This was a private testimony between me and the testifier but I have to share it with you. Just to thank God for the testifier and for me as a Group leader. It goes thus:

On Tuesday, I was moody
I was cooking and was distracted.
I climbed a step stool to get something from the top of the kitchen cupboard, next thing I knew, I was falling.
I fell hard, hit my head and my back on the way down. It was a mighty fall😄.
My testimony is that I am fine. A bit tender where I hit but fine.
I had been chopping vegetables with a very sharp knife. I knocked it down as I fell, to God be all the glory, it landed flat on the floor. It could have been a terrible accident but God didn’t allow it.
To God be ALL the Glory


God didn’t allow the devil have his way. I could feel the impart as I read through the testimony.

We can’t say God is not mindful of us, when we have such great miracle. I can only say God alone be Praise. It could have been a terrible news, fallen flat uncontrollably with a sharp knife in one hand, but God took the Glory.

Indeed God is with us. This was the second of such fall I heard within that week thereabout, but God took over in all of them. Please bless God with me. Amen