overcame those challenges and the Group Interactive Page stood and has been a blessing to homes and families.

How We Became a Ministry

Right from the onset, aside my family commitments, members had been financially committed to the Group, it started with members sending money for data and call credits to me as their own contribution to what God was doing in our lives. God blessed us with testimonies of several and immediate answers to prayers and members couldn’t stop introducing new members to be part of the blessings God was daily loading us with.

There were noticeable changes in homes and relationships, marriages got better, people prayed more efficiently and with better understanding of spiritual things. There were new revelations, deeper understanding of God’s Words were coming in, anchored on the Covenant of Words, which worked and still working for us all. And so were individual donations to the Group, some N1000, N2000 at another, N5000 and so on. We had no Group Account, all donations were sent to my private account, they were few but they were what we needed to keep up with the few needs we had then.

Suddenly, 8th May 2018, one member, a sister, sent N25,000 to my private account as her tithe, aside my family, hers was the first tithe we received, that she felt led to pay her tithe to the Group, as at then, there were no formal announcement to the effect that members can pay their tithes or offerings to the Group. All we had were appreciative donations from few members, mostly close friends and work colleagues, especially from my wife office who were also members of the Group.

With N25,000 tithe came a big spiritual responsibility, unlike those other personal appreciative donations as explained above, I know this time, I can’t appropriate this new money to my private use, even if it is in relation to the work, accountability was necessary, tithe and offering are God’s money and must be treated as such. So came the need to have a bank account solely for the Group and that bear the Group name. In a way only God can, few days after the payment of N25,000, the sister called again that she received a strange call from one of the major mobile operators that she had won #1,000,000 on a random selection on a particular offer they made for their customers, and should come to their Ibadan office for collection, she lives in Lagos, that made the entire offer sound strange.

I simply told her to tread gently, there are internet fraudsters making strange calls to unsuspecting victims everywhere. But I had a feeling it was a type of reward for her obedience but has no serious reason to believe that was it. To make matters worse, she went to the Lagos office nearest to her of the Mobile network that called her and they said they had no knowledge of the money. But she tried again with more enquiries, and finally she was paid the sum as said. And on that too she paid a tithe of N100,000 to the Group on 21st July 2018. By now several other tithes and donations were coming in from some of our grandparents, from other members and from within the family in similar amount. Now with more than N200,000 God’s money in my account, we approached the Bank but was denied the chance to open an account unless we registered the Group with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC).

We got the services of a lawyer, a member of the Group too, to help with the registration of the Group at CAC, in order for us to meet up with bank requirements in opening of account. That was our original reason for registration, to have an official bank account for the Group where Gods money can be kept. CAC declined our request for registration as a Group, unless we registered as a religious organization with Bible Ministry or Christian Ministry attached to our name and if we must maintain the word “Group” in our name, we have to apply for exception and pay the official fee for exception because a religious organizations by law cannot have the word “Group” in its names. We did as required, God being merciful to us, the name Praying Parent Prayer Group Christian Ministry was approved and registered as an incorporated Christian group in Nigeria.

We spent more than N150,000 in the process, and after which we opened a bank account for the Group with GTB plc. That was how God promoted us from just a WhatsApp and Facebook Group, we became a Ministry, got a 3pG logo, letterhead papers and customized envelopes with the 3pG logo with the help and sponsorship of the family of one of our grandparents and the Lord has been faithful still in us and through us to many lives and families and still counting. We were able to do many things otherwise would have been impossible before we had an account. Some of these include purchasing of a Podcast Microphone and accessories for the audio recordings, we bought office furnitures currently being use at the Upper Room, we made a yearlong online subscription on ezTalk for our online prayer conference, revived an old laptop with new battery for official work, got involved in few humanitarian efforts (to members and non members alike) etc and was still able to open the GTB account with N60,000 Opening balance.

All our meetings and events have been online including the Big Event (3pG monthly 4 Days Fasting and Prayer), Wednesdays Family Prayer Requests and Fasting Day, Mondays Audio Broadcasts and the Tuesdays Online Prayer Conference. The first exception to this was the May 18th 2019 3pG Couples Retreat held in Lagos and the opening ceremony of the Group Counselling Unit, The Upper Room, Ibadan. More “on the ground” programs are being held at different venues afterwards. Of note are the yearly visits to Motherless Children Homes with multiple gifts and prayers, we have also organize family oriented seminars and retreats under the newly inaugurated Fellowship of The Married, beginning from the Group 4th Anniversary. We also have scholarship scheme specially design for children from homes, who otherwise would have hard difficulty being in school and registering for certificate exams at different level of education. We are trusting God for more outdoor events as the Lord help us.

We also have this family oriented website, www.3pgchristianmnistry.org you can keep visiting for more Holy Spirit inspired materials that can be of great use for your personal and family wellbeing.

To Him alone be glory and honour forever, Amen!

Happy Covenant of Words Isaiah 59:21.

  • Group Admin, 3pG.


