I saw a statement that goes like this online:

“Over strictness is what makes your kids hide to do things. They get raped and you don’t know, they do abortion and you don’t know, they have their first kiss and you don’t know, they go through violence from their partner and you don’t know…all you know is morning devotion”


On the “reasons why children keep very personal but troubling secrets from their parents” this was circulated online and many here might have seen it. I want you to carefully read it, and make comments on its correctness or otherwise.

  • Group Admin, 3pG.

Admin response:

Statements like this sound very nice and convincing, and they are, in their own right but it is also impregnated with spiritual toxics, lies and doubts if swallowed without a critical second look. Whoever wrote this, mentioned all the problems but no single solution or way out was suggested but made a veil rebuke on effectiveness of morning devotion and cast a silent doubt on the good efforts of Christian parents who are taking spiritual responsibility and trying to enforce spiritual rules at home.

The devil have his ways, cunny ways of rebuking, discouraging and casting doubts on Christian parents with the aim of stopping, creating doubt or render useless spiritual education at home through well structured statements like this online. We must be careful of what we see and what we read online and how we response to them.

Strictness to morning devotion and family prayer times can never be over much and it can never be the reason for lack of trust and secrecy from children to parents. This is a technical and carefully crafted statement capable of watering down the importance of morning devotion and family prayer times in the heart of those given to it as a Christian parenting method.

Showing your children the way of prayers and having a zero tolerance for absentism during morning devotion can never be the reason for failure in parenting and distrust between a child and the parents.

Yes, I must say blind commitment to church and church programs at the expense of family time, blind commitment to work and career, meetings and social organizations, parties and clubs, smartphone and social media, insensitivity to the children body language, insensitivity to spiritual things, ignorance, unabated commitment to money making and business opportunities, avoidable domestic wars and unnecessary monitoring of one’s spouse, regular and long absence from the Bible, lack of unity and love in the home front, betrayal of trust and inability to keep basic secrets, broken promises made to the children over and over again, lack of trust between daddy and mommy which can also breeds distrust between children and parents among many can create gaps and distrust in children towards their parents.

Parents careless choice of school for the children is another enemy, as a matter of fact it is the number one enemy of the grace of God upon the children, especially teenagers. Parents sometimes know sound Christian schools around them with proven records of faith and purpose driven academia but pride and prejudice and desire to please ones social status, friends and members of one’s social group has robbed many of spiritual sanity and now someone want to blame strictness to prayer and morning devotion as cause for the perceive distance between parents and children? No, that’s untrue.

Nothing drive a child away from the parents like the kind of friends he/she happened to meet in life. Yes, you can’t guide who they happen to meet in life or the choice of their friends, but you can at least influence their chances of getting good and godly friends through prayers and by your timely examples and by the choice of school you make for them.

If all your friends are fashionable freak, who has no serious love for God and for church, don’t be deceived to think your children will have better ability to chose good and godly friend. Your children are an extension of you and who you are, so are their friends, they are exact mirror of the kind of people that are in your close cycle. You can’t make seductive home movies, sex, violence and betrayal scenes on TV good for all, including children and enjoy watching BB Naija with your children in attendance and still expect them to trust you.

Some smart Christian parents enjoy watching BB Naija in the secret of their room, and think children don’t know, they do. You can’t be enjoying other peoples children making love in the eye of the public for fame and money and vote them on, and with the other hand try to prayer cover for your own children. That’s hypocrisy and deception at its peak! Children knows their limit with words around spiritually unserious parents, they can talk about other things but nothing personal to them will be voice out. Our lifestyles must be exemplarily simple and moderate before we can earn our children trust.

Jesus Christ was not a friend of the world, so the deciples after him too are not, and so are those from the tribe of Christian after them. You can’t be a friend of the world and expect your children to chose better. It dosnt work like that. What a man sow he will reap, I have never seen a parent who genuinely love the Lord and commit his/her children to the same thing who end up with such woes as mentioned in the statement under review. But for those whose commitment is self seeking and whose life and marriage is at variance to lessons learned from morning devotion, I won’t be surprise if that statement prove to be true.

A child we are not close to, we don’t expect serious personal relationship and a life of grace we did not live, we shouldn’t expect our children to live it. Relationship and faith build trust, once one is missing, distrust is inevitable.

  • Group Admin, 3pG.


    • Praying Parents Prayer Group Christian Ministry (3pG)

      The pressure of peers are really much, much more than parents sometimes understand…and this is where our personal relationship with them come to the test.

      The same is closely attributed to “difficult to bridge” gaps between spouses, wives don’t want to understand that men’s too go through peer pressure, and men too think women don’t have emotional issues they battle with in regards to work and relationships outside the home.

      If we lose ourselves so easily, how do we then cope with our children, teenagers in particular whose battle is more sophisticated than ours, by reason of age and time they find themselves?

      It’s not everything that must be condemn, and thrash talk, some will do better if we act in understanding, correct with patience and confidence but I tell you, that’s a high (tough) thing to do… And it’s the real thing we must learn to do.

    • Praying Parents Prayer Group Christian Ministry (3pG)

      Another devil’s strategy, is this, men think if I make more money my wife will respect me and obey me, and women think if I can make my own money, my husband will not thrash talk me and push me around anyhow…and so the rat race and unwritten competition to make more money…all the while, consciously or not, children are left to themselves…

      By the time the race is done, behavior and lifestyles are formed, children have learn to make choices independent of mommies and daddies, and attempt to make changes, by the parents, that’s if they are sensitive enough to see on time, will be resisted and always too difficult.

      Once there is unhealthy competition and rivalry between a man and his wife, don’t expect too much from the children. These are some areas we often overlooked.

    • Author gravatar

      Hmm, how do we measure over strictness? I don’t think there is a parameter for it than that we should train up a child in the way he should go.

      Being strict or not does not determine whether your children will tell you secrets or not.

      Even at being strict, be your child’s best friend, don’t be a stranger to him or her. There’s a Yoruba saying that ‘when you correct/chastise a child with left your hand, pull the child close with your right hand. Be part of their growth in all aspects.

      It’s very possible to be strict in love, I’m a strict mother and my children still tell me things very personal to them though they are still young…
      I hear things like “mummy, There’s a little hair on my armpit and private part” “I have my first wet dream” “my breast is paining me, it want to grow” etc and with such personal comments, I’m assured I I’m winning their trust even as a strict mother.

      It is this issue above that has made mothers soft like vegetables, not wanting to correct their children so they don’t hide things from them, that is not the mind of God at all.
      The Bible says spare the rod and spoil the child.
      Besides, if all you know is morning devotion then be glad you are a step ahead, just add some monitoring and follow up with love.

      The above is my opinion on parenting.

      May God help us indeed to be up and doing in every aspect of our children’s lives, and may we not be misguided by social media in training our children in the way of God in Jesus name

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