When a man wins his wife or the wife wins the man, and they both win their children, Jesus wins. Prioritize the need for your spouse to love the Lord and serve Him. No man can truly love his wife unless he first loves the Lord and no woman can truly serve and reverence the man unless she finds the reason to do the same to the Lord. Obedience, submission and love are made easier once it is to the Lord first and family next.

Win your spouse first, and the children will fall in line with so much ease. Be driven by the same spiritual desires, see the same things, and mind the same goal together. Pray the same prayer points together, fasting  and having interest in same Bible study  becomes easier when done together as a family. Imagine waking up together and praying as man and wife at early morning watch hours, soon you will accomplish more, win more and secure far more spiritual victories  than when it is only the woman or the man that is driven with the desire for family spiritual blessings.

If we must win well and win big, it must be together. Together we win as man and wife and together as a family. If you must win anyone to fight on your side in the journey of life, it must be your spouse first, then the children. The era of me can do it without my wife and vice versa is gone. Nobody wins big being alone. Fighting spiritual battles without a suitable spiritual companion is like standing alone on a left leg without the support of the right.

“Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up  Eccl. 4:9-10 KJV.

“Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven – Mat 18:19 KJV.

For the unmarried and widows, the Lord knows it all and His help is certain in all circumstances but the married must win and win as a family. Aquila and Priscilla are the most celebrated New Testament couple. They knew the secret of spiritual victory that works for the family. They went to church together, listened to the same sermons together, attended the same spiritual meetings together,  prayed and fasted together, fought the fight of faith together and won together. They had their differences but they moved on together nonetheless. They had the understanding that as long as they were united together as man and wife, the destinies of their children are secure. If for no other reason, for the children’s sake parents must make marriage work and work well.

As a member of a Community of Praying Parents like ours, don’t do the praying alone, find a way to make your spouse pray same prayers with you, fast for the family with you, read the same posts with you and listen to the same audios or watch the same videos with you. It is safer for the family and victory is much easier. 

How do I do that for my unwilling and difficult spouse?  You have not because you ask not and when you ask, you ask for selfish reasons  James 4:3. Ask, it shall be given you  Matt. 7:7. If you ask anything in My Name, I will do it  John 14:14. If any lack the needed wisdom to win the spouse to the same spiritual truth and thirst, let such ask of God, Who gives freely to as many that ask Him. James 1:5. If you dream of a family of faith, where children are goodly and godly, and all family members are kept under the same umbrella called CHRIST, then win your spouse first. I call it Spouse Childgelism. Win your spouse first and the children will follow. THIS IS MADE POSSIBLE WHEN YOU SEE, READ AND HEAR THE SAME THING. That’s our desire in Praying Parents Prayer Group (3pG); do all you can and help your spouse to be part of what we are doing – for the overall spiritual welfare of the children and the family as one united indivisible entity under the same God, the Father and  our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

Come with us as a family, for the Lord has promised us the Covenant of Words  Isa. 59:21.

Note: Help your spouse and other married couples see this post and together make Spouse Childgelism possible.

– Group Admin, 3pG.

Olumofin KEHINDE Benjamin writes for Praying Parents Prayer Group Christian Ministry (3pG).