We are committed to helping parents take spiritual responsibility for the overall welfare of their children – Lam. 2:19



This Group is meant to encourage parents and would-be parents to take up the habit of DELIBERATE AND CONSISTENT REGULAR PRAYING for their children and wards under their watch.

2. That the Community of Praying Parents in (1) above will be powered by the COVENANT OF WORDS – Isaiah 59:21. We believe the Bible is the Word of God, its promises and covenants are reassuring and comforting and enough for us on all matters and issues affecting families, Christian parenting and prayers.

3. In addition to (2) we believe in the efficacy and authority of the Name of Jesus Christ, His Blood, and The Holy Spirit as written and revealed by the Bible which is the  Word of God.

4. That no child should ever walk alone without the spiritual support of praying parents thereby helping more children fulfil their God ordained destinies – 2 Sam. 11:14-17.



This Group is meant to encourage parents and would-be parents to take up the habit of DELIBERATE AND CONSISTENT REGULAR PRAYING for their wards and children under their watch.



Thanks for being part of the beauty only Christian parenting represent.


They must be parents or would-be parents:

1. Who love their children and other children around them exceptionally.

2. Who are willing and ready to teach their children in a manner acceptable to God and wish to help see His will and purpose find fulfillment in the lives of every child under their watch.

3. Who are determined not to allow their faith in God and the Bible die with them but are willing to diligently and deliberately with prayers and unrelenting efforts pass it on to every child under their watch.

To do 1-3:

4. They must consciously enter a PRAYER PARTNERSHIP RELATIONSHIP with God on  behalf of the children under their watch:

      (a) Setting aside a specific individual or family prayer time daily or weekly to pray for each child mentioning his/her NAMES. You can give this a trial for one month and see if it is worth the time and effort and thereafter continue in same manner in line with membership requirements of this Group.

      (b) To help with (a) above, parents can get a writing pad and make personal prayer list for each child, and with each child if they are still living with you.

The use of alarm clock as reminder for the time already set will be wonderful.

5. They must be willing, except for reason of age, health and /or strength, to take part in the 3pG monthly 4-day Prayer and Fasting beginning on the first Monday of every month to Thursday of the same week. And same for the weekly 11pm Tuesdays nights 3pG Family Covenant Prayer Hour that precede the Wednesdays weekly fasting and prayer.

In the 4-day program, parents must prioritize the present and future welfare (academic, career, future spouses, work places etc) of their children and other children represented by each member of this Group in prayer to God.

6. They must be willing to share testimonies and experiences that can help, encourage and promote Christian parenting with other members of the Group on this platform.

If you don’t pray for your children, no one will. It’s God’s expectation and it’s what your children expect you to do for them!


  * Members are expected to strictly adhere to these guidelines as much as they possibly can, by His grace.

  ** Would-be parents – are unmarried members and married members who have chosen to call and pray for their future/unborn children by names in faith as though they were – Rom. 4:17

@3pG we are simply:



 ONE PROJECT,               








With every word of prayer you offer on behalf of your children,  each 3pG Audio Broadcast you help someone have access to, coupled with your support and goodwill towards us, you drive us closer  to making the “ONE PROJECT” a reality.

Thanks for being a part of it. We are deeply appreciative. Only eternity will reward and reveal how greatly you have helped some children find fulfillment in a world of chaos.

Let’s start with you creating a cloud of covering for your children in prayer.

May God bless you and keep you.

May God make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you.

May God lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.

May God put His name upon your children and bless them.


Interpreting the LOGO

The following are meanings of symbols and Images on the 3pG logo:

1. There is an outer cycle that indicate the encompassing love of God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

2. Then there is an inner cycle that indicates the perpetuity of God’s promises, blessings and covenants in  a Covenant of Salt from Praying Parents to their children and on to their children’s children.

3. There is a blue Cross on the roof of the Praying Parents house, indicating the love of our Saviour for our families and the Cross is a mark indicating to forces of darkness that our households, ourselves and our children belong to Jesus Christ.

4. Then the Red roof that indicates the protective power of the Blood of Jesus Christ over our households and members therein.

5. Then a family of four, that represents all members of Praying Parents Prayer Group (3pG). A man and his wife, representing all praying parents and a boy and a girl, that represent all children in the Group.

6. The parents hands were held up in protective praying position in unity of faith, mind and purpose over the children, indicating Christian Parenting and our beliefs and convictions in praying and standing up for our children and families.

7. The children position indicate submissiveness to God’s will under the parents supervisions and love.

8. All family members are coloured red, to indicate protection and exclusive ownership of Jesus Christ over our families, having bought us with His precious Blood.

9. The entire house and all members therein are standing on and in the Word of God, the Bible, representing the Covenant of Words, as sure foundation for life and godliness.

10. The white backgrounds stands for purity of heart, holiness of life and transparency in homes.

I pray the Lord help us to stay true to all these, to the praise of God and the benefits of our families. Amen.

– Group Admin, 3pG.