Over time I have come to realise that the battles a Christian face in life is aimed at one thing only; to derail that believer from the path of righteousness. The boast of God about Job was on his faith and the subsequent challenge of the devil was also on the faith of Job. Job 1:1, 6-11. Unfortunately a lot of believers today are not seeing it that way. Instead, believers are either complaining, getting angry at God, resigning on the battle field or worse still seeking for alternatives.

Most times, the devil make us feel as if we are not worthy of some victories and that is why it is not coming. The truth of the matter is that the treasure we carry which is the gift of salvation is the target of the devil. Whether the challenge is in form of poverty, job, sickness, fruit of the womb, marital delay, academic failures etc. Whatever the nature of the challenge, it is just a medium the devil is using to gain access to his real target; your salvation.

If believers can grasp the ultimate reason behind the challenges they face, the approach to overcoming it will change.

Jude 1:3 advises that we contend for the faith, this means we fight back through prayer, fasting, consistently and deliberately gaining knowledge of the Bible and holiness. Every Christian worth his/ her salt is a desire for the devil to have on his side. So let us keep working out our salvation and don’t allow the pebbles and stones of challenges that the devil is throwing at us hit its target in our lives.

The more we trust God and hold on to Him, the more the possibility of a glorious sunshine at the end of the tunnel. The night is far gone, and the morning of joy is nearer than the devil will want to make us believe. The enemy is not very much interested in those challenges as much as he will want you to see God as not being faithful and sufficient enough to help you. The enemy’s ultimate goal is to see you throw away your salvation. Fight for your faith, trust your God, and sure you will have the victory. God bless you.

Mrs Gloria Ojikutu, lives in Abeokuta, Nigeria and writes for Praying Parents Prayer Group Christian Ministry (3pG).