As a pastor, I preach faith and live by faith and as much as possible I also try to relate with the pulse of the nation and how they affect us as believers and those around us who may not have the kind of faith we have but whose life can have a very significant effect on ours as friends, coworkers, neighbours and even as family members.

Therefore, I will please ask you to take note of the following:

  1. It is a common knowledge that the nation’s economy (for those of us in Nigeria) is very bad. It is increasingly difficult to meet up with daily needs in homes and families. And as at today, except to trust God for miracle, there is no much we can do.
  2. It is also a common knowledge that depression and related ailments are on the increase on a national scale.
  3. More men are emotionally troubled because of so many unpaid bills and inability to meet up with family demands and more women too are getting worried seeing their children go hungry and they have no immediate solution at hand. It is a national issue, and the church too being a congregation of families, is not spared at all.
  4. It is therefore important to say that the present economic woes is not limited to some particular families. The economy is bad as at today. Don’t allow the devil to box you to a corner thinking it is just you and your family things are hard for. This is a big lie of the devil.
  5. As at today no family is smiling to the bank as usual, except politicians and thieves holding the national treasures at ransom. Therefore, getting depressed and worried that your business is not selling or food is scarce on the table won’t solve the problem. Many families are passing through the same troubles. Don’t allow the devil to push suicide thoughts and or depression into your mind. The economic woes is a national thing, it is not just a particular family.


Aside praying to God for mercy and restoration of our economy, please lets take note of the following:

  1. Be your brother’s keeper. Never assume all is well with the family next door and most importantly members of this Community of Praying Parents. While trusting God for His timely intervention, please once you notice a particular person or family is no longer active on the page, please don’t hesitate to send a text or place a call asking about their welfare. I have been doing this but I also need your personal involvement. You can never know the wonder a single text or a call can do in a family in crisis. Everything is not money, some words of encouragement can mean a lot.
  2. Don’t just pray for your spouse, keep an eye on him or her. Prayer is very important and I hope to talk more on that tomorrow or next but aside praying, please watch out for signs of unnecessary quietness and lost in thoughts. Help your spouse, encourage him/her, lets place less demands on each other, at least for now and encourage each other. A stitch in time saves nine.
  3. We are not without hope. It is a phase and it will pass. Lets trust God and keep asking Him for mercies.

I trust the Lord, I will only hear good news about you and the same God Who brought out coin out of the fish mouth is still alive today. If we trust Him and hold our peace, we will see His works and mercies in us and in our families.

“But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19).

Olumofin Kehinde Benjamin, Group Admin, Praying Parents Prayer Group (3pG